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  1. In Belfast we had a 0ad gaming session in a new esports cafe on Friday night. All newbie gamers so hoping some of them stick around.
    12 points
  2. Buenas tardes a todos. Escribo este post para agradecer a todo el equipo de 0 A.D. su tiempo y también a la comunidad por la cantidad absurda de horas de disfrute que este juego me ha brindado. Creo que ya es hora de cambiar de aires y dejar el juego ya que no me aporta nada mas. Han sido bastantes años en los que he estado jugando en los cuales he aportado mi tiempo y dedicación además de nubear juegos contra @borg-. No tiene sentido seguir jugando a un juego el cual ya no me motiva a seguir progresando. Solo me queda agradecer a todos aquellos jugadores y personal de WFG por todos los buenos momentos y horas de entretenimiento que hemos pasado juntos. Con algo de tristeza pero con ganas de empezar un nuevo ciclo me despido de todos vosotros. Pero con la alegría de haber hecho amigos. Solo queda desearos a todos que os vaya genial. Estaré jugando AoM Retold intentando llegar al top, si alguien tiene el juego y quiere desafiarme por mi genial .
    5 points
  3. I'm glad to announce that the Tips and Tricks page will be part of Alpha 27! The pull request has been merged this morning. See commit 1792f0d065.
    5 points
  4. Colossus of Rhodes complete, by @nifa
    5 points
  5. Face textures update, work in progress. I currently have two at the moment, second variant has more facial hair, similar to existing head textures for the Iberians.
    5 points
  6. @Vantha That is exactly what I wondered years ago. So I created an animation "framework" that works on-top of the UI code. If you know some javascript I'm sure you can extend what I did to support your use case of animated sprites. Here is the link to the code. https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv/blob/master/gui/common/animateGUIManager.js You are free to modify however you want. A good thing about the link, the class list the full extend of what you can possible change UI wise from the JS side. In my time, I did some deep research in the c++ UI engine code. (maybe some things have changed in 4 years)
    4 points
  7. I found my motivation to pick it up again and now I think it's ready for commit. I made two versions, one naked and one covered. The pedestal uses a karthago texture. Could someone experienced commit it if you think it's good enough? @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Stan` I added a mod for everyone to test. colossus.zip
    4 points
  8. Dug out a spare wifi card I had left over from another laptop I worked on. This one is still Realtek, but a slightly older model and it worked great. I'm not sure if the card itself was faulty, or if the firmware available for it on Debian just isn't the greatest. Either way though, we just played a round of 0 A.D. and had no problems for the entire duration, so problem solved, :-)
    4 points
  9. I'm already on it. Give me a few more days.
    3 points
  10. You have no idea how excited that is to me. Of course, we're not 100% done (only half the civilizations about), but the stuff we have is in my opinion shippable and things like images and art can be added as we go on.
    3 points
  11. Good job @nifa. You now have 2 great art assets that'll go into next release. Looks great^ So much better than the old statue.
    3 points
  12. My understand is that 6948 was just meant to deal with the building vs. unit issue. A unit will still be high priority (despite not being hittable) if it is within min range. In checking that a higher priority unit exists, this unit would also have to be in the allowed range, so I think a single solution could solve both these issues.
