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Hi all, right now all civilizations use a carthagian actor for formations, though especially the romans had their own, very unique standards, e.g. Aquila (eagle), Signum and Vexillum. I put together 4 standards, which I'm adding as a mod here. Alpha for player colour still needs to be added. @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Stan` @real_tabasco_sauce maybe someone could take a look on it and make a PR? we could also put together a standard bearer unit, similar to the gaul trumpeter, as a scenario unit or upgradable legionary in vanilla? They used to be called "Aquilifier" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquilifer) or "Signifier" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signifer). references: wikipedia links: standards.zip5 points
This is not a bug ! Technical explanation: Han civ was pulled straight out from Terra Magna A23 and had its code fixed for a24 and A25, as a single standalone mod civ. On incorporating into A26, for balance, many features of the Han were removed. However, they didn't delete the template files; they just removed the OP units from Han production buildings. Crossbow cav and mobile boltshooter tank were examples of these. But the production buildings of other civs do not have explicit inhibition of these units, especially the Persian CC which can train all cav class units. As a result, the hidden units can be trained by capturing other civs' buildings.5 points
5 points
Hey guys, how is everyone? Today I'm happy to present you with the final result after some drastic improvements to the River Delta map. All terrains have been updated to the Sahara biome, map layouts updated to resemble a more natural looking marsh-like landscape, updated resource distribution and also added some final touches that I think will make it more fun to play I've scaled down the 4 player map size from giant to very large so it may be possible to create a 6 player map as well in the future. I'd love to take a look at the new performance improvements of the newest version and explore the possibility. I have uploaded the daytime 2 player and 4 player versions in the original post where I have attached the files. Do take a look and I'd love to hear what you think. Edit: Night time versions uploaded.5 points
I won't argue on what is the definition of "cheating", but I would like to leave a comment on the "real solution" proposed. Having a system with a single host computing everything and sending out the data would be a great simplification of the code and indeed solve some of the cheating issues. It definitely would make our work as programmers a lot easier (no more cross platform out of sync, no more deserialization bugs etc.). However, there is one particular good reason why we (and every similar game too) go through all the hassle of a lockstep networking model (i.e. simultaneous computation of the simState in all the clients): A single host computation system will not work practically. The problem lies into the fact that the bandwidth of an internet connection is limited. (An old article on the topic is here: https://www.gamedeveloper.com/programming/1500-archers-on-a-28-8-network-programming-in-age-of-empires-and-beyond) In a single host computation system, the host will have to send (a large portion of) the gamestate to every client multiple times per second. The data of the gamestate is required to show the player what (s)he is supposed to see (units in its vision). This needs to be updated with a good frequency so that the player can respond accordingly. Currently we have turns of 200ms, so that means a frequency of 5 per second (in the past in 0 A.D. we used turns of 500ms, which wasn't ideal, but sure one can tweak a bit here). A gamestate can have a size of several MB's. I just tested: a new game on the acropolis map is already 500kB, so having a big map with 8 players in late game will be like 5MB. This means we need to be sending 25MB to every client per second. With 8 players and some observers, this will easily be a few hundred MB per second. Even on 1Gbit/s fiber class connections you won't be able to do this (1Gbit/s usually gives just over 100 MB/s). This issue prevents any MP game from running stably, so it really is not a practical solution. Even if one would have sufficient bandwidth, there is also the issue of latency. A message send over the internet takes time to arrive at the other end. Currently one a player can give a command based directly on the current turn in the simstate. The command then has to travel to the host and then back to all clients for it to be executed. So basically one needs to send stuff twice over the internet. If one has a single host computation system, the player sending a command is actually already lagging behind (since the simstate has been send from the host to him). Then secondly, the player