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ShadowOfHassen last won the day on January 3

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    United States of America
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    History, Classical Education, Writing, Grammar (They're different), and Fantasy

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  1. I think 0 A.D. is doing great. I've been here for almost two years and the forum is the busiest.
  2. I actually kind of like that idea still-- ideas like that keep us from feature creep
  3. One of my favorite authors Brandon Sanderson has a rule regarding world building its "Expand what you already have before you add something new." I think this rule applies with 0 A.D. as well. I don't think it's very fair to our devs to expect research, design, new civilizations, even cool ones when the current civs are still not finished. Even if the civs are perfectly balanced and WFG didn't want to make any other changes, I don't think it'd be fair for them to not have some at least one campaign highlighting a historical event they participated in. (Or cool additional in game information...) Also, there's more to a game than just adding civs-- and I don't think we should put any expectations on people. Everyone is volunteers, if people want to make and mantain a new civ that's good for them-- but the WFG team needs to feel free to make whatever they want. I agree-- 0 A.D. at least from my point of view is supposed to have civs firmly grounded in history. We shouldn't change that now. Beowulf would be cool though, but only if I can train Grendles too. Just as a side note-- with working on the encyclopedia, I have an idea on how hard it is to find information to something, even though I knew exactly what I'm looking for. Writing for the Han dynasty was hard-- and when I tried to find things on the Kush it was difficult too. I can only imagine how hard it would to get information for civilizations without widely available primary sources, even as a research project that would give me nightmares-- even more if I don't have money to purchase archeological journals.
  4. Yay a new release! -- I'll try to get the flatpak ship shape as soon as I get access. I don't think I'd be the best to spearhead this, but I think we could do something really cool with our socials once we start getting the encyclopedia into the game-- which should be a28 (hopefully)
  5. We got 24 new tracks? Clearly those aren't in my music folder. Now I really want to try those out.
  6. Aren't they all made by Omri? Yeah, it's just a little bit more-- is it still in the art repo? I've been meaning to pull the new full soundtrack and get it set up nicely so I can listen to it while doing stuff.
  7. Forging a city state is a good one-- The soundtrack as a whole is a banger. I listened to 0 A.D. soundtrack and portal music as I wrote my first book that didn't deserve to be burnt with fire. Because it was Medival Fantasy, I favored more European/ Hellenistic sounding tracks, and those are still my favorite. I'm not sure I understand the difference between lyrical and ambient, I don't know a lot about music other than that it sounds good.
  8. I'd do it for all and make it default for the map-- but if you don't have a playlist for the map, it defaults to the civs. That way, map designers can pick 3–5 tracks that reflect the area they're making.
  9. Yeah that would make the most thematic sense. Personally, I'd add it to the Helenestic civs too because I play those too and really like the song. That does make sense-- it'd be kind of immersion breaking to hear something like Ammon Rah, if I played the Britons, or even Athenians. I don't think we have that problem, though? I wonder if we should have the map dictate the playlist first, then the civ because sometimes the map designer might have a specific song in mind. (I really wouldn't mind listening to Ammon Rah if I was Britons playing in the desert maps). Also looking forward to the campaigns, I'm pretty sure we'd want to dictate what music we want to play in a campaign then leave it up to the civ
  10. It's not linked to one of the civs? Not even the Britons?!? That's a crying shame! Forget A27 feature freeze, we need to fix that! Oh, how did you find it, just listening to the soundtrack while working?
  11. Wow. That is not a small community, granted that's not huge but that's a decent size.
  12. It wouldn't have a story in the traditional three act structure but it would have an introduction to the civ and show the specific mechanics of a civilization
  13. Yeah. Just like a short mission with each civ to get players used to mechanics. You really wouldn't be able to do justice to a lot of the cool stories with just a single mission, so just give an overview of the history. Just to reiterate, this is a different project idea not the same as the idea before.
  14. How about instead of that after the tutorial campaign, we have a different campaign called the practice campaign where there is one or two missions for each civilization which just gives a basic overview of the civ, both gameplay wise and historically-- make it totally without stories and just a narrator giving the overview. It wouldn't be a ton of work long term and that would be a good second campaign to ship.
  15. We might want to make some changes in between the three scenarios just minor ones but that’s beside the point… keep up the good work and make sure to back the map up!
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