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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The first shield pattern with the lame stripe really bothers me for some reason. There's zero creativity and it's strange.
  2. There are also different sizes of crossbows. The ones depicted for the standard Han Crossbowman are smaller personal weapons with a lower draw strength than the siege crossbows shown for the Macedonians where you need the force of your upper body to help push/pull the draw mechanism. The Han of course also had larger crossbows as well.
  3. They are already differentiated by dynasty. Mauryas and Han.
  4. This is very good! It'll be in DE for A27 and in the base game for R28. The hanging banner consistent with the Pirate ship sail is a nice touch.
  5. I'd honestly rather it be something in the game world rather than an options menu item. But either way, that would be ideal. But to make either option attractive, we gotta rebalance capturing vs. attacking.
  6. I think the problem is that building hitpoints (or resistance/armor) weren't adjusted to balance. :/
  7. Even "Celts" comes from Greek "Keltoi." Is that true @Genava55?
  8. True, so it makes sense to differentiate.
  9. We did group them when it was 1 civ. We only differentiated them by name when we split them up into their constituent civs.
  10. I'm actually partial to naming the civ Cimbri again. I've done so in my own mod.
  11. The game is built in English, so "Germans" and "Germany" is correct in English. And in the German language as far as I know, the word for Germanic people is Germanen.
  12. Indeed. The real problem is that it takes too long to destroy a building.
  13. I don't think this behavior is much different from A26, except they would try to capture it instead of destroying it.
  14. I lose this one, lol: I try some kind of flanking thing. Need to perfect it better.
  15. Looks better, but one of the problems with formations is that they auto-focus attacks onto one target, so there is a ton ton ton of overkill (lost attack value). Ideal, units within formation should spread their attacks across the full width of the formation.
  16. I like Socrates as a hero because he actually fought in battles as a hoplite before becoming the famous philosopher. He even saved Alcibiades' life, I believe, when the Athenians were routed at the Battle of Delion, and was given a commendation for bravery. His execution was a reactionary blight on the Athenian government, similar in my mind to what they did to all of those poor generals and admirals after that naval battle they won (lol). You wouldn't disqualify Thucydides for having been banished, would you?
  17. Right. I was thinking his nearby presence could make a building work faster (productionqueue; training and research).
  18. I propose this: Keep Hippocrates, but move him to the Greek shrines, that way you can capture a shrine and then train him (just once per player). He's not bound to any specific civ. For an Athenian non-combat hero, I suggest Socrates and we come up with some other kind of bonus for him besides healing. Perhaps the Athenian version of the Han Minister or (Maur) Chanakya.
  19. At some point, yeah. Just takes someone with coding experience to get annoyed by the current behavior and create a PR fixing/extending it.
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