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Suggestions for 0 A.D.


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On 27/02/2021 at 9:07 AM, Dragonoar said:

Some suggestions:

1. Projectile trails

Right now projectiles are hard to see, especially when zoomed out. This is exacerbated by projectiles not having impact sounds, and the audio is out of sync so sometimes you have silent arrows or sounds that play midflight. Another easy way to fix this is by making the projectiles bigger (and I mean much bigger).

2. "I need [resource]" button for MP

Perhaps this can further be expanded into a 'Give [resource]' button prompt (100 default, 500 shift click) - so you don't have to open the diplomacy panel - and/or a chat wheel system, with "Yes", "No", "Help", "Attacking", etc. 

3. Visible production/research progress bar below the capture point

IIRC this was in AoE 2 DE and I find this feature quite nice. Also useful to tell which buildings are idle thus maximizing APM count as well. In MP I see people queueing 5 women then forgetting about it. 

4. Flags for unit destination

Unless you're queue building houses it's hard to tell where your units are going. We already have flags for garrison so I think we can use that.

I think these are good suggestions. What I would suggest similar to point 3, is the following(Maybe Dragonoar meant the same thing):

Most players put their buildings on a control group and then we get an Icon on the Left of the screen. I would be nice if that icon would contain a bar(or the green shade we see when selecting the building) which provides information on the progress of the unit creation. So you will be able to notice if a unit is in training and how long it takes to pop out. Also the amount of units that you train could be shown.


For the I need resources button, In MP would it be an idea that if you press a key (for example like tab), a drop-down menu appears and it shows how many resources your allies have. In that case you don´t need to ask team mates if they have excess resources, but rather can check it for yourself. On the other hand, this might have negative impact with players demanding that you send your excess resources to them.

Edited by LetswaveaBook
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4 hours ago, LetswaveaBook said:

For the I need resources button, In MP would it be an idea that if you press a key (for example like tab), a drop-down menu appears and it shows how many resources your allies have. In that case you don´t need to ask team mates if they have excess resources, but rather can check it for yourself. On the other hand, this might have negative impact with players demanding that you send your excess resources to them.

Apart from the hotkey, you can already see the resources of your allies by first buying the cartography upgrade, and then hovering over your resources on the upper left corner.

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10 hours ago, thankforpieOfficial said:

make it possible for soldiers to marry women and make babies that later can level up and become heroes

LOL this cracks me up.

On a more serious note, in StarCraft series, Archons can be made by selecting two High Templars and with enough resources, essentially merged them into one Archon unit.

If we have mechanism where builder can be deleted after building completed, we can implement this.

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The feet movement of many units and their speed are not synchronised. Like a forward moonwalk. Can be seen best on a low speed setting, but its visible with normal settings too. The woman seem fine, on first glance. Maybe the animation speed should be coupled with the unit speed?

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It would be nice to build an entire concept around mercenaries. Currently, the few mercenaries in game are related to the civ/faction, to the military tree. For example Scythians archers for Athenians and Thracians for Macedonians.

But it would be really cool to have mercenaries related to the map. Just a quick idea, the map could have settings for a mercenary environment, a kind of 'mercenary biome' giving a set of units that any players in the current game could recruit from. For example a map with Mediterranean flora could have also a Mediterranean set of mercenaries available, with Italics, Iberians, Cretans, Numidians etc. It could be wide (Mediterranean, Asia, Central Europe etc.), specific (Italian Peninsula, Anatolia, Greece etc.) or random for fun.

Obviously it would be cool and would bring a lot of diverse units with different aesthetics. And people like this kind of things. But I think there are even more rational arguments for it.

  • First of all, it can bring balance between the civs without bringing its related dark brothers, monotony and homogeneity. It can bring balance because some civs have historically a lack of units in certain areas, and it is therefore difficult to balance those civs in various situation. For example naval units, this is really a big issue for some civs. But if all civs have access to a variety of naval units through mercenaries in naval maps, then players start to consider a wider range of civs when playing in those maps. Obviously, I am not suggesting making all the civs the same in regard to their weaknesses and strengths, mercenaries should have a counterpart, a penalty (price, limited number or/and something else). Furthermore, some civs could have a few unique techs related to mercenaries (like Carthage could have for example). The goal is not to make Britons equally powered to Athenians in naval maps for example, no. It is simply to eliminate an entire blind spot. Because there is a huge difference between a civ with weak navy and a civ totally useless in this matter.
  • Second aspect, it would give more spotlight to other cultures that are interesting and/or appreciated by everyone but not planned in the game roadmap. Especially in the case where 0AD do not add a dozen factions easily, it would be appreciated by modders and people making historical campaigns in the future. Samnites, Thracians, Germans, Cantabrians, Lusitanians, Numidians, Scythians, Rhaetians, Illyrians and a dozen more interesting people.
  • Finally, it is a flexible concept that can be easily adapted to the game. It could be gaia entities in the map to capture to get the possibility to recruit the mercenaries (I think Delenda Est is doing this) but it could be also directly from a building every civ has (an embassy for example). Or even lazier, from the market. To not make the mercenaries the equivalent of the common roster, there are many possibilities to add negative aspects nerfing them, with the idea to find the golden mean.


