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real_tabasco_sauce last won the day on November 6

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  1. in order to do some testing with multiple players, here is a mod with the overshoot change. It is based off of the current version of the community mod for a26. community-mod-overshootFix.zip
  2. also coming: a fix to food gen infinite loop in badosu balanced maps, larger forests in badosu balanced maps, foothills improvements.
  3. Could do some ptol vs roman naval campaign, like the battle of Actium
  4. In part of a multi-mission campaign, you can have some section of it be very similar to a 1v1 vs ai, like a scenario. That is a nice bridge to how civs are played in multiplayer. Also, on bridging to multiplayer, its good for some campaign missions to explain how mechanics and balance works (like naval units, damage types, auras). Then why not just use the civ as is? Why are new civs required? If some historical group is important, you don't have to represent it in totality (Ie protagonist can be ambushed by Thracian units on the way to Persia, even while we don't have a complete thracian civ). Well it completely changes the way 0ad works, so even if the ideas were excellent, having to start from scratch would mean a ton of balancing pains. The design is questionable: some civs can evolve with each phase, while others like the Han or Mauryans cannot? How do you balance that? If the Greeks can become athenians, spartans, thebans, corithians, and syracusans how on earth do you plan to play against them when any of their options can be completely different after a single phase-up? Let me explain the one click strategies part too: if strategy boils down to "I clicked syracusans but you clicked spartans, i win", this is very lame gameplay. In aoe4, casters talk less about build orders and more about which monuments players chose to beat the other. It makes it almost like a card game. Lastly, here is the worst part. Campaigns are a huge effort, i understand. But TONS of creativity is allowed! So why completely rework the multiplayer side, which depends on intricate balance and multi-layered civ design in order to supply a more rigid framework for campaigns? So, i still don't see why this system is required, unless choosing between Spartans and Athenians is an important part of a mission? <- which also makes no sense
  5. I also fail to see why completely reworking the civ design benefits campaign design. If you add on the massive detriment this would have for multiplayer in exchange for this supposed improvement to campaigns, and the work this would involve, it becomes clear that frankly this isn't a good idea.
  6. Hannibal's trip to Rome would be cool. Perfectly suited for a campaign, we have the civs, and its famous.
  7. Well it’s not prevented 100% it’s just that there is less time for the unit to travel past the max range and therefore it’s not so egregious. ie overshoot by 0.5 sec isn’t as bad as overshoot by 1.5 sec. For bolts, it’s overshoot by 1 sec versus 6.
  8. I just had a question about how this affects unit chasing when cavalry are chasing infantry. It turns out the difference is pretty minimal and is hard to capture on video. The concern was that the range checks during the repeat time would cancel a jav cav's attack, making chasing buggy and ineffective. So, i did a quick test: 5 mercenary skirm cavalry chasing 20 regular skirmishers. with the change, it took 1:46.65 to kill all the units and without, it took 1:56.49. I don't think there is a mechanism for interrupting the jav cav's attack: once the cav can attack an enemy unit, the attack will take place. What this approach eliminates is the case where a cav can launch 2 projectiles from the same spot in a chasing scenario, with the second one being substantially farther than the unit's range.
  9. Also sparta enthusiasts, I added a slight buff to the spartan hoplite itself, a 10% damage buff in the form of repeat time. This way the unit is strong without having to get the full tech tree.
  10. When i re-introduced non-random arrows to the current version, i balanced p1 building arrows on the weaker side out of an abundance of caution. 2 default arrows is closer to the sentry tower's original dps, so i think its appropriate to try it out with 2 arrows. the change to the sentry tech is important because the value of adding 1 arrow to a tower depends on the number it already has.
  11. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/pulls pull requests: 1) implementing the additional range checks to fix unit overshooting, 2) some miscellaneous fixes balance adjustments, and building arrow adjustments: sentry towers get 1 additional default arrow (minimally affects fully garrisoned damage). CC repeat time decreased from 4.500 to 4.000 seconds, as many players said it was too weak. army camp repeat time 2.500 -> 3.500 (it was mistakenly unchanged in the current mod) sentries tech now uses 50% more arrows instead of +1 arrow. This makes default arrows go from 2 to 3 for sentry towers, and 4 to 6 for defense towers "professional garrisons" tech buffed a little: +4 default arrows to +6. for the romans, I gave onagers a slight buff and made roman reforms a little bit cheaper.
  12. Basically, its because the min range is not checked with a parabolic approach, while the attack is parabolic.
  13. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/issues/7188 from what I can tell, the bolt shooter fix will need to be in the c++ code, so it can't be done in the com mod :C
  14. In the community mod, you can also get a nice experience with spartan hoplites. Basically you can train them in phase one and they promote to Olympic champions which are the best spear infantry in the game. People tend to play the community mod fairly often, and the changes are less sweeping than what @Emacz has put together. you can get the mod in settings->mod selection-> download mods
  15. 99% of the time you want all 5 farmers. I'd only recommend less farmers if you don't need all your farms fully occupied (ie you move some women over to food). Even in that case, its not really worth the clicks to spread the women out.
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