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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I agree, some nice rendering enhancements would be very appreciated, to bring the game's aesthetics up to a 2025 level. I'll give the team some credit though and say we've done a lot with what we have and the game can actually look pretty good when we use it to its potential. But as you indicate, there are some things that could be enhanced to give the game that extra visual "je ne sais quoi." Ultra shadows would be a nice touch, as well as true bloom (the current bloom is rarely used because it's mostly a hack). I know @vladislavbelov has plans up his sleeve and personal desires on this front. There's also a lot the artists can do to help make things more efficient as well. Some textures could use culled as well as extra models and actors that we may not be using anymore. @wraitii has some planned updates to water, which are exciting.
  2. Another little easter egg is the inclusion of a "Phocian Wall" on a portion of the map. It's of course famously a part of mainland Greece, not Ionia, but it was fun to include it. (Which also puts my mind to another possible scenario)
  3. Right, I was thinking of making a multiplayer skirmish and a single-player scenario version. The main thing for the single-player version is to either make a custom AI for the 5th player and/or to script the triggers to make the 5th player act as it should.
  4. This post is an initial gauge of interest. I've been working on this scenario/skirmish, called "Ionian Revolt," which is based on the Miletus Peninsula map, and what it does is that it greatly enlarges the map, mirrors Miletus Peninsula so that there are 2 peninsulas facing each other, allowing for 4 human players. The major difference though, is that off to the West is another land mass, occupied by a 5th player, which can be either a human player, a sort of "Dungeon Master", a custom AI, or unassigned for easiness (but uses triggers to enact certain policies). The main objective of the scenario being that the first player to capture the "Wonder of the World" from player 5 on this landmass becomes the winner. I call the 5th human player the "Dungeon Master" in reference to D&D, because this player's main focus is to just harass the other 4 players and build up their own island for the eventual assault, basically to keep the narrative going. This 5th player's whole purpose is to defend that Wonder and keep pressure on the other 4 players who are duking it out for supremacy on their respective peninsulas. 5th player gets 2 smaller islands on the other side of the map, too, from which to launch raids. My initial thought was that this player's gathering capabilities should be nerfed considerably, and then they receive a tribute of resources from Gaia every 10 minutes, with which to use to building ships and troops and go harass the other players. (Above: The Dungeon Master player can hire Pirate ships from these docks and harass the other 4 players. the other 4 players can turn the tables and capture these little islands for an advantage [they too can then hire pirate ships]) Side quests: It would be cool to include a couple side quests or easter eggs. For instance, travel up this mountain pass, kill these two Snake Cultists and you gain the allegiance of their captives, plus a benefit for either capturing or destroying their Snake Cult Statue. A rather big Easter egg on the map already is the recreation of the tourist destination of "Pirates Cove" (Navagio Beach) on the Greek island of Zakynthos. I AM ASKING FOR HELP. I am pants at making triggers, etc. and would like help making triggers and other scripted events occur to make this map something big and worthy of a saved game or two. And then, once it's at a good state with your help, make a Pull Request to include it into the base game for Release 28 as part of a batch of scenarios and skirmish maps that we hope creates a whole other style of single and multi-player. Narrative multiplayer. This post is an initial gauge of interest.
  5. Hello. Does it look like this?
  6. In my mod, it has "Cash Crops" fields that can be built in Empire phase. In Delenda Est, you get Coin from them (to train mercenaries, which are a big part of the mod), but in the base game (Empires Ascendant) it can just be abstracted to Metal.
  7. The game has both, and it is up to you how you want to play it. Age of Empires games are well-known for both their multiplayer and single-player modes.
  8. It's not a bug. The AI simply just doesn't have the logic to capture neutral objects. The AI needs extended to do so. I hope for R28.
  9. Did you pay the amount and assuage his nag? lol
  10. Indeed, I've already started to include this level of abstraction in Skirmish maps: Capture these farmsteads/mills to get a farming boost around them (with an aura).
  11. (I'd like to have those "totem poles" as props as well)
  12. Basically, in the center-back of the footprint would be this structure: Then it would be cool to have a kind of hanging banner line, like this: We can even make them sway a little in the wind. (maybe as a researching/training indicator, like the forge smoke) Around the main structure would be stall-like structures for the venders and sellers. Made of thatch and wood instead of canvas. I like how in these next screenshots, you see all of these props. Hanging herbs. Slabs of beef. Baskets of vegetables. Animal hides strung up. Jars of wine. Large bags of grain.
  13. What I mean is, Omri's OG tracks are complete self-contained pieces. The other tracks are more like ambient sketches. A lot more bombastic, isn't it? I kinda like it.
  14. Personally, pre-game, I'd have the Main theme play once, then transition to 2 or 3 ambient tracks. I probably wouldn't bother having an option for it. It'd leave the option for in-match music.
  15. Back to the topic, I prefer the tracks that are less "ambient" and more lyrical. We have several "ambient" style tracks now that I'm not a huge fan of, but I've chosen to sprinkle in anyway. My favorites are the older tracks, such as and
  16. This could be an interesting option. "Civ-Specific Music" or "Random Music" in options. I'd have Civ-Specific be default.
  17. I'd do it by either lighting up the terrain with an overlay when you have a field selected to place or light up the field itself (like how it turns red if you have an obstruction in the way). Lighting up the terrain might be more useful, but break immersion more than lighting up the field itself, so I'd opt for lighting up the Field preview as you wave it around. Red overlay for obstructed (as is currently), hi viz yellow on unproductive land, and bright green overlay for productive land. To have gradations is to add unnecessary complexity, IMHO, as this is still a RTS game where players have a limited amount of APM in their brain banks. Different, of course, with a city builder or a turn based game. As far as the art listed in the top post, if some of you would like to open the individual task threads (if they don't have one already), that would be very helpful, then I can use the OP as a meta post and link to all of the task threads. Don't worry about "getting it right," as a moderator and I edit your post if need-be. Once we have nice task threads with information and references, etc. I can open Issue tickets on Gitea.
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