    3 points
  13. This is a new approach to map design, using algorithms to determine key elements. The topography, placement of towns, and locations of mines are dictated by mathematical functions, while textures and trees exhibit only minimal randomness. The randomness is largely restricted to the parameters of these functions, allowing for controlled variability. A major advantage of this approach is that it enables the creation of very large-scale structures, particularly long cliffs. I focused on several key aspects: map generation should be fast, the topography should present a challenge, and the entire terrain should be accessible with minimal wasted space. Additionally, each player should have an equally balanced environment, which is why the terrain is rotationally symmetric. The topography consists entirely of cliffs, each with a steep side and a gentle slope. As a result, there are no prominent mountains, and the overall height profile remains uniform. My goal is to define maps based on the length of cliffs, the asperity (the distance between cliffs), and the number of directional changes. I also want to create distinct areas with varying asperity, such as plains and valleys compared to more rugged regions. I've attached a first test version of the map and would love for you to give it a try. While I've already tested to ensure that the bots navigate without getting stuck, I’m relatively new to this kind map design and haven't played 0 A.D. for over a year. As a result, I may not be the best judge of whether the map is truly engaging or balanced. That’s where you come in! Your experience and feedback would be invaluable in refining the map. I’m eager to hear your thoughts on how it plays and whether it offers a fun and challenging experience. proc20240927a.zip proc20240927a.zip
    3 points
  14. Two new maps, which are quite similar. I made the long cliffs more in a direction from center to edge, giving every player a pielike place, funneling all attacks through the center of the map. But bots can't handle this topographie very well. Even with an ensured path to everyone else, the often stand on the cliffs hurling missiles at each other. While citizen go on huge walks just to gather some resources just on the other side of the cliff. Also just one tower close to the edge of the cliff can deplete an entire economy, because the bots are just ignore them. And it seems sometimes warriors just stand around, just as they are stucked. Even a noob like me can win easily when exploiting these flaws. These maps may only work well with human players. The first map 'a' has longer cliffs inside the own territory, the map 'b' has an additional valley. Below you see an undistorted "heightmap" of 'a' and 'b'. This gives the basic idea of the map, since the distorsion will not change the logic, the pathes, that you can choose. Observe, that all maps are rotationally symmetric in nearly every aspect. The trees are randomly set, but in a determined area, which are again rotationally symmetric. Also the textures are randomly, but have determined areas for different sets of texture. Also every base have some starting resources, which are the same for every base (except the kind of tree is random, and the angle of the resources is random). The bases are aligned to the basic grid, that should make adding infrastructure more easy. With texture but without mines and forest the 'b' looks like this: with all the distorsion but without resources it looks like this. 20240928.zip
    3 points
  15. In ancient Greek, the Colossus of Rhodes had several names: ὁ Ἥλιος Ῥόδιος, ho Hélios Rhódios ("the Rhodian Helios"), ὁ κολοσσὸς Ῥόδιος, ho kolossòs Rhódios ("the Rhodian colossus") or ὁ ἐν Ῥόδῳ κολοσσός, ho en Rhodô kolossós ("the colossus of Rhodes"). In Latin, it was called Colossus Solis Rhodi or Solis Colossus Rhodi ("colossus of the Sun of Rhodes").
    3 points
  16. Nice work! The colors of the roofs are often very similar to the colors of walls and other parts of the structures. I think that makes it difficult to quickly identify the building, which is especially important for multiplayer. I think it would be good to make the tile-based roofs either a darker brown or a darker grey.
    3 points
  17. Hi @Grapjas, I signed the mod! Amazing work. I would love to see the sandstorms in the vanilla game!
    3 points
  18. SaidRdz been spamming yt the last days: https://www.youtube.com/@SaidRdz0AD/videos
    3 points
  19. @real_tabasco_sauceYeah i plan to expand upon it with different types of envoirementals in the future with some even having some beneficial effects. It's technically an template entity with an aura. I made a small component for the moving and spawning, but needs a map script[1][2] i made so that i can control what maps get what types of envoirementals. Not familiar with the random map gen code but i guess it should be failry easily if you wanted to.
    3 points
  20. Big update! New structure: Braziers! Ranged units near it will shoot flaming projectiles and apply burning. Can be toggled on or off. While on it consumes 1 wood per second. Han civilization is working Arcing projectiles! (thanks to @BB code with some of my own modifications to it) Improved rearm aura code Numerous prop & animation fixes Code cleanup Better flaming projectiles Walls can be built on top of tree's (tree's will be destroyed upon completion) Improved tooltips (added ammo and energy stats to them aswell) Unit resistance corrections Pikeman and spearman cav bonus fixed Add bleed status effect to the game (dogs have this now) Envoirementals like sandstorms! (just sandstorm for now). They will spawn randomly throughout the game and move around and dissapear after some time. Sandstorm effects: Slowly damages organic units caught within and heavily reduces vision range. sandstorm maps: atlas valleys, butana steppe, crocodilopolis, death canyon, egypt, golden oasis, hindu kush, libyan oasis (2p, 4p), median oasis (2p, 4p), saharan oasis (2p, 4p), sahel, syria, team oasis, tarim basin (2p, 4p) Probably other new stuff i forgot to note down along the way. sandstorm.mp4 sandstorm showcase arcing_fire_projectiles.mp4 brazier & arcing projectiles showcase Updated orignal post download links. @Stan`when you have time can you take a look and approve on modio? Also why is my orignal post hidden after edit?
