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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Could the game have 2 modes? Mode A: "Bells and Whistles" All the gameplay and map features, such as: Farmsteads Mercenary Camps Trading Posts Pirate Docks Relics Shrines Cultural Artifacts Map Creeps (bandits, pirates, farmers, barbarians, etc.) Mode B: "Classic" Only basic standard gameplay, used mostly for Rated matches. None of the above features (like it is now in the current Random Maps).
  2. I addressed this in DE with mercenary camps. Don't have Archers in your standard roster? Capture a mercenary camp and hire them.
  3. The thing is, we have several competing ideas of what constitutes Alpha, Beta, Early Access, et al. And what exact milestones are necessary for each of those terms. i think for the longest time, the idea was that to come out of "alpha" to "beta" would require a working full-featured single player campaign and surely a multiplayer environment where we're no longer arguing over what constitutes cheating or not (the mods). Also, where the civ designs are rather solid and complete and the tech tree not in flux. Then with Beta, we can balance all of those things and fix anything that crops up. That's an older view of game development, but the industry has moved on to a more "perpetual development and balancing" environment, in an odd way meeting Wildfire Games where it's at with its development of 0 A.D. So, I'd advocate we get rid of the old view and embrace where the industry and gamer expectations are at today rather than how we wish they'd be or where they were 15 years ago. Having said that, I'd still like to tunnel down and get some things ready to go before officially boosting the game to Beta. I'd still like a single player campaign even if it's not full-featured and "complete," and I'd like to get the rest of the civs differentiated on the level of the Athenians, Romans, and Spartans are in Alpha 27. And lastly, we need to get the multiplayer community under control before we can legitimately go to Steam or wherever we can go after claiming we're in Beta or Early Access. So, I'd say let's make Alpha 27 the final "Alpha", and after that change our mindset and goals toward the next release being "Beta 1" or whatever we decide to call it.
  4. Oops, the animation shows the triremes ramming each other with their asses. lol
  5. Yep! A27 will increase ram speed per garrisoned soldier. { "type": "garrison", "stackable": true, "affects": ["Ram"], "affectedPlayers": ["Player", "MutualAlly"], "modifications": [ { "value": "UnitMotion/WalkSpeed", "add": 0.15 }, { "value": "UnitMotion/Acceleration", "add": 1 }, { "value": "Position/TurnRate", "add": 0.5 } ], "auraName": "Battering Team", "auraDescription": "Battering Rams +0.15 speed, +1 acceleration, and +0.5 turn rate for each garrisoned soldier." }
  6. Because a big difference between the way expansion works in AOM vs. AOE is the Settlements feature. in AOM you can only expand by building your Town Centers on unclaimed Settlements. This differentiated it from the rest of the Age franchise. The Village Center dilutes this.
  7. On the contrary, for AOMR I believe the "Village Center" was a big step back that badly watered down the Settlement concept. For 0 A.D., I've conceptualized different kinds of settlements or civic centers before.
  8. Ooooo thanks! Skirmish maps are a lot like Starcraft maps. They have a fixed number of permutations and little to no randomness, so that players can learn a map very deeply. Furthermore, Skirmish maps offer a lot more features than random maps currently do, as you noted with capturable objects, more types of animals, more detailed terrain, better terrain blending, better aesthetics, etc.
  9. Apologies for not being more specific. Yeah, as @real_tabasco_sauce says, removing the BuildingAI component from the template allows you to use capture attack, but also makes the tower attack like a single unit. A suggestion would be to give units a garrison aura that decreases repeat time for siege towers. This could be a nice simple workaround. Similar to the battering ram garrison aura.
  10. You have to take away Building AI and use unit attacking.
  11. If that's true, then the more literal translation would be best: "If you spend a thing you cannot have it too."
  12. I'd reduce base cavalry speed by the amount of the speed tech, then increase the cost of the speed tech. Same idea for the health tech.
  13. I'm still attack/destroy but the capture points and health were never adjusted to this paradigm.
  14. The tip would be how to toggle between capture and attack.
  15. I think the trident would be balanced like a spear, so that his hand would be at roughly midpoint of the shaft. Also, can the modesty prop have wrinkles in it?
  16. Should design for the most likely case. But with this outlier we'd just squash the techs downward.
  17. Yes, but I would like more flexibility in the UI code to be able to place these upgrades directly beneath the unit in the panel. More general techs would be placed at the bottom of the panel.
  18. Another big idea. I agree with increasing the cost of the Forge, but then also increase the cost and research time of Forge techs. Then we could have a tech pair in Town Phase that's "Forge techs -50% cost" vs. "Forge techs -50% research time."
  19. To me, the "native names" (SpecificNames) are just a minor aesthetic feature to placate those who want a little more authenticity and like that kind of thing. Most (English) players, IMHO, will want to see Spartan Hoplite instead of "Hoplítēs Spartiátēs." At least for clarity in the middle of a frantic match.
  20. This already looks like a great improvement. Perhaps a custom setup option/toggle to give the players a free starting Dock if desired.
  21. Just swap them into Centurions? Did we debate this one already? I forget.
  22. You're absolutely right. For some reason I only downloaded the 'preview' images. Got the large ones now. If you don't mind, I took the liberty of increasing the contrast of the normal map to pull out more detail. The diffuse and spec maps I reduced to 512x512, while I kept the original resolution for the normal map to get the detail. I might make a podium for it like the other statues have. I'll export this version in the screenshots and a smaller version as a possible structure prop. Toggle these below to see the difference in normal maps: And here's a cool "epic" screenshot: 4k version here: https://i.imgur.com/6FwT5V0.jpeg
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