gives a command, which is send to the host, and lastly the host sends a new simstate to the client. So in total 3 times things have been send over the internet. Meaning that the latency of commands is increased by 50% (and probably more since the package sizes have increased too). Also a single host computation system is filling one hole with another: since the host will now have full control of the simstate, and no one is controlling it, (s)he can change it. So such a system makes it possible to cheat the simstate for the host. Creating an (imo) even bigger problem than the information leak problem in a lockstep networking model. Surely one can come up with "solutions" like dedicated (trusted) servers, but then one runs into the question: who will maintain and pay for those servers? In all it boils down to the quote, quoted above too: While technically it certainly is possible to design a system without information leaks, such a system is nonviable to produce a playable game.4 points
Welcome @WiseKind. You formulate your argument(s) very eloquently and rationally, but you seem to repeat the same talking point in a different formulation quite often? Please correct me if I'm wrong, this is how I understood your main argument (for GUI mods, regarding the network issue/system I cannot speak as I do not have the sufficient knowledge): "The GUI is not part of the game, it is only how we interact with the game, thus changing the GUI cannot be considered cheating, as cheating means the game itself was altered" And you support this argument by using the 0ad vision (again, this is how I understood your post, please correct me if I got it wrong): "The vision states that 0ad is not supposed to be won by executing a build order with the fastest click speed, thus reducing the amount of clicks needed is not a relevant change to the gameplay" If I understood you correctly (if not, please ignore the following paragraph), then I'd like to disagree: - The GUI is a crucial part of the game, not some seperate entity. The GUI is what I am interacting with, it is essentially what I am "playing". A game is a thing in which things happen, according to my inputs. Changing what all the inputs do, means changing the game. Changing the game to have an advantage is considered cheating. - You said yourself that every action should have (or has?) strategic importance. But there are only so many core strategies that fit within the confines of a game, and having a larger army will always be an advantage. So if someone spares even a few seconds because one of their clicks equal ten clicks of a "normal" player, they will have an advantage. And since that advantage comes from installing a mod (which the others might not even know about), it is unfair. An unfair advantage can reasonably be called cheating. I want to answer to two things specifically, first: I do happen to know that putting the checks into place for this would be literally impossible, given the nature of free software I think it's not about any "checks", it's about establishing a common ground on what is "cheating" and what isnt. 0ad has no malicious cheaters (that I know of). But there are different opinions on what should be allowed in a "normal" or a "rated" game. And the "cheaters" we do have (Like @Atrik, the evil, evil villian ) are perfectly reasonable people, that deactivate their "cheats" when asked to (as seen in a recent tournament). So if we did find a common ground, the "cheating problem" would instantly cease to exist. As my last point I want to answer to this: Hello, that's me! I'm bored if I can't click meaningfully atleast twice a second. Even if I had ProGUI, I'd manually manage all my barracks, because I like it and because there's not much else going on (and there shouldn't be, as the "buildup" phase with only light skirmishes and major focus on you economic decisions is a great part of any rts).4 points
4 points
《Cambyses II》 Cambyses II is marching his army to conquer and rule over the whole Egypt as the first foreign ruler and the first Persian Pharaoh. That would mark the end of Egypt's independence and the beginning of Persian rule over the region. Cambyses II's conquest of Egypt was part of the larger Persian Empire's expansion into various territories. Cambyses II becomes the Pharaoh of Egypt after his successful subsumption of Egypt into the Persian Empire. In doing so, Cambyses II was given the Pharaoh name of Mesuti Ra, beginning the 27th dynasty (the first Egyptian Satrapy), which lasted from 525 to 404 BCE. A Pharaoh name was a significant tradition for Egyptian royalty as it highlighted the perception of the pharaoh as being a vessel for the gods, and therefore, a divine being in their own right. 4 Players: 1. Cambyses II(Persians) 2. Hippias(Athenians) 3. Psamtik III(Egyptians) 4. Cleomenes I(Spartans) Revealed Map Unlimited Sources for all "Requirements" Installation of 0 A.D. alpha 26 + Millennium A.D Mod "File Paths" Mac: User/Application Support/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios Linux: Home/.local/share/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios Windows: Documents/My Games/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios ●Mithra Shakiba● Acheamanid Empire II.pmpAcheamanid Empire II.xml4 points