    3 points
  21. I have to admit that I missed this reference. I'm all for including it then. Thanks for pointing it out.
    2 points
  22. We still have a few things to iron out and other things to merge like the encyclopedia, moderation tools, spidermonkey update ... Also the migration to gitea currently means we cannot make bundles like we used to, so that has to be fixed.
    2 points
  23. I really appreciate this feature as I've been trying to make myself more resistant to cav rushes. One missing aspect of snapping seems to be for palisades and walls. In the meantime there is progress on wall segments deleting trees upon completion. To complement that it would be great to snap palisades and wall segments to other buildings to help eliminate holes!
    2 points
  24. @nani Cool. Looks very well structured and thought-through. And pretty versatile. I'll see what I can do with it. I would love to see the entire framework getting added to the main game. Thanks for telling me about it.
    2 points
  25. Sieges engine shouldn't be usable as main units in army, instead they should be tactical units to add to a combo. In vanilla a26, bolts fulfill this role, also because of it's limitations (pack time, min range), but with good stats (good damage and range). Instead of seeking to make bolts spamable superchamps, sieges towers could have been balanced to reach this status too, with for example a capture aura buff or something instead of hit and run op arrows. The more tactical units you can use for combos, the more micro that isn't the classical 'snipe and dance' will add and make battles more interesting. If the issues is that microing too much unit type is too hard, then maybe adding features to ease base micro can improve players experience. Well I already know the trend will go exactly against what I say above as it have been explained to me enough times.
    2 points
  26. Ok, so because the hotkeys were interfering (both set to ctrl), I heeded @Vantha's advice and just made a new hotkey called "Focus Fire". This is what you use to make the red crosshair appear and only control the building's arrows. It is unbound by default, and for now I let users know this in the loading screen tip.
    2 points
  27. What will the tooltip say? Probably something like: "Building arrows can be controlled independently of the rally point. Right-clicking on an enemy sets both the rally point and building arrows to that enemy (Right). Use [ctrl] to only set the rally point on an enemy (middle), and use [force-attack] to only target the building arrows on an enemy (left)."
    2 points
  28. Yes, it looks much better. I'm so used to low settings I forget how real the game can look! I guess the cursors look a little fuzzy, but I meant to make them large.
    2 points
  29. My slow descent into madness playing against @borg- or @ValihrAnt
    2 points
  30. You were absolutely correct here. I inverted the Green channel in the normal map and now it looks 100% better. I'd say my favorite detail by far is the added realism of the "banding" of the metal texture in the normal map. That's a great nod to realism that sets this one apart from many of the others you'd see. Great job! And I'll probably pick a different texture for the base pedestal, but you did a good job there too. I believe the descriptions do say the base for the statue was octagonal. Know what would make a really awesome detail is if we had the ability to slowly transition between textures, so that we could slowly convert the shiny bronze look to a greenish duller look as if patina is slowly being applied by the environment. Maybe make it take about 10 minutes of game time. That would be cool. But as it is, I'd love to actually implement a "Capture the Wonder" mode for the game. Would it be the most popular mode? No, but it would add some nice variety and would add more options for campaign maps or scenarios.