Edited by Genava55
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Maybe alongside with mercenary camps, there could also be capturable minor civ settlements (like aoe3 natives).

IE: On hypothetical Lybian map you'd have mercenary camp and Lybian settlements

Mercenary camp would train Mediterannean mercs (Numidian cav, Balearics, Iberians, Gaul swordsman etc) for a metal cost.

Lybian settlement would train Lybian units for a cost of wood and food, and maybe hold some Lybian related improvements.



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On 17/03/2021 at 00:19, Genava55 said:

Ce serait bien de construire tout un concept autour des mercenaires. Actuellement, les quelques mercenaires en jeu sont liés à la civ / faction, à l'arbre militaire. Par exemple, les archers Scythes pour les Athéniens et les Thraces pour les Macédoniens.

Mais ce serait vraiment cool d'avoir des mercenaires liés à la carte. Juste une idée rapide, la carte pourrait avoir des paramètres pour un environnement mercenaire, une sorte de `` biome mercenaire '' donnant un ensemble d'unités dans lesquelles tous les joueurs du jeu en cours pourraient recruter. Par exemple, une carte avec la flore méditerranéenne pourrait avoir aussi un ensemble méditerranéen de mercenaires disponibles, avec des italiques, des ibères, des crétois, des numides etc. Elle pourrait être large (Méditerranée, Asie, Europe centrale etc.), spécifique (péninsule italienne, Anatolie, Grèce etc.) ou aléatoire pour le plaisir.

De toute évidence, ce serait cool et apporterait beaucoup d'unités diverses avec une esthétique différente. Et les gens aiment ce genre de choses. Mais je pense qu'il y a des arguments encore plus rationnels pour cela.

  • Tout d'abord, il peut apporter un équilibre entre les civs sans apporter ses frères sombres apparentés, la monotonie et l'homogénéité. Cela peut apporter un équilibre parce que certaines civs ont historiquement un manque d'unités dans certaines zones, et il est donc difficile d'équilibrer ces civs dans diverses situations. Par exemple, les unités navales, c'est vraiment un gros problème pour certaines civilisations. Mais si toutes les civilisations ont accès à une variété d'unités navales via des mercenaires sur les cartes navales, les joueurs commencent à envisager un plus large éventail de civilisations lorsqu'ils jouent sur ces cartes. Evidemment, je ne propose pas de rendre toutes les civs identiques en ce qui concerne leurs faiblesses et leurs forces, les mercenaires devraient avoir une contrepartie, une pénalité (prix, nombre limité ou / et autre chose). De plus, certaines civilisations pourraient avoir quelques technologies uniques liées aux mercenaires (comme Carthage pourrait en avoir par exemple).Il s'agit simplement d'éliminer un angle mort entier. Parce qu'il y a une énorme différence entre une civilisation avec une marine faible et une civilisation totalement inutile dans ce domaine.
  • Deuxième aspect, cela donnerait plus de lumière à d'autres cultures intéressantes et / ou appréciées de tous mais non prévues dans la feuille de route du jeu. Surtout dans le cas où 0AD n'ajoute pas facilement une douzaine de factions, cela serait apprécié par les moddeurs et les personnes faisant des campagnes historiques dans le futur. Samnites, Thraces, Allemands, Cantabres, Lusitaniens, Numides, Scythes, Rhétiques, Illyriens et une douzaine de personnes plus intéressantes.
  • Enfin, c'est un concept flexible qui peut être facilement adapté au jeu. Il peut s'agir d'entités gaia sur la carte à capturer pour avoir la possibilité de recruter des mercenaires (je pense que Delenda Est le fait) mais cela pourrait aussi être directement à partir d'un bâtiment que chaque civ possède (une ambassade par exemple). Ou encore plus paresseux, du marché. Pour ne pas faire des mercenaires l'équivalent de la liste commune, il existe de nombreuses possibilités pour ajouter des aspects négatifs les nerf, avec l'idée de trouver le juste milieu.


explore + warcraft 3 style ? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

- make online matches loadable

- allow replays from loaded matches

- if a match crashes, try to create an automatical savegame from that

- make it possible to create savegames from a replay at any point

- make a technical solution so that players who quit rated matches and not come back will lose the match

- prefer "repair building" over "drop resources" and add a hotkey for "drop resources"

- if a unit repairs a dropsite it should automatically drop resources there

- implement the autociv mod (especially autotrain and selections)

- the Diaspora tech should also work with CCs and worker elephants

- change mercenaries stats and their tech back to the A23 state  - mercenaries are currently bad units


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  • 2 weeks later...

- add more battle music tracks to the mix, there is currently only 1 battle track which is very repetitive and stressy

- don't stop music in replays

- don't restart the main music theme while navigating in menu and lobby, just let the playlist run until a game starts

- switch places of the buttons "passive behaviour" and "stand ground behaviour" because thats more logical

- passive units should not abuse run speed. Chasing units shouldnt do that neither. run speed should only be available for formationing

- markets and ports should make gather points in a way that the trader / trader ship creates resources immediately

- markets and ports should be able to make gather points which are a trade routes between 2 other buildings, not involving that particular port/market.

