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Outis last won the day on November 14 2023

Outis had the most liked content!

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Sesquiplicarius (3/14)



  1. Amazing May i suggest, im sure the community will also appreciate single player versions of such maps much like PvE or coop versions where all players team up against the AI player(s).
  2. Honestly, i never considered it. I have never used Linux in my life. There is a first for everything though...
  3. I know i cant dodge the investment in a new PC forever
  4. I installed the latest windows update and version 14.42.34433.0 of microsoft visual c++ redistributables, and i still get the error... Thank you very much
  5. Additonally, i had downloaded directly the first time. Now i downloaded via torrent and i get the same error.
  6. No, the PC which can run it has Windows 10 Home Edition. My PC has Windows 7 Home Premium Edition. Also, my PC has no integrated GPU. Are you using Windows 7 as well?
  7. I downloaded again, didnt work... Nada I dont Been playing since Alpha 22 without issues...
  8. These statues look amazing in thebgame but one question: wont they look even better on a pedestal?
  9. I use Windows 7 Home Premium. I have only one disc In fact, I tried with a different PC and the same installer worked. It just did not work with my PC
  10. The application does not start at all so no logs are created. I tried this and got the same result...
  11. Dear 0 AD Team, I downloaded and installed Alpha 27 with utmost excitement only to get: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005). Click OK to close the application. I tried the generic fixes in the web to no avail, can you help me?
  12. Wasnt that from the Unabomber's manifesto?
  13. It is explained here https://play0ad.com/game-info/project-overview/
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