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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Interesting. Perhaps 2 civs to showcase the potential variety and pose an interesting historical scenario. Spartans and Persians for instance. Use only the Spartan menu background as well. Strip out all the non-greek and non-persian music. Only 2 skirmish maps, a Greek one and a Desert one, stripping out the other biomes and maps. Good idea.
  2. Can this be made into a standalone mod and added to mod.io? Depending upon its structure, other mods could make it a dependency.
  3. For quite some time, with Delenda Est enabled the first 30 seconds of a match are extremely lagged, @10 fps or less. Then 30 seconds later framerates boost up to 50-60 fps and the game is playable then. Does anyone else experience this with the mod? What could potentially be causing this? I suspect the AI, since so much in the mod changes the way the AI works, but I am not certain. Can someone run a profile on a few matches for me?
  4. Beginning of a match is generally around 50-60 fps and it just gets worse from there, with or without the patch. I'll try it with 6 threads and see how it goes.
  5. I haven't released the fixed version of the mod yet... It will probably come this week, depending on how long it takes to be verified by wfg.
  6. I get no performance improvement from 2 or 4. Perhaps I have not applied everything correctly, but it's pretty easy to apply thanks to stan. My laptop is 5 years old however, and grfx card is only a 730M.
  7. Should "pyrogenesis" file in system.zip be the exe or pdb or? It currently has no file type.
  8. Lovely progress. Aesthetics Hint: Try to avoid flat plain, bare walls like the side of the barracks. Break it up a bit with some bevels, windows, buttresses or other architectural elements or props.
  9. Yeah, but hasn't the exe been autobuilt between now and last August?
  10. Groves? Yeah, I need them garrisonable for the battalions.
  11. Hi there. If you are a little savvy with modding or just navigating Windows, you can place (or replace) the attached file at this location: \mods\delenda_est_A23\gui\pregame\ You may have to unzip the archive to do this, as I haven't tested it any other way. Attached: mainmenu.xml
  12. Okay, but do you want the player to have to consider all of this? Sure, unit differentiation is good to keep things interesting, but is this kind of differentiation really all that interesting? I would say "no", and I would wager money that most players would say "no" too. I would say that the player shouldn't have to consider all of this in order to make a good economy. Besides, when units are working, even though they still have their "armor" textures for easier recognition