    2 points
  31. Keep the carnyx for the Celts. I think it would be a better idea to give only a draco banner carrier to the Dacians.
    2 points
  32. - @Obskiuras , aquí un listado de unidades, yo no hice casi nada , tengo alguna textura y referencias; Unidades ;(27) Infantería ;(6) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles "y "centro urbano") 1.Lancero;-----------------------------------------------(...comati ) 2.Escaramuzador;--------------------------------------( ...comati) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles") 1.Lancero;-----------------------------------------------( ...comati) 2.Escaramuzador;--------------------------------------( ...comati) 3.Espadachín(esdada Falx a dos manos);-----------(...comati ) 4.Arquero ;-----------------------------------------------(...comati) 5.Hacha(un filo y escudo);-----------------------------(...comati ) 6.Alabardero(lanza con punta Falx y escudo);------(...comati ) (Reclutados en ;"Galería de tiro") 2.Escaramuzador;--------------------------------------( ...comati) 4.Arquero ;-----------------------------------------------(...comati) Infantería campeona;(3) (Reclutados en ;" Cámara del tesoro") 7.Campeón Dacio (hacha doble filo a dos manos,pieles de lobo);-----( ) 8.Aristócrata Dacio(venablos,casco ornamentado, armadura);---------( ) 9.Drago carnyx (esdada Falx una mano);----------------------------------( ) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles "y "Cámara del tesoro") 9.Drago carnyx (esdada Falx);-------------------------------( ) Infantería auxiliar ;(2) (Reclutados en ;"Campamento Getae ") 10.Hondero auxiliar Getae ;------------------------------------( ) 11.Espadachín auxiliar Getae(2 espadas sica);---------------( ) Caballería;(2) (Reclutados en ;" establos") 12.Jinete lancero ;-----------------------------------------( ) 13.jinete Escaramuzador ;--------------------------------( ) (Reclutados en ;" Establos "y "centro urbano") 12.Jinete Escaramuzador ;----------------------------------( ) Caballería de élite;(2) (Reclutados en ;"Cámara del tesoro") 14. Jinete hacha campeón(dos filos) ;--------------------( ) 15. Jinete escaramuzador campeón;----------------------( ) (Reclutados en ;" Establos "y "Cámara del tesoro") 15. Jinete escaramuzador campeón;--------------------( ) Caballería auxiliar (1) (Reclutados en ;" Campamento Getae ") 16.jinete espadachín Getae;------------------------------( ) Civiles;(3) (Reclutados en ;" centro urbano"y "casa") 17. Mujer;---------------------------------------------------( ) (Reclutados en ;"Mercado ") 18. Comerciante/a(carromato);---------------------------( ) (Reclutados en ;"Templo ") 19. Sacerdote/isa;-------------------------------------------( ) Armas de asedio;(2) (Reclutados en ;" Taller de Asedio") 20.Ariete;------------------------------------( ) 21.Balista/escorpión;----------------------( ) Navíos ;(2) (Reclutados en ;" Puerto") 22.Balsa pesquera/o;---------------------------( ) 23.Navío mercante ;----------------------------( ) 24.Navío militar ;--------------------------------( ) Héroes ;(3) (Reclutados en ;"Asamblea ") 25.Burebista;-----------------------------( ) 82-44 a.C(Fundó el imperio.) 26.Oroles;-------------------------------( )200 a.C (Detuvo invasiones de tribus extranjeras ) 27.Rubobostes;--------------------------( ) 168 a.C (Expulsó y asimiló a celtas y otras etnias) Lista reyes dacios Para "ia": 1. -Oroles (200 a.C ) 2. -Rhemaxos (200 a.C-168 a.C) 3. -Rubobostes (168 a.C ) 4. -Thiamarkos (100- a.C) 5. -Guiltdacus (100-82 a.C)venció al celta Brenno. 6. -Burebista (82-44 a.C) Emperador 7. -Deceneus (61-45 a.C) sumo sacerdote cogobernante con Burebista 8. -Commius (57 -22 a.C) 9. -Coson (44- a.C - 9 a.C) 10. -Comoiscus (44 a.C- 9 a.C ) 11. -Cotiso (40 a.C- 9 a.C) 12. -Comosicus (9 a.C- 30 d.C) (No puse ningún rey Getae porque aún nadie me aclara 100% en si eran dacios , tracios , mestizos ...) Disculpen las molestias*
