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real_tabasco_sauce last won the day on July 8

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  1. Do you think the 'if' in EntityDistanceOrdering is wasteful (since it is done for each unit and each target)? I could move it out to where the stable_sort()'s are called and make an EntityDistanceOrderingRough, but this would be a little bit redundant code wise.
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I doubt OOS will be a problem, but I typically make a test mod and send it to a couple people for testing before releases.
  3. mm i think its fine only because you know what civs are capable of strong rushes like that. Also, imagine taking your starting cav off of chickens just to go find that your opponent is gauls and has been eating up chickens, so you are already at a disadvantage. Then, if they can see you, they also get info on what civ you are for free.
  4. Knowing the enemy civ lets you know the range of options your opponent has. This is fine to know at the game start. If you find out at 1:00 minute game time that your opponent is mauryans, then you may only have a minute to prepare for a big rush.
  5. Well i'd personally disagree with that. Knowing what civ you are up against helps you plan things out. Especially against civs that have strong early game units which you are unlikely to have time to notice. For instance if you don't realize you are against Maury and you aren't prepared to defend from a huge rush.
  6. Yeah knowing your enemies are up a phase is very valuable information. It is often easy to tell by territory changes in explored territory, but it does encourage some scouting. For instance if they are up very early you know you might be dealing with mercenaries or some other rush soon. On a separate note, I'd like it if territory lines were not visible in fog of war.
  7. Here are the details on this part of the reforms: Swordsmen -> legionaries, rank 3 swordsmen skirmishers -> lanciarius, rank 3 skirmisher both are trainable from the cc, barracks, and army camp for 50f 50w 15m after the reforms Cavalry availability remains the same spearmen, no matter what rank, will become "Conscript spearmen" that cannot promote. The reasons for this change was that the power spike of suddenly having so many rank 3 swordsmen from spearmen specifically was too strong. At the same time, losing the spearman unit entirely would put the civ at risk to cavalry. Also, the conscript spearman fills an economic hole that would be too problematic after the reforms.
  8. Also, please anyone leave some thoughts on the current naval balance. I haven't seen much naval gameplay, so I don't know what to change.
  9. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/pulls Here's a list of patches for the next version of the community mod. Feel free to leave comments. A short list: Champions trained from special buildings and temples train 25% faster carth sacred cav moved back to temple as a test. This is intended to greatly improve the viability of champions that come from buildings other than the barracks and stable. Han champ building cheaper 300s, 300m -> 200s, 200m loom 150 f -> 100 f team vision tech added to the market, still available in from the cc. Walls can be built over trees, destroying the trees upon completion (Thanks @Grapjas) Archer class buff: 0.2 more damage and +0.1 move speed for infantry archers. Han Crossbow buff: +1 pierce damage and +0.4 move speed (9.6 was very close to melee move speed) Ram armor rebalance: 50 pierce armor -> 30, 6 hack -> 7. Sparta adjustments: slightly longer train time for neodamodes (reduce spam) Champion train time penalty removed Syssition cost 200s, 200m -> 150s, 150 Champions in p1 hopefully more viable Champ move speed tech in p1 and cheaper. Macedonians arsenal available in p2, bolts available p2. (in a27) Romans update (in a27) fertility festival is not needed to train women from houses (civ bonus) unique tech: roman roads, global 5% movement speed buff. unique tech: marian reforms: Converts citizen soldiers to legionary infantry, which are rank 3 legionaries and lanciarius may be trained from production buildings with an cost profile of 50 food 50 wood, 15 metal. Centurions may be trained from the fortress Onager unlocked from the arsenal (Area of effect siege) I will add the athenian differentiation soon: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3727
  10. Yeah I guess this circles back to the boom = turtle discussion. I think 0ad needs a both more opportunities for early aggression and more means to counter said early aggression. That is to say add a bit more risk and reward with regard to booming.
  11. @Stan` how will the gitea version be set up for releases? Will there be some actions related to signing and uploading to modio? There are a handful of things I could put together into a new community mod release.
  12. Really? Nice work! Where/When did you do that? https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26 cool! its nice that these will be kind of centralized. Maybe we can make a branch a27, make it compatible with 0addev and merge it over at some point? That would be pretty slick. ^Although there would be a lot of file overlap, as in some cases, community mod features are just a27 stuff added for testing.
  13. Well it should probably need to be a separate instance though right? You don't want a lot of unnecessary files. I am working on a couple of mods and two of them use GitLab, which i've found pretty intuitive and easy to get started on. The nice thing is you can just clone the repository you are working on right into your mods folder. If you host feldmap for future development, i'd be happy to contribute!
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