Hello my friend, I would like to share with you everything I have managed to do so far. I will describe everything I have added and modified in the game. First I changed the population amount to 600000 and increased the map size to 704. Then I changed the construction time and its life, needing 4 to 5 citizens to have a similar time to the conventional one. I strengthened the walls a lot, now the walls protect the cities well and without siege weapons it is very difficult to penetrate the walls. I created new roads to decorate the city, with 3 models, 1 made of dirt, stone and Roman flooring. For now they are only decorative, but I would like to have an effect of increasing the speed of units when passing through them. I created two new units, creating the male Citizen who can collect more wood, stone and metal than the female. He also has new buildings that only he can build. Icreated the Landscaper who can build trees to decorate the city. The female units can now only build the farm and the corral and they collect more food than the males. Plantations are made inside the farms, with 5 options: wheat, vineyard, date palm, orchard, and banana grove.In the market you can create stalls of various types and an area for selling slaves, and there you can buy slaves. I removed the distance of towers and forts and the construction limit so that the player can create their city in the best possible way. I modified the icons of the items(still missing some). I added new songs to the game. I need to clear up some doubts. How can I remove Footprint and Obstruction so that the player doesn't bump into the roads after they've been created? Every time I remove them, I get an error. Next step, I want to add new resources like money, clothes, technology, among others, and modify the appearance of the buildings with the generated technologies. Thank you once again for all the patience and support you've given me so far.4 points
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3 points
Great post. I could see the Sasanids going into either base game Part 2 or M_A.D.3 points
The Sasanian Empire officially Ērānšahr was an Iranian empire that was founded and ruled by the House of Sasan from 224 to 651. So 0 A.D. cover this period. I've posted this request with all of this civ's pictures and architecture and some info 2 years ago you can check it out here. Thanks for your attention pls help. Request for Sassanid Empire in Millennium A.D. Arsacids timeframe: 247 BC to 224 AD Sassanid timeframe: 224 Ad to 651 AD These two empires are the successors of Acheamanid Empire after the collapse of Ancient Persian Empire (Acheamanids) and the Alexander Macedonian Empire and Selucids.3 points
Not sure if it's just me, but capturing feels too easy with a27. The two other points I struggle with are ships being too weak and siege weapons packaging and movement being too fast. In a game I had serious problems countering siege weapons even with champion horsemen, because of how fast they've been able to get back behind enemy lines again.3 points
Ok, I have heard questions about this, so I'll answer here. We will do a community mod for a27, however there will be changes to how it works. In a26, we had issues where the mod would split the multiplayer community into mod players and non-mod players. Also, because the mod fixed a couple of bugs, development on the mod was a constrained by the requirement that each change be a clear improvement. This hampered experimentation. So the main change will be that each community mod version will be a clean slate, no changes from the last version will remain. What this means is that the mod serve the purpose of a "Community Test Environment", or CTE. Essentially, its a way for gameplay-oriented changes to be run by the community before being committed to the development version of 0ad. My hope is that we can make release turnaround fairly quick, and test a lot of ideas. Players can certainly continue to submit PRs, but I'd like to invite developers to submit their gameplay-oriented PRs too. Some stuff I hope to experiment with: capture vs destroy balance walls delete trees 3x cavalry counter added economic unit to address boom = turtle ship balance Improve Han gameplay3 points
FYI: Issue #6918 (New setting for world population distributed by teams) has been closed last week by the merge of pull request #7161 (Add a 'team population' gamesetting) into the main branch. Therefore it'll probably be part of Release 28.2 points
