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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Problem is, the shield pattern is nonsensical. Further prompting could fix that.
  2. I'm going to make a lot more of these, but I'm going to start using the 0 A.D. Instagram account for more promotion.
  3. A hoplite I generated. I feel like we'd need to train our own AI to get historically accurate results.
  4. Instead of Aleppo Pines (which use old and ugly actors) for Mediterranean and Aegean pine trees, I've been using Pine_Maritime, which look a lot like Aleppo Pines and other coniferous trees I've seen in Mediterranean basin photos. For near the coast, medit_fan_palm, date_palm, and cretan_date_palm. Oak_holly is fine for some decorative or stragglers. Berries should be gaia/fruit/grapes. Hills can be covered almost completely in bush_mediterranean and bush_mediterranean_dry.
  5. So, here's an example: Not trying to shoot anyone down. Just want your efforts to make it into the final product! You guys are motivated and talented, so I want you to use the best assets we have! So, why only use the newer terrains? It's because these terrains are higher resolution and have normal maps and specular maps. They're also all themed together really well and have consistent texels and image quality.
  6. Please only use the new biome terrains, as the old ones may be deprecated sometime (possibly for Release 28). So, if this is a Mediterranean or Aegean area, use the Aegean-Anatolian biome assets.
  7. The team as a whole has forsworn the use of AI for now due to various concerns raised. The DE mod though does use AI portraits for heroes.
  8. Andy has said he's not interested in taking these maps. Best to have an an official "Legacy Maps" mod. Once we've finished polishing 30 good maps for the base game, we can polish 5-10 more maps from the Legacy Maps mod and merge them back into the game. rinse/repeat. Retold has 40 well-polished procedural maps: https://aom.heavengames.com/retold/random-maps/
  9. Removing maps doesn't delete them permanently. bahhhh
  10. No disrespect to you personally, but I grow weary of this topic. I've made my case several times over several years. There are just way too many low quality maps.
  11. A lot of modern RTS games don't have procedural maps. They're of the "Skirmish map" variety. Age of Empires games use "Random maps" I think, but again, that's the reason 0 A.D. chose the term. I think Procedural Maps or Generated Maps are good terms though.
  12. We should, honestly, strip out the worst 50% of maps.
  13. Procedural Maps or Generated Maps are my two preferences. I agree that "Random" here is misleading and not very accurate. The only reason this term is being used is inertia.
  14. Perhaps a Fortified Watchtower could train some Border Troops.
  15. A major difference between the original vision and what the game has evolved into is the territory mechanic. Originally, the map would have pre-defined unclaimed "provinces." You'd see the map divided up in the minimap into your home province, the provinces other players start with, and then a number of other unclaimed provinces. Similar to a voronoi diagram. And then you'd claim new provinces by building your Civilisation Centres (original terminology) on an unclaimed Settlement, very similarly to Age of Mythology. The standard Building roster was much more streamlined (too much, IMHO) and the number of planned civs stood at 6. The way that biomes and seasons planned to work was pretty cool, but super difficult to achieve, so abandoned early (which is fine). I'm personally glad we have many more civs than originally planned because of the cultural diversity we can allow players to experience and play around with. The tech trees were supposed to be 95% choice-based, like with the tech pairs in DE. The tech trees were going to probably be the most complicated aspect of the gameplay. While each of the few civs were to have a slimmed down building roster and unit roster, they would have had 100% unique tech trees that would have determined nearly all of the differentiating features of the civs. It was desired that phase 1 spearmen and phase 1 swordsmen would be nearly identical in stats, only to later in phases 2 and 3 be differentiated via each civ's unique tech tree. The number of phases were limited to 3 (too few, IMHO) for simplicity and to keep these tech trees from growing too massive.
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