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  1. I'd be ok with Germans or Cimbri. I suppose we could break the norm of 1 word civs and call it the Cimbrian Alliance.
  2. The were called Gastraphetes if that helps you search.
  3. H is stop, which halts existing orders. This way the stopped units check for targets anew, and if there are higher priority targets, they will instead attack those ones.
  4. ??? I don't do this. Its not even that good atm. You seem strangely biased for some reason.
  5. This has nothing to do with sniping. Sniping is where you task ranged units to shoot other ranged units beyond melee units. It was about getting past the "meatshield meta". I suppose you could cheat and set a unit's top preference to be ranged units to do this but that would be almost guaranteed to go OOS. Also it would be incredibly lame and uninteresting.
  6. One idea I thought of was to add a check for targets of higher priority than the one currently engaged if the unit is not following an order. I thought of this for bolts, but it could apply to other units too. I think AOE2 does this.
  7. Yep this is it. @Dakara, @leopard I recommend going to hotkeys and binding "attack-move (unit only)" as a replacement for the existing attack move.
  8. Well, I suppose with the issue identified (maybe just one of the issues), we probably don't need to do this today. Its telling enough that it takes place, albeit to a lesser extent, even in the first minutes of some games when CPU load from simulation should be really low.
  9. commands.txt Here is the replay I used to profile the issue.
  10. yes the icons got moved into sub-folders. Some other things as well.
  11. I read he was made an Athenian citizen, and elsewhere that Kos was in a partnership with athens during his lifetime. https://kos.gr/hippocrates/life-and-legacy
  12. did your profile generate with any errors? In my case, I ran into an error and aborted the non-visual replay, then the profile loaded ok. I had this issue with a couple of replays before I used this one (https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/issues/7589#issuecomment-111680) and aborted it after the first error. I suppose it also could be too big.
  13. Other techs make use of "any" and "all" to specify compound requirements. I think using "all" might work here.
  14. I recommend doing combat demo huge without the petra AI. It helps to have that variable out of the picture. Same for profiling.
  15. Welcome to Achilles, CĂșchulainn and Beowulf ? no. Thats not what I meant. In American cultures there is often little or no writing. So using these as inspiration makes sense.
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