Spearman and swordsman have 3 hack 3 pierce armour. What is this joke? Units die way too quickly in this alpha (and in A26 and in A25). There is no possibility of retreating from a fight. If you retreat, you will loose everything. The amount of damage dealt while turning around and pathfinding outside enemy range is enough to kill the melee unit. Ranged units die almost instantly. The attack damage is disproportionally high compared to the effective health of units, so we see instant vapourisation of entire armies. The problem of units dying too quickly is proliferated by forge techs focusing too much on attack damage and not enough shield upgrades. For comparison, in A23, the melee units had 5 hack 5 pierce armour by default. Fully upgraded units can have up to 8. Meanwhile, the damage techs are not as strong. That allowed reasonable death rates. How do we fix this? Simple: 1. Nerf the attack damage upgrades, especially cap the T3 to +1 2. Improve shield upgrades. Increase like +1 +2 +3 each tier. 3. Increase turn angular frequency. 1000 radians per second is a good value. There is no possibility of dancing given the new pathfinder which stops the unit before it turns, plus the lag which makes dance impossible. A high angular frequency will aid unit pathfinding, prevent units from being stuck and allow retreating. 4. Default unit armour values: Spearman: 6 hack 6 pierce Swordsman: 6 hack 5.5 pierce Pikeman: 8 hack 10 pierce2 points
2 points
Personally, I think units die too fast and have died too fast since a24, which removed the auto health upgrades from phasing up. I think the obvious improvement is just an overall unit health buff. It makes battles last longer, which is more satisfying, and makes retreating a bit easier, which I agree is needed Also, agree with @real_tabasco_sauce re melee units needing a speed buff. Glad you’ve come around to this idea. This is more about melee/range balance, though.2 points
template_unit.xml The pathfinder has been fixed for you simulation/templates/template_unit.xml 2025-03-11 15:48:17.774030190 +0000 @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ <Anchor>pitch</Anchor> <Floating>false</Floating> <FloatDepth>0.0</FloatDepth> - <TurnRate>14</TurnRate> + <TurnRate>100</TurnRate> </Position> <RangeOverlayManager/> <RangeOverlayRenderer/> @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ <WalkSpeed>9</WalkSpeed> <RunMultiplier>1.67</RunMultiplier> <InstantTurnAngle>1.5</InstantTurnAngle> - <Acceleration>35</Acceleration> + <Acceleration>1000</Acceleration> <Weight>10</Weight> </UnitMotion> <Visibility>2 points
this is one of those areas where finding the right balance is good. Its probably not necessary to set in settings, but maybe the visual alert and audio alert can have separate suppression times. I think frequent visual alerts would be less annoying than frequent audio alerts.2 points
Acheamanid Empire.xmlAcheamanid Empire.pmp Hello everyone! From this day on I will share my scenario maps based on real historical events with you guys. This is the first one of them. "The beginning of the Glorious Persian Empire" "Hegel considered the history of Persia, particularly the reign of Cyrus the Great, as the beginning of world history, marking the emergence of "the light which shines itself and illuminates what is around". Welcome to the world of Cyrus the Great, where you will embark on a journey to found the Achaemenid Empire and conquer the lands from the Ishtar Gate of Babylonia to distant corners of the world. The year is 550 BCE and under Cyrus' leadership, you will witness the rise of one of the greatest empires in history. As you navigate through the various landscapes and engage in epic battles, you will experience the peace, prosperity, and liberty that Cyrus brought to the world. His visionary leadership and diplomatic skills allowed for a diverse and multicultural empire to thrive, setting the stage for centuries of growth and innovation. Join Cyrus on his ambitious quest for power and witness the birth of a mighty empire that will leave a lasting legacy on the world. Are you ready to conquer the lands of the ancient world and shape the course of history? The fate of the Achaemenid Empire rests in your hands. There are 7 civilizations(players): 1. Cyrus II (founder of Acheamanid Empire) The Father of Persian Empire and Iran's nation 2. Solon(Athenians) 3. Psamtik III (Egyptians) 4. Croesus (Lydians) 5. Cleomenes I (Spartans) 6. Nabonidus (Babylonians) 7. Astyages (Medians) [He is the cruel maternal Grandfather of Cyrus the Great) You can choose whichever you want but the original story goes around Cyrus II. All 7 players in this map have almost infinite sources. ♡Mithra Shakiba♡ First, you need to update your at least to 0 A.D. Alpha 26. Then you have to install the latest version of Millennium A.D https://mod.io/g/0ad/m/millenniumad These maps that I upload here are only for this Mod. So don't forget to have installed 0 A.D. Alpha 26 versian with Millennium A.D Mod. File Paths (where you drop these files) for the map files (2 per map) by OS: Mac: User/Application Support/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios Linux: Home/.local/share/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios Windows: Documents/My Games/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios I wish you enjoy playing this map!2 points
