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Dakara last won the day on September 17 2023

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  1. Helllo, If a bot performs tasks on your behalf and this feature isn't available in the vanilla version, it's considered cheating. Other players don't have the option to do the same. I don't want to play against cheaters, whether they're weak or strong; it's the same. I'm convinced that someone who focuses on rushing with their cavalry will manage it better because they won't have to click on these buildings and produce, or even think about it. The player without the mod won't have this advantage. If QuickStart were in the vanilla game, configurable and accessible to everyone, I wouldn't like this feature, but I wouldn't oppose it. I also think that issuing commands during pause is a form of cheating for those with autociv. I find it comfortable with all the pauses in the games. The goal isn't to issue 50 orders but just 1 or 2. Should issuing orders during pause be in the vanilla game? I'll let you debate that. People don't ban it ,because they don't know it exist. If tomorrow a super developer creates a bot that plays entirely in your place, performs excellent military maneuvers, automatically sends resources, and starts transitioning farms on its own, would you still find that acceptable?
  2. Is it possible to see the list of players' mods? this way seems correct. I have no issue to play with someone use theses cheat if everyrone agree in the game. But i like play with the same weapon, even if it give a very little advantage It shouldn't be allowed against me. This reduces the number of possible errors, the player cannot forget to reproduce by example. The game already has a function for queuing units. I don't like playing against bots. Now I feel bad for playing against bots without knowing about them. It's like digital rape.
  3. I like theses snow houses I like the pre-click enhancements in AOM retold. With the right click, as soon as we have the resources, it starts the search. If someone want do somes game with me text me
  4. Is it possible that units will start ignoring buildings?
  5. Hello i don't see tree with the mod
  6. Post your date A27, minimal 10 games please
  7. I miss Jebel! who wants to do one with me? when it came out it was hyped for over 3 months, despite the flaws we had a lot of fun. Until someone finally took over the mountain and used OP bolts #Kush we need more little game
  8. I don't feel any difference personally but many people complain about it amd ryzen 3600 (it funny i remember i had a lot of weird bug in 2020 but the kind staff 0AD fix it !)
  9. We need to double our player base i want play this game when i'm old in my retirement
  10. The limits between playability, development and realism. Sometimes too much realism kills the fun. In addition, a catapult or trebuchet should be able to fire even in an area without vision (but you will need to be able to click on an area to fire). And why not have the archers shoot blind? Just to say
  11. Not popular opinion : delete team bonus
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