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  1. Replace line 224 in GuiInterface, "total" by "Unit". "enemyUnitsKilledTotal": cmpPlayerStatisticsTracker?.enemyUnitsKilled.Unit ?? 0
  2. I wish i could resist replying to this but i can't. Actually I can. Pointless to try to undo all your built up narration. I'm glad you consider introducing autosniping.
  3. Sorry I don't want to ruin your alt-clicking spam amazing game-play experience.
  4. Although totally automated sniping as you suggest it wouldn't be that bad. I still think that some other ideas that were requiring some user micro could be fun.
  5. I though i read somewhere that you were against autosniping. This would be the most automated form of autosniping that was ever suggested, funnily enough.
  6. I also think that units should just totally ignore buildings in general. Would just be far less frustrating. Even if no exceptions are made for sieges it would be fine.
  7. OR, mods in a26 were aligned on a solution to add options after nani's mod and you suggested something else. Indeed I didn't write this code, but overwriting some functionality of the game such as the one that are here in option is the concept of a mod. Your approach might be slightly better in some ways but also you are asking existing mods to adapt to you instead because you didn't want to get along with using autociv purposely created global variable (that was also a easier way to add options).
  8. To be precise, this code is adding options if there are already existing one in a global variable, all mods could do this, it would also be working fine.
  9. Oh wow, I missed this. I almost was going to to try making this options myself! Thanks @Mentula.
  10. @sarcoma indeed. I didn't introduced this bug thoughts autociv.zip Here is the corrected version.
  11. Side note on performance, players who have the issue, have good results leaving/rejoining a game. So something else that seems to hints to it not being just un-optimized tasks.
  12. Yes I know... But that's why I was kinda asking if there is a way to make sure this will actually have a "smoothing" effect. Even if you call some async js function, will it still run it within the same frame (and therefor being totally useless)? Iirc tested it 2 days ago with a dummy 'lag' function. And calling it, was still blocking the frame until completion even if it was an async function.
  13. I might even want to try to do it but : is it possible to make the selection more smooth with async js? Like would it even be possible to load minimal entity datas (maybe even without using getEntityState / using a alternative), THEN load entity datas next frame(s)? I can think of using mouse over event handler to load tooltip datas, but i guess the performance gain aren't worth pursuing, all the datas would be loaded on later frames?
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