Position: Really any position that will use any skill I possess to benefit the development of the game Do you understand that Wildfire Games is a non-commercial project, work for 0 A.D. is volunteer, and work is done for free? Yes Do you agree to distribute all your work for Wildfire Games under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license? Yes Are you sure you are not wanting to work on something programming related? (Then you don't need to send in an application form.) Yes Name: Tee Email: Location: US West Coast Availability: Approximately 8 Age: Occupation: Skills and Experience: Have some skills with design software, but also know some programming and HTML/Javascript/PHP/Python which may be useful for the site, but maybe for the game also? Motivation: New developer looking to get into the development world, even if I start from other angles. Personality: Friendly, sociable and passionate for learning new things Short Essay: Just recently found out about 0 A.D. a couple months ago. Was looking for an alternative to AOE, and found this. Of course, I began to read as much as possible on the game and found the option of contributing to the game. I really feel grateful that people can open up to free, open-source alternatives and offer everyone the experience equally. Interests and Hobbies: I love to learn programming. I'm also fluent in Spanish. I have taken several courses for programming and design (mostly web), but also work with python. Never worked in a professional setting and feel this is a good start. Staff: No, unfortunately Community: This is the first community I take part in Favorite Game: 0 A.D. currently, but Street-Fighter 2 for SNES maybe tops it just due to the simplicity and nostalgia. Yes, Street-Fighter 2. Yes, Super Nintendo. Work Examples:2 points
@Grautvornix It's not "kind of "loot"", it's loot, as shown in the stats. As far as I'm aware it's 10% of unit costs + carried res and 20% for buildings, so very much related to the original costs. The fixed amounts are also shown in the structure tree.2 points
The Sasanian Empire officially known as Eranshahr was the last Iranian empire before the early Muslim conquests of the 7th–8th centuries AD. Sassanid Empire is the medieval representation of the Persian or Iranian society and civilization so it is hoped that Mod Makers and those who can make mods make this medieval civilization. The Sassanids, who succeeded the Parthians, were recognized as one of the leading world powers alongside its neighboring rival the Byzantine Empire, or Eastern Roman Empire, for a period of more than 400 years. Following the division of the Roman Empire in 395, the Byzantine Empire, with its capital at Constantinople, continued as Persia's principal western enemy, and main enemy in general. Hostilities between the two empires became more frequent The Sassanids, similar to the Roman Empire, were in a constant state of conflict with neighboring kingdoms and nomadic hordes. So many thanks to@Stan`2 points
Well, I suppose you could start with downloading Blender and playing a bit with it. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/Basic3DImplementation2 points
I wanna be an artist. How can I start what shall I do to as a beginner? I have made hundreds of Scenarios in this game and I dare say that I am tho biggest fan of this game and the one that has played it the most the longest. I've spent hours on this game and I'm an enthusiast who can dedicate himself for this game the national duty on his shoulder. So please guide me and keep in touch with me♡2 points
2 points
I'd really like it if individual (non-shooting) wall joints (we call them towers currently) could be individually upgradeable to shooting towers.2 points
This is surely a bug, but maybe we can just call it a feature. lol2 points
Moved the off topic to the current thread. The current game (Part 1) is -500 B.C. 1 A.D. So it would be for Part 2. We don't have enough artists to take that on at the moment though. Most of the artists are spread across all the mods and the game and are generally the same people.2 points
