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Genava55 last won the day on January 1

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  1. Manor Lords has become a much better and complete game.
  2. Si jamais ce n'est vraiment pas clair, tu peux poster un message en deux parties. D'abord en français et ensuite en anglais avec une simple traduction deepl. Il y a quelques francophones ici qui peuvent te répondre en français. --- If it's really not clear, you can post a message in two parts. First in French and then in English with a simple deepl translation. There are a few French speakers here who can reply in French.
  3. Stop acting like this. It is immature and you are not giving a good image of yourself.
  4. This one? https://www.inrap.fr/autour-du-temple-qasr-al-bint-petra-14910 I know it is sad that it is not possible to implement buildings who mixes terrain/biome elements, but I think it would be disappointing to not have the buildings everyone imagine or have seen about Petra.
  5. It is not entirely true. They are using a pseudo-historical narrative based on Sun Tzu. The difference is using a proper historically based scenario or having a scenario more explicitly being a tutorial.
  6. Scythian princess or priestess https://www.inform.kz/ru/obshnost-kultur-proslezhivaetsya-na-prostranstve-velikoy-stepi-kazahstanskiy-restavrator-ea94d3
  7. Yeah it is sadly something repeated over and over by modern pseudo-historians.
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