    2 points
  33. Would love to add this to DE. Or just add it to base game so it can be used elsewhere.
    2 points
  34. Posts from: https://twitter.com/Durotrigesdig The mighty Bozedown Camp #Oxfordshire in its Iron Age heyday An utterly gorgeous recreation of the 28.5ha marvel © Mark Gridley for @ChilternsAONB Beacons of the Past In 1937, Alan Sorrell, working with Mortimer Wheeler, created this dramatic image of a #Roman attack on the East gate of Maiden Castle for the Dec 4th 1937 issue of *The Illustrated London News* A #HillfortsWednesday bonus pic Beautifully atmospheric recreation of the Iron Age *banjo enclosure* from Baker's Pit #Kernow / #Cornwall @CwallWildlife by Phoebe Herring@Ph0ebeHerring for @PenwithLP An Iron Age hillfort reimagined The mighty trivallate Castle-an-Dinas #Kernow / #Cornwall, looked after by @Heritage_Trust, lives again in this sumptuous recreation by the supremely talented Phoebe Herring for @PenwithLP It's time for #hillforts !! Here's the magnificently monumental Western entrance to Maiden Castle Iron Age hillfort #Dorset: now (AD 2016) © Jo and Sue Crane and then (200 BC) © Peter Urmston / English Heritage A magnificent recreation of Maiden Castle in its Middle Iron Age phase © Peter Dunn / English Heritage looking north It shows perhaps fewer roundhouses than the geophysical survey suggests, but gives a great idea of the developed hillfort in its heyday An aerial view of Maiden Castle over the west gate looking east © Paul Birkbeck / English Heritage shows fewer (larger) roundhouses than indicated by excavation and geophysical survey, but gives an excellent idea of the appearance of the developed hillfort An updated reconstruction of well-organised Middle Iron Age activity in the SW corner of Maiden Castle hillfort © Peter Urmston / English Heritage Who says there were no towns in Britain before the Romans? Sacrificing a bull within the innermost (Early Bronze Age) ditch enclosed by Figsbury Ring Iron Age hillfort #Wiltshire @nationaltrust A brilliantly evocative recreation © Julia Lillo 2021 for @NatTrustArch Here's the wonderfully named enclosure of Bloodgate Hill #Norfolk gloriously recreated in its Iron Age heyday © Sue Walker White @NorfolkHeritage for the 2005 @NorfArchTrust signboard A stunning recreation of Slade Oak Lane Middle Iron Age enclosure © Mark Gridley Based on work by @oatweet on the M25 Orbital it makes us wonder how impressive prehistoric gate structures may have been The reconstructions of Old Oswestry hillfort on the @EnglishHeritage signboards are stunning It's the first #HillfortsWednesday of 2023 Here's a gorgeous recreation of Taplow Iron Age hillfort #Buckinghamshire @ChilternsAONB © Mark Gridley / chilterns conservation board
    2 points
  35. Hi, following up on this to suggest that the Wonder for the Britons should not be named "Emain Macha" (Navan Fort), and that it could instead be "Maiden Castle". I live quite close to the site of Emain Macha and it is not on the island of Britain/Britannia. It is in Ireland/Hibernia and I believe that should be a different civ to Britons. Our legends include the site of Emain Macha and 'heros' such as Cu Chullain, Queen Maebh and Ferdia. The anglicised name of 'An Emain' became 'Navan'. The term 'British Isles' is a modern British idea and is insulting to the Irish. I would prefer to see a new faction for Ireland/Hibernia/Ulidia/Gaels that would include the heros mentioned above and Emain Macha as the wonder. I am happy to contribute but I suck at Blender.