Also I can provide any developer interested more necessary info and background. The History of the Imperial State of Iran( شاهنشاهی ایران) since Cyrus the Great established the first official State of Iran.(before Acheamanids we had some dynasties such as Elamites and the Median Kingdoms that would date back to thousands of years BC, but our first État-Nation was founded by Cyrus the Great the Powerful, Peaceful, Liberal Shahanshah of Iran[Persia/Iranshah]) Acheamanids>Alexander the Evil Conquest>Selucids> Arsacids(Parthians)>Sassanids>Arab Conquest and Arabo-Islamic Caliphates(Rashidun/Umayyads/Abbasids)> Resisting Northern Parts of Iran or Eranshahr called Tabarestan(Deylaman/Gilan/Mazandaran/Gorgan)> Reviver National anti-islamic Movements against Muslims and Caliphates(Siahjamegan and its leader Bezadan Wandad Hurmuzd, Sunpadh, Ustadhsis, Ishaq al-Turk and Khatun of Bukhara from Bukhar Khudats, Sepidjamegan being led by Al-Muqanna the Veiled Prophet, Sorohjamegan or Khorramdinan being led by Babak Khorramdin, Daylamites, Asfar Shiruye) >Ziyarid>Saffarids>Buyids>Samanids> Irano-Turkic dynasties which had Iranian Language and Culture but were originally Turks(Qaznavids, Seljuks, Khwarazmshahids)>Mongol invasion of Persia and Mesopotamia led by Genghiz Khan>Ilkhanids(Iranophile peaceful iranic-cultured descendants of Genghiz Khan the Evil)>Timurid>Aq Qoyunlu>Qara Qoyunlu>Safavids>Afsharids>Zandids>Qajarids>Pahlavi the most important, liberal, glorious modern imperial state of iran which was unfortunately overthrown by Marxist-Islamic terrorists and rebels and Commies. Since 1979(the Collapse of Iranian Imperial State) our country and we are all broken, sad, murdered, poor, and misfortune. Our lives are ruined by Marxism, Communism, Socialism, and Islamism. Long Live the Shah Viva Iran! We have a 2,600-year-old empire that I hope will return with the remaining Shah of Iran, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Shahanshah Reza Shah II.2 points
Could still be enemies alive, maybe on a ship. If the game wasn't exited before, saving and watching the replay would answer that.2 points
yeah there are a few items from @Emacz's mod that fit with vanilla 0ad. We could certainly take inspiration from it and try things out. That's the beauty of the CTE approach.2 points
why not PR some of the historical changes into community-mod instead of working on a totally new base stats rework?2 points
you really dont need to split the community, you can just test things on historical Granted the base stats are the same. But tehre are a few different types of "eco" units if you want ideas/see how it could work. 3x counter already exists as well. What about Han gameplay needs improvement?2 points
The problem perhaps is not champion cavalry themselves but rather the lack of counters from some civs. Mauryas and Brits are total sitting ducks against champion spear cav. Most civs can only counter by making equal numbers of this unit in the hope of a stalemate Only a few civs have decent counters: Spartans, Macedonians and Athenians have champion spearman that can kill this unit effectively. Gauls are the only civ near perfection because their naked fanatics do exactly the job of countering spear cav. Can we give other civs some champion spearman or things similar to naked fanatics? Gauls are the single most OP civ right now because they are not missing anything. They have no weakness.2 points
Yes the champion cavalry is strong, it's sometimes sad. But it's realistic. And one of the most expensive unit. Tests should be carried out to see the efficiency of this unit in terms of production costs. Why does this unit do slashing damage and not just piercing? it's a spear. Is it possible for a group of melee champion cavalry to take up more space when they move? they are stuck together, this means that they attack at the same time and are difficult to target. If they are better spaced they will be less maneuverable and therefore more exposed. Additionally some civs have very few counters to players who choose to play cav champion spear. Maybe alternatives should be added? I'm thinking of the Iberians for example. Additionally a unit without a shield should take some extra damage from archers. Perhaps the problem lies in playing with 200 POPs. How to counter an army that has 30 field cav with a citizen infantry army? However, raising the champion cav to 2 pop would be too big a nerf. Remove the life bonus tech on champion units for Selucid and Persian civs? In a scheme where the population is limited and to satisfy an equilibrium. It is normal for an elite, expert unit cost higher resource cost than a basic unit. If we calculate the resource efficiency in relation to the life and health of the units. This does not meet these requirements. Especially since cavalry has the advantage of mobility. Of course existing counter multipliers to try to alleviate this problem. Imagine an increase in resource costs? It can be a choice, why not. But this significantly widens the gap between an eco player and a non-eco player / the gap between an one player who has a civilization with this unit and one who doesn't Even if you're Persian, how can you counter this without making it yourself? it's not the immortal with 120 hp in the form of a spearman who will counter him (btw i love this unit idea) Edit : make unable capture building for cavalery2 points
