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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Could I ask for or suggest an extension? It would be nice to be able to have multiple images for a tip. For instance, in a tip about Wonders it would be nice to be able to show nice clear images of a bunch of individual wonders rather than packing a bunch of them into one screenshot. In these minor mockup, you see a little 1/2 or 2/2 with arrows to let you cycle through the images for the tip. We wouldn't do this for every tip, but to have that ability would be very nice. Would could allow this by letting us use underscores at the end of the image file name. So, wonders_1.png, wonders_2.png, etc.
  2. Yeah, basically the "Yoddha" from 0 A.D. The "ignoring armor" thing is called "epic damage" in AOM:Retold I think. Not sure what to think about it or if it would be useful for 0 A.D.
  3. It would be cool to depict this era for the Romans. I've long maintained that we could have several "Roman" factions and do interesting things with them. Regal Romans Republican Romans Triumvirate Romans Principate Romans Dominate Romans You could have a cool Random/Romans group in the civ selection drop down (in match setup) to randomly choose a Roman faction era for you.
  4. That's a stretch. Looks like they were one of the few cultures where the bow was not a common weapon of war.
  5. Hi, @abian. Do you know how I can add the 4th phase of DE for this feature? I've already place this icon in the \art\textures\ui\session\ folder, but it doesn't show up in the UI when the player reaches 4th phase. (it's here, it's just transparent with white stripes, so you can't see it in front of the white forum background, lol):
  6. Female Citizens could have a weakish Armor aura for soldiers.
  7. This could be a cool special tech. "Iron Fetters" Infantry +1 hack armor, but -10% speed. I'm with @real_tabasco_sauce, let's make something based on this for the emblem.
  8. We decided to call them Germans instead of Cimbri because there are 4 different tribes represented within the faction, some of them just as powerful as the Cimbri, so it made more sense to call them Germans. The Gauls aren't called "Arverni," for example. Anyway, it's not perfect, but that's the basis of the decision. If we add more Germanic factions in the future (like Goths or Suebians), we can alter the name. It can be changed. Everything can change based on feedback. Because it's cool and easy. Open to suggestions.
  9. Coop is pretty fun. Played it back in the day on Age of Empires.
  10. Chronicles: Battle for Greece is kind of like how I envisioned the entirety of the 0 A.D. franchise. 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant (500-ish B.C. to 1 B.C.) then 0 A.D. Empires Besieged (AD 1 to AD 500-ish) then 0 A.D. Kingdoms Reign (AD 600-ish to AD 1200-ish) then we go back 0 A.D. Golden Age (1500 B.C. to 600-ish B.C.)
  11. The current treasure gathering restriction for boats limiting it to only Merchant Ships is a legacy from time before the inclusion of the trading feature. It basically gave them a function in-game while trading was being developed. There's no "logical" reason other ships can't gather treasures other than this.
  12. In AOM, there's a special death sound Arkantos makes @0:14 Then a V.O. says to everyone:
  13. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/issues/7103
  14. We need a better tooltip for the Obstructors. Something like, "<Building> cannot be placed on this terrain."
  15. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/articles/Hippeis#Early_formation
  16. They essentially did that with Return of Rome DLC
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