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Ultimate Aurelian

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  1. Possible references for Germanic statue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braak_Bog_Figures
  2. I think it would fit well for the Xiognu. From what i read the Scythians were not really shamanistic, they had a polytheistic religion with some similarities to other indo-european ones. This could be a reference for Enaree (Beardless man on the right)
  3. Not sure why the back of the lower floor is made of stone then. I think it might be better to use the same texture all around, since I don't think they used stone for buildings in that period.
  4. Are those two different versions or is the back of the building made of a different material than the front?
  5. Those sound like Celtic names. Do you think it's possible they spoke a Celtic language?
  6. R2TW Symbol: Based on the Gundestrup Cauldron, maybe not the best choice since it was imported from somewhere else. Cover from a book that will come out in August:
  7. They could have an archer instead of slinger, champion cavalry with sword instead of spear and perhaps a citizen swordsman instead of club/axe infantry. Not sure if they should keep wolf warriors. They would have more celtic influence and possibly a more armored roster (Elite infantry has metal and wood helmets, champions have chainmail and helmets). Buildings i think would be more or less the same, although if you want to give them a nomadic playstyle you might have to change it to tents?
  8. Possible specific names for units ; i used wiktionary and some names from total war mods Spearman: Harjaz (Warrior or commander) Warjaz (Defender, Citizen) Wīgamann (Warrior, Champion) Militia Clubman: Slahandz (Striker, Killer) Breutandz (Destroyer, breaker, Smasher) Warjaz (Defender, Citizen) Axeman: Slahandz (Striker, Killer) Mōdagaz (Brave, courageous) Akwisīwaldaz (Axe-Wielder) Javelinist: Jungilingaz (Youth) Slinger: Slingwandz (Slinger) Scout: Sōkijandz (Seeker) Cavalry javelinist: Welwô (Plunderer, robber) Cavalry Spearman Ridanz Champion Swordsman: Herunautaz (Sword owner) Gahlaibô (Messmate, comrade, companion) Sagjaz (Retainer, Warrior) Kuningasþegnaz (King's retainer, King's servant) Þegnaz (retainer, servant) Herthaganautaz (Hearth Companion) Haliþaz (Hero) Champion cavalry: Erlaz (Noble) Marhafrawjô (Horse Lord) Ram: Rammaz (Ram as in the animal; there is no evidence the word was associated with siege engines like in the classical world) Gatabreutandz (Gate smasher) Wolf Warrior: Wulfaharjaz (wolf Warrior) Wulfahadinaz (Attempted early form of Ulfheodnar) Blōþądrinkandz (Blood drinker, from Paul the Deacon's account of the Lombard "cynocephali" Wōdaharjaz (Frenzied warrior) Villager: Karilaz (Freeman) Slave: Þewaz Merchant: Wihslōndz (Trader) Kaupô (Inkeeper, Merchant; Borrowed from Latin) Priest: Gudjô Wīhōn Haljarūnō (Witch, sorceress; could be used in case they get a priestess instead of priest) Fishing boat: Fiskarijasbaitaz (Fisherman's boat) Trading boat: Rinaskaupô (Rine Merchant) Pig: Swīną Cow: Kūz Sheep: Skēpą Reconstructions of hero names: Ariovistus: Ariouistos (Celtic) Harjafristaz (Germanic; means army leader) Maroboodus: Marobodwos (Celtic, Great raven, great war god) Marabadwaz (Germanic, great battle) Marabodwaz (Germanic) Ballomar: Ballomaros (Celtic, great limb) Balþamerijaz* *The last one is a Proto-Germanic name who survived as the Galician ''Baldomar'', it is a fusion of balþaz (“bold”) and mērijaz (“great; famous”). I have not seen anyone else suggest this origin for Ballomar; it is just speculation on my part.
  9. For clothing maybe something like this: Basic:Wearing only pants, loincloth or naked. Advanced:Barechested or naked with a cloak (From Roman art and Tacitus'descriptions it seems they often wore the cloak without the tunic) Elite:Cloak and tunic. Maybe the champions could have armor; but they have a chance of spawning without it. Other ways to distinguish them from citizen units would be to give them scabbards, some kind of jewelry (The neckchains described in Germania?) and fancier clothes. Possibly use this sort of ''flannel'' pattern. Shields could be used as well: Basic:Oval or Rectangular shield with wooden boss Advanced:Oval, rectangular or hexagonal shield with wooden boss Elite: Oval, rectangular or hexagonal shield; metal reinforced spina or metal boss Champion: Rectangular or hexagonal shield; metal boss with some having reinforced rim For javelin units you'd have: Basic: Wicker Shield Advanced:Small oval or Rectangular shield with wooden boss Elite: Small oval or rectangular shield; metal reinforced spina or metal boss The patterns on the shield could vary according to rank too I think this is would be a good idea for a bonus; maybe could call it ''Furor Teutonicus''.
  10. References for weapons and armor: https://pinterest.com/siresasa/ancient-scythian-weapons-only-historically-accurat/ https://pinterest.com/siresasa/ancient-scythian-armour-only-historically-accurate/ Various artifacts (Iconography might be useful):https://fi.pinterest.com/siresasa/scythian-antiquities/ It would indeed be a good option for temple or even statue. From what i can find the Ovoo is a Tengrist costume and was not really used by Scythians. For the Huns there is only fragmentary evidence about their religion, both could potentially fit. Seventh century accounts says the Huns on the Caucasus worshipped "T'angri Khan" . Atilla supposedly owned the ''sword of Mars''; so possibly the Huns absorbed the Scythian/Sarmatian sword cult. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sword_of_Attila
  11. Maybe instead of cash crops steppe civs (and possibly some others like Germans) could have a sort of building where they can sell cattle and horses for currency. Or some sort of milk/wool mechanic.
  12. The helmets on the Carthaginian elite mercenary cavalry look too late for Punic Wars timeframe. These helmets on the advanced mercenary swordsman might be too early (Although i am not exactly sure when Gauls started serving in Carthage), also not sure if there were iron versions. ,
  13. I noticed the advanced Gaul cavalry has a helmet but no chainmail. Maybe this could be applied to other advanced close combat units, would be a smoother transition than going from unarmored to fully armored.
  14. Possible specific names for wonder (Words are taken from wiktionary and EB): Samnungozbarwaz (Semnones' grove), Feturasbarwaz (Grove of fetters), Wigasalhs/Gunþīzalhs/Hildīzalhs/Haþauzalhs (Battle-Sanctuary, there are multiple words for battle) According to Caesar they were used by Germans in the Gallic wars:
  15. Considering the importance of bodies of water for their religion; they could have a sort of religious building that is built on shallows. Maybe a function where you sacrifice units, metal or coin for glory. Or just make it a bonus/tech (Something like you can gather glory at docks or docks can heal)
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