Hi Now I have made so many maps for Iran in the Middle East I've made many real historical scenarios of iran and Middle East if any one wants to have Iranian maps and scenarios just let me know2 points
At one time, a mod allowed automating unit teleportation. This meant buildings could be set up like roads across which women could travel extremely quickly. Likewise, barracks could quickly transport soldiers across long distances. This isn't against the "Rules" as you describe, because you could technically do this, maybe if each turn was 10 seconds. Should this be considered cheating?1 point
This doesn’t make sense. Again, this changes unit balance, which isn’t what’s being discussed. Just do something like +10% health across all units. Or make it an auto upgrade like it was before with phasing1 point
I don´t agree, we can explore other options, for example: 1) Increase infantry defense against projectiles with shield wall formation. 2) Increased the defense of the fortresses to make them more viable and harder to capture. 3) Garrison soldiers on the rams to make them stronger. 4) Garrison only ranged infantery in wall towers.1 point
Spies needs a total rework. If it's most useful case is to find a lone fishing boat in the corner of the map after the game is all but officially over then it is a feature that shouldn't exist.1 point
From the game strategy point of view capturing and manning a tower or barracks or temple currently establishes a nice foothold in enemy territory and provides backup before entering into serious battle. I would rather not change the current behavior too much.1 point
Hey those are complex tools to add. So it's unlikely we'll have them in the near future. But thanks for the suggestion.1 point
@technocratOne alternative is to use the AppImage instead: https://github.com/0ad-matters/0ad-appimage/releases/tag/v0.27.01 point
Congratulations and a big Thank You to the team!!! Can't wait to try this new version with all the features and improvements!!!1 point
1 point
Simulation: Organizadamente y distribuido específicamente en cada carpeta se va a encontrar subdividido de la siguiente manera: Data (Aquí puedes especificar cierta información como): Auras (Las auras que se le asignan a entidades como templos, estructuras, o héroes) Civs (Aquí se creara la facción, asignándole un código como por ejemplo para los Godos le puedes asignar sencillamente este mismo "Godos", en caso de ser nombres largos puedes crear abreviatura para no alargar tanto escribiendo el código.) Settings (Aquí podras ubicar un archivo llamado player defaults donde mediante código RGB puedes cambiar los colores que usan las facciones si deseas darle un toque mas realista de vestimenta o colores a tus facciones) technologies (Como el nombre indica aquí crearas los archivos XML donde determinaras tecnologías únicas para tu facción o para las facciones en general que se las desees agregar.) Templates: (En esta carpeta se localizan las entidades, por ejemplo las estructuras con X atributo Y Costo Z Obstrucción, icono, nombre, facción, actor, etc.) Formations (En esta carpeta determinas formaciones especificas para tu facción, de no ser asi, usaran las predefinidas por 0 ad) Special (Estructuras o elementos especiales apartados) Structures (Como el nombre indica, aquí ubicaras todas las estructuras de todas las facciones todas en esta misma carpeta,) Units (En esta carpeta ubicas las unidades y barcos, al igual que en "structures" todas en esta misma carpeta.) Para determinar que unidad o estructura será asignada a cada facción agregale antes del nombre por ejemplo "godos_infantry_swordsman_B" Y dentro del código XML dentro del apartado <Identity> asignas <Civ>Godos</Civ> para que la pc reconozca que esa es su facción única y exclusiva de esta. <Entity> se comienza con esto la linea que dice "parent=" Te resume la escritura en cuanto a propiedades, como ataque, bonificaciones, costo, tiempo, recolección, etc <Builder> Aquí asignaras las estructuras que este construirá O le agregas el "-" guion para que no construya esa estructura en caso no de no poseerla, si la civilización no posee estructura te aparecerá un error cada vez que selecciones la unidad <Identity> Aquí se asigna la identidad de la unidad Civilización <Civ> Grupo de selección <SelectionGroupName> Nombre genérico <GenericName> Nombre especifico <SpecificName> Historia de la unidad <History> Icono de la unidad <Icon> <Promotion> esta es la unidad (otro template como A o E) a la cual la unidad ascenderá al obtener la experiencia requerida, usualmente se maneja de forma b > básico; a > avanzado; y e > elite. pero puedes asignarle la letra o numero que prefieras. <Visual Actor> con esa línea, se indica cuar archivo XML de la carpeta anteriormente mencionada "Actors" se usara como esta unidad en el campo de juego.1 point