    2 points
  36. https://www.tf.uni-kiel.de/matwis/amat/iss/kap_b/backbone/rb_1_2.html https://www.tf.uni-kiel.de/matwis/amat/iss/index.html Addendum: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Crafting-Swords.-The-emergence-and-production-of-in-Bunnefeld/2e878f1c28499e22636c896ef84aeb24c4c8c8f7/figure/24
    2 points
  37. Ok so I have made some developments: 20240916-0307-49.9922231.mp4 In the above are some nice UI improvements: Instead of the arrow, a rally point cursor appears when a unit's destination is just to a particular location. When all a structure's firepower (building arrows AND degarrisoned soldiers) are to be sent to a particular enemy unit, the familiar sword icon appears. This is the behavior if no hotkeys are involved. If you press ctrl ("autorally" hotkey, for example used to garrison trained soldiers back into the selected building), the rally point alone is set to that enemy and building arrows remain untargeted if you press "force attack" (unfortunately this is also ctrl by default), you are in command of the building arrows and only the building arrows. shown by the red crosshairs. Also, the arrows now fire in sort of volleys or bursts, rather than a constant stream of arrows. This means they can be dodged to a degree, which is fun. Next steps: change force attack default hotkey (or find another appropriate hotkey). add some audio feedback for when the arrows of a building are being targeted. rebalance building damage according to non-random building AI. rework building technologies and/or change building damage with each phase.
    2 points
  38. Hey, this is really cool. I'm guessing that the games only included players at the Internet cafe. I think it makes sense for newbies to have a sandbox environment for a while where they're not competing with skilled players. Later you can include people over the Internet in the games. It reminds me of the song lyric, "Here our soldiers stand / From all around the world / Waiting in a line / To hear the battle cry," from Manowar - Warriors of the World United. Before you try to make the games public, I think that some testing should be done with the cafe's Internet connection to determine whether it has carrier grade NAT, supports UPnP, etc. I can help with this if you provide advance notice.
    2 points
  39. Missisipian warriors (some speculation): https://www.artstation.com/artwork/YBGGOY
    2 points
  40. The amentum https://github.com/indoptogopt/GUI-page-for-0ads-encyclopedia/pull/5 Also, I heard some people are pushing towards more unit-type-specific armor and damage upgrades... the amentum would make for a really good one.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. yes, and it seems to be fixed in your recent mod.
    2 points
  43. Actually, I removed this line entirely here. It was part of the tip about resource gathering which ended up getting too long for the available space in the GUI. It had to be cut down and this line was not directly related to the topic anyway. That's not to say this information shouldn't be included in the tips. In fact, I believe a separate tip about unit ranks would be quite useful. To my knowledge, players are currently not taught about the game's experience system anywhere. Definitely something to keep in mind for the future.
    2 points
  44. Here is the reply commands portion. no metadata was saved though... By the way, I just played some single player games and had no issue. commands.txt
    2 points
  45. It will still be emulating. Snapdragon is an aarch64 Cpu not an x64 one. It's similar to the Apple MX chips.
    2 points
  46. Thank you, Here is the original error message that appears Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error. Please let us know at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files. You may find paths to these files at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths Details: unhandled exception (Access violation reading 0x00000410) Location: unknown:0 (?) Call stack: (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found) errno = 2 (Error during IO) OS error = 126 (The specified module could not be found.) I then followed your advice to check zombie processes and this might explain why the second time the game crashes upon open as there is indeed a task that remains running from the last close pyrogenesis.exe pyrogenesis. Once closing this it does indeed open, I want to now run it to see if it crashes after 20 minutes or so like happened the first time or if this is a one off. I wouldnt be too worried if I had to just check task manager before launching each time so long as it doesnt crash. Thanks again
    2 points
  47. What do you think of this? Is it indication enough that they're buttons?
    2 points
  48. Current progress! Design: @wowgetoffyourcellphone and @real_tabasco_sauce Artwork: @Duileoga and @wowgetoffyourcellphone and @wackyserious and @Lion.Kanzen (Early) Germans 2nd -- 1st centuries B.C. Civic Center Wagon Encampment (Upgrade) Fortified Encampment Houses Farmstead, Corral, Storehouse Barracks, Great Hall (train Champions and Heroes), Stable Market (needs and new model), Forge Temple, Arsenal Walls, Sentry Tower, Defense Tower Fortress Wonder Units
    2 points
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