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I really like the current soundtrack. Would appreciate more new pieces from Omri Lahav. Perhaps we should add more pieces with Mauryan theme or Persian theme as these currently only have 1 or 2 soundtracks. 

On 05/04/2021 at 10:16 AM, Player of 0AD said:

- change mercenaries stats and their tech back to the A23 state  - mercenaries are currently bad units

Mercenaries and auxiliaries are bad in wars, which is a fact, because they desert in battles and riot when there is peace. To reflect this we can decrease the cost of mercenaries and auxiliaries but also cut down their attack stats. 

I would also suggest adding a loyalty value to units as well as realistic soldiers would not always be 100% loyal and dare to charge into a crowd of cavalry alone. The enemy can undermine loyalty by corruption or bribing your units. Heroes should be able to boost loyalty. We should also enable a capture mechanics as there is a summary for this but it is always no units. 

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57 minutes ago, Yekaterina said:

I really like the current soundtrack. Would appreciate more new pieces from Omri Lahav. Perhaps we should add more pieces with Mauryan theme or Persian theme as these currently only have 1 or 2 soundtracks. 

IIRC, @OmriLahav has a busy professional career now. :) We might be able to beg him for a couple more tracks though. ;)


57 minutes ago, Yekaterina said:

Mercenaries and auxiliaries are bad in wars, which is a fact, because they desert in battles and riot when there is peace. To reflect this we can decrease the cost of mercenaries and auxiliaries but also cut down their attack stats. 

I would also suggest adding a loyalty value to units as well as realistic soldiers would not always be 100% loyal and dare to charge into a crowd of cavalry alone. The enemy can undermine loyalty by corruption or bribing your units. Heroes should be able to boost loyalty. We should also enable a capture mechanics as there is a summary for this but it is always no units. 

With 'Upkeep' being a new feature for A25, perhaps we can add that for mercenaries where they cost X amount of metal every Y minutes (I'm going to experiment with it for DE using the coin resource). The feature makes the mercenaries unresponsive to the player if they run out of metal (or whatever upkeep resource they require). 



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On 26/02/2021 at 7:12 PM, nifa said:

I had some ideas, it's not a complete suggestion but maybe i can get the discussion running:)

Right now there are only 3 kind of diplomatic relations, which are Neutral, Enemy and Ally. I think it might be nice to add "unknown", as I've seen people many people requesting here on the forum. Further, right now all three diplomatic relations are balanced. Adding uneven relations, like Vassal state / Hegemonic state could add some dynamics to the gameplay. The idea is, that when you have heavily damaged an opponent, you can make him your vassal and focus on other opponents, while still being able to have some control over him. On the other hand the vassal has the opportunity to come back to power in later game.

As far as i see in alpha 24 there are three variables to be controlled, which are whether attack is possible, shared vision and shared dropsites. More possible variables could be:

Territory invasion: Make it unpossible to move units into another players territory (unless support units). This could also prevent some sneaky moves

Continious tribute: Paying a percentage of all gathered resources (not at once, but like out of 10 wood gathered 1 goes to the hegemonic power)

Production ban on siege: Make it impossible to produce rams, catapults etc

In the end this could look like this:


This is only a basic idea, other ideas are welcome:) Allied and team might be one too much, out of Protectorate and vassal state one might be enough too. Historical correctness might be improved. So far all relations only have effects between the two parties, maybe an effect on the relation with others is desired, like abolishing trade with a third party and so on

Hey hello! I was browsing around the many ideas flowing and I've found this. I just wanted to bring it up, because I think it offers some interesting points to spicen up the diplomatic game :) I think diplomacy is usually neglected but maybe there's potential for some interesting variations in the gameplay if expanded a bit more .. why not? Definitely not the priority at the moment but I think is worth considering .. what do you guys think? 


Edited by Radiotraining
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Ideas proposals to make it more "realistic" :

Taxes : Every unit gives a metal trickle.

Food consumption : Every unit cost food (negative food trickle) -> once you reach 0 food your unit start to die. (inspired by "Cossacks"/"American Conquest")

Every unit are train as simple citizen, In order to get soldier you have to send your unit to your barracks to get equipement and military training. In other word training a soldier cost a citizen. (inspired by "Cossacks"/"American Conquest")


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4 hours ago, Edwarf said:

Taxes : Every unit gives a metal trickle.

Hmm, champion units are already at your militairy service and instead of getting paid, they pay taxes. Citizen soldiers spent all day chopping wood and give all wood they chop to their overlord and in addition to that they are expected to pay taxes. I knew there should have been some cruel tyrants though...

If this game was like the stronghold series, where peasants would spawn for free, eat your food, drink your beer and pray at your churches then taxes would be justified.

Edited by LetswaveaBook
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1 minute ago, LetswaveaBook said:

Hmm, champion units are already at your militairy service and instead of getting paid, they pay taxes. Citizen soldiers spent all day chopping wood and give all wood they chop to their overlord and in addition to that they are expected to pay taxes. I knew there should have been some cruel tyrants though...

Haha yes, it's just ideas :)

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