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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Any reason why something fundamental like this should be optional? It's like making ballistic projectile movement optional...
  2. Like, what were they thinking??? By comparison, the Immortal isn't too bad.
  3. Yeah, a lot of the Battle for Greece units are super terribly designed. There's no way I'd buy that DLC.
  4. This is fine for single player, but just too much complexity for competitive multiplayer.
  5. That Han catafalque bug @4:00 seems to be fixed in A27.
  6. Indeed, seems to be asking a Rome:Total War question
  7. It would be very easy to make campaign-only factions if ever needed, so there's no need to make a brand new system of sub-factions based solely on that fear. However, the idea of sub-factions and branching factions, etc., has been around for a long long time. Certainly since the inception of the game back in the early 2000s. The original game design had the Greeks sub-dividing similarly to how you propose, but only in a very limited and frankly limiting sense. That's why it was decided to split the Hellenes into Athenians, Spartans, and Macedonians. I'm glad that happened. Now, to the proposal itself, it's not bad. I've wanted an Age of Mythology-style choice Ui for quite some time. The only problem is what's next in P3? Choosing a political system might be a good idea. Democracy (or Demarchy as I believe its proponents would have called it), Monarchy, Oligarchy, what else? One thing I like about this proposal as opposed to other sub-faction proposals, is that it leaves the Spartans and Athenians intact. The hang up I have is its additional complexity (I like complexity, but the multiplayer crowd prefers simplicity) and the UI coding.
  8. Again, you assume a lot. The original designers had plenty of "vision." However, they limited the game design in order for it to be a feasible project. The generic Hellenes faction was eventually split from "Hellenes" to Athenians, Spartans, and Macedonians, since the original Hellenes lumped all "city-states" into one Poleis sub-faction and then the Macedonians as the other sub-faction. Essentially, it functioned much like the old Seleucid reforms techs used to, by simply unlocking a couple of different champions and heroes. This was very limiting and didn't allow the game to show the real differences between these historical civilizations, so the idea to split them up into their own full-fledged factions took root. I'm glad it went that way. Quite frankly, all three of those campaigns would be possible with only some minor adjustments with the current civs we have as-is. This concern alone isn't enough to add additional complexity. Triggers and custom assets for a campaign have always been understood as necessary and would be enough to tailor the civs to anything we need. The game is already supremely diverse and respectful of ancient cultures.
  9. Looks like a sweat lodge where they clam bake with cannabis. Probably not far off?
  10. Uhhh, this is not difficult to "grasp." Don't know what the implication here is.
  11. The problem with buildable roads is pathfinding.
  12. Right. I could see traps being implementable for 0 A.D., but draw them out into a line like drawing out a section of walls. You draw out a line of traps/ditches that either bog down/slow down or kill a percentage of enemy troops that cross it.
  13. AW:Sparta had more of an RPG feel than 0 A.D. does though, with a much lower pop cap, so small things like traps and units on boat decks, etc. were within the APM threshold.
  14. Yep, I'd like the "Royal Kurgan" wonder to be round and look very much like this, except maybe have additional stelae surrounding it at the base (maybe on the inside of the ditch, or outside?).
  15. For Basic rank, it would be nice to have maybe 4 variants where the white parts are just plain wood. Almost there. Not bad. I'll see what I can do.
  16. One more thing is, we need a new formation banner texture. It's currently pretty Gothic looking. We could keep this texture and just rename it _goth or whatever, but the standard German banner should be something a lot simpler. I'll see what I can do for that.
  17. These look great. An easy way to make variations is to just invert the white and player color sections. Super easy and creates nice variation. I think this number of variants is pretty good.
  18. I think these majority white versions should be the champion shields, while we can either invert the colors for majority player color and make those the standard unit shields or make all new mostly-player color variants for the standard units. Either way, these majority white ones would go very well for champs. EDIT: nevermind, lol. I didn't see your follow-up ones. They all look very nice indeed.
  19. Yeah, WTH??? If you're going to remodel the unit line anyway, then might as well have remodeled it to something authentic! These are basically fantasy units at this point.
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