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0 A.D. Champions Cup

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Thanks everyone who played! It was a pleasure to watch all your matches! ^^


  1. borg-
  2. FeldFeld
  3. ValihrAnt
  4. Jofursloft




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Edited by PrincessChristmas
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the incomparable, the fierce, the one that will troll  you, the one that sweats it all... CAMELIUS.

UGANDA TIMEZONE, neighbour of some good players like kizitom.

I AM the guy who loves the code of elexis.

Edited by camel
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  • elexis pinned this topic
  On 19/07/2018 at 5:00 PM, ffffffff said:

after two win matches, the player is direct in next round, when two player dont get a result after one week, both players out, instead the two players in the tree where the winning would match the winner of that match, just both of that two players are then in the next round. so its fair in time to everyone in the same round and nobody has to wait for a missing match in a round. so i would say per week one round is fair to everyone then, and we keep in timing. 


I don't think I understand! Say you were to play me in the first round, we'd have a week to play. Our match would be best of 3 games (Mainland first, then Lake then Oasis if needed). The winner would post replays to this thread. If somehow we couldn't arrange a time to play, one of us might be eliminated or we might be granted more time to arrange the match.

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After discussing this with other people I've decided the tournament will now use double elimination. This means the first time you lose, you will drop into the losers bracket. Only if you lose a second time are you disqualified. At the end, the winner of the winners bracket plays the winner of the losers bracket in a grand final. The winner of the winners bracket is given a 1-0 advantage in the best of 7 grand final.

It might seem a bit complicated but it will all become clear once I post the tree! :)

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Kizitom here.I would really really love to join these championship, but I have just 1 or 2 problems. my time zone is East Africa Time, (EAT) but the next week, i might be completely off the internet for atleast 2 to 3 weeks. I have a project booked up and the first phase of the project is being completed in the 1st week of august. the 2nd phase is a bit kinda lenient with less work. My query therefore is how adjustable can these tournaments be? because i actually only play in the night when am back from work (thank goodness i finally got some work)

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  On 20/07/2018 at 4:41 AM, kizito said:

Kizitom here.I would really really love to join these championship, but I have just 1 or 2 problems. my time zone is East Africa Time, (EAT) but the next week, i might be completely off the internet for atleast 2 to 3 weeks. I have a project booked up and the first phase of the project is being completed in the 1st week of august. the 2nd phase is a bit kinda lenient with less work. My query therefore is how adjustable can these tournaments be? because i actually only play in the night when am back from work (thank goodness i finally got some work)


Your timezone shouldn't be a problem. With double elimination, there are 9 rounds so I'm hoping we will finish in 2-3 months. I wouldn't be able to delay the games for an extra 2-3 weeks. But anyway, Jofursloft signed up despite not being here for much of August. You can signup and perhaps everything will be okay but I can't promise we'll wait weeks for you. :)

Edited by PrincessChristmas
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Congratulations on thinking this up and putting it into action.
It gets people interested, perhaps some singleplayer users might see the fun side of competitive 0 A.D. gaming.

In response to numerous pings (while I was afk sleeping) asking me to advertise this tournament on the Welcome/Lobby panel:
Wildfiregames does not host/control this event, which was created by a user and his/her friends.
So therefore while it may indeed happen in the future - with the consent of the moderators etc. - I must decline this request unless @elexis and/or @user1 chooses to support this venture.

Perhaps something semi-official as a New Year special...

Glad to see some other maps listed beside Mainland, especially African Plains.

Good luck! ;)

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