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The gastraphetes is such a cool weapon. I'm so glad we have it in the game. And the animation is on point, as always...
Capture is no longer the default, you need to press the C hotkey to make units capture in this version.
In the new version, I don't know if it's some configuration I made, but it seems that my units as a human player cannot capture enemy buildings, however, the AI can capture enemy buildings, whether from my team or another, so I would like to know if it's some problem with the version or mine.
I followed the steps above, but the last step make completed successfully without giving me the pyrogenesis executable. I tried to re-execute the make and this error appeared Running build commands mkdir -p generated /usr/bin/cxxtestgen --root --have-std --have-eh --include=precompiled.h --runner=ErrorPrinter -o ./generated/test_root.cpp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/cxxtestgen", line 15, in <module> import cxxtest ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cxxtest' make[1]: *** [cxxtestroot.make:44: generated/test_root.cpp] Error 1 make: *** [Makefile:192: cxxtestroot] Error 2 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... There is a Python script trying to import a cxxtest module which obviously doesn't exist. What's the workaround? The system libraries were built successfully and the previous steps executed without error.
- Today
Even "Celts" comes from Greek "Keltoi." Is that true @Genava55?
J V Political changed their profile photo
I don't imagine there is an equivalent to Celts? Germanic Tribes might work ?
Germans would be the most consistent with the other civs.
J V Political joined the community
You need to remove the png.cached.png it should only be .png
I'd be ok with Germans or Cimbri. I suppose we could break the norm of 1 word civs and call it the Cimbrian Alliance.
Where did you put the new image ?
Freepornhox joined the community
Could you help me with other information I have a problem when I change the images of the heroes, for example I changed the cleopatra, I kept the same name and size and saved it as a png but when replacing the image with another it remained using the old image and when deleting the old image the icon is all pink.
yes true. maybe only for the end summary (as fallback, when a player has no game already in last version)
Jenny_jane joined the community
Sltalano joined the community
The word "Germani" is first popularized by Caesar, he used it to group a large population under one label and he built a narrative with it. There is a debate among scholars to know if Caesar was really the original source, maybe Posidonius of Apameia was the actual original transmitter of the word. But there is no consensus. Furthermore, there is a plausible hypothesis where Posidonius transmitted the named "Germani" to specifically speak about a tribe, not a large group. Tacitus mentioned that the name was originally applied to the Tungri only, then it has been generalized to others. Maybe Tacitus was relying on Posidonius because Caesar doesn't mention the Tungri. Caesar mentions the Aduatuci, the Condrusi, the Eburones, the Caeraesi and the Paemani as being commonly named Germans. Which is interesting because the Tungri could be another name of the Aduatuci. Finally there is something interesting in relation to the Cimbri here: The Aduatuci are a remnant of the Cimbri and Teutones who tried to invade the Belgians and failed. This is explained by Caesar. So the descendants of the Cimbri and Teutones could have been called Germans a few decades after their wandering. Thus, the Romans did call a large population Germans. German is not a label the tribes used to call themselves, but so do is the name Gaul. The concern with the name Germans and its correspondence with present-day Germans dates back to the Second World War and the Nazis' use of the Germanic theme as an ideological justification. But at no point is anyone going to make the same criticism of the use of the name Greek for the ancient populations of Greece when the Greeks of today bear the same name. The same goes for the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Belgians etc. I don't see why today's Germans should have exclusive use of this name. What's more, the problem only exists with English, and the world does not revolve around Anglo-Saxon countries alone. ‘Deutsch’ in German. ‘Allemands’ in French. ‘Tedeschi’ in Italian. ‘Alemán’ in Spanish. For me, the only problem with the Cimbri is that they come into conflict with a future faction of the Germans and that they're a single, relatively unknown people. The concept seems interesting, although I haven't tried the faction out yet. If we rename the Cimbri as Germans, it is fine for me. Although it is a bit sad to reduce the Germans to a single tribe.
It is not the case for A27, but in the future it may happen that a new 0 A.D. version will change the metadata.json replay file structure, f.e. adding, removing or replacing data. Then, LocalRatings will need to update its logic too, to reflect the new metadata structure. In other words, future replays may not be compatible with today's replays - at least from data extraction perspective. There is also one more consideration: the "interpretation" of ratings may be different from version to version, due to balance adjustments and gameplay changes. For example, a parameter that was relevant in A26 may not be relevant in A27 anymore and viceversa. So the interpretation of ratings would change too. For these two reasons, I am in favour of distinguishing the two versions.
There is no ETA. For now your best bet is to keep trying. Hopefully you'll be faster than the dDOS IPs
seeh started following Cloning from git anonymously?
oSoMoN started following Cloning from git anonymously?
Ouch… That explains it. I'll refrain from trying again in a while to give admins a chance to fix the issue then. Can I be notified here when it's safe to try again? Thanks!
It would just be two replay website.
It starts requiring authentication when the server crashes.
Because me English is very limited (also historical skill / not interesting for me) and i often understand longer sentences wrong i asked gemini AI. And i will show you the result here. ==> " ... Essentially, it's a case of someone knowing some interesting etymological and historical facts and wanting to impose their preferred terminology on others. While understanding the background of the word "German" is valuable, the conclusion is excessive."
I tried again today, and the clone operation succeeded. The lfs pull one initially went through, and it pulled 1.8GB of objects before stalling and asking for a username. The last progress indicator was: Downloading LFS objects: 35% (5308/15255), 1.8 GB | 12 MB/s It doesn't really make sense to me that some objects could be fetched anonymously, while others require authentication. Or does it?
Wow cool. I don't see why off the top of my head? Then the chance of getting value for a player is reduced. On the other hand, doesn't further differentiation mean not getting value for a player who hasn't played for a long time? It depends on how it is implemented programmatically.
We reached 1000+ replays. Thank you everyone. Should I split the replay pallas between 0 A.D. versions ?
mod CustomColors mod - replace default player colors
seeh replied to Mentula's topic in Game Modification
Thanks. I not missed something. But i will give it a try
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