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MarcusAureliu#s last won the day on July 16

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  1. This was more of an inside joke than serious criticism
  2. When weirdjokes plays any civ: Just give me everything !
  3. Well you are making claims such as " even weirdjokes wants you out of the game" but as far as i am informed weirdjokes has never said anything like that, thats no better. Better just to talk to Geriatrix and tell him that you dont spy on him and get to know why he is so concerned.
  4. To be fair its up to him who he wants to play with, and to be fair aswell Norse_Harold very likely does have spys Seriously, sometimes its better to try to understand why people behave in a certain way instead of opening a Fourm Thread.
  5. I think there are some RTS games that do auto production, like Cossacks i believe ? Nevertheless AoE doesnt do it and is one of the the most popular RTS games. Still clear communication is sufficient. A witch hunt directed against pro gui users cant be the way forward.
  6. Please be assured that geriatrix is not Phyzic lul
  7. I dont think there is any empirical study that proves or disproves wether using pro gui gives an advantage, if it does not the question is though why do people use it. I think the reason @Stockfish is mainly critisized for using it, is that his level is very high already, so it does not seem to be necessary, also it is not always transparent for opponents if the mod is beeing used for example in rated games. For @Atrik i just always assume he is using it so thats not an issue then . But as i have said before, establish rules before the game if u haven an issue with it, then there is no reason for all this drama, although this makes reading this forum more entertaining as i have to admit
  8. I am quite sure that: 1. 1min is not Yekaterina 2. 1min wasn't trying to express that he hates leopard 3. Vinme has an issue with leftists
  9. https://www.instagram.com/0ad_memes_eae/ Be sure to follow for the most nub 0 AD memes !
  10. you know its my believe that those who are not shy to insult others in a personal way below even the lowest standards for decency should not cry when someone is satirically mocking them back for their arrogant attitude in the game
  11. As it is commonly known, @JC (naval supremacist) is the strongest player in 0 AD who only ever loses due to incompetent teammates or due to too much honour to be an ecobot. We can logically derrive from that, that he wins all 1v1s in which his enemy makes a significant number of cavs. Noone has believed him, but now there is a dedicated youtube channel that provides the empirical proof.
  12. A small but helpfull improvement could be to display hotkeys in the building menues, like it is done in aoe 2 for example. I am aware that building placement hotkeys are currently done by a mod, autociv which hopefully can be integrated in the game, but this could already be implemented for unit production.
  13. I mean if someone likes to do it - fine for me, thats those players buisness. Personally i think i would not be intrested because it would make 0 AD too serious, i would be bothered more by the outcome of the game, which is something i do not necessarily want for something i do for fun and escapism. After a game of 0 AD i dont want to go to bed and be mad bc i lost money etc. I also think it will lead to more conflicts inbetween players, especially given what past incidents i have witnessed, and also there would be trouble connected to the lack of infrastructure, authority and rule enforcement we have in our non-professional small community. Another issue would be the skill difference between players. Players who pay an entrance fee want at least an outside chance to win in the end, which will mean its gonna be tough to find many players willing to "bet" money. Another option that doesnt really seem promising due to a small community would be to use donations for prize funds, gathered through someone broadcasting the games, so the earning would kinda be a bonus. Consider that tournaments could have a non-monetary prize maybe, that is more about creativity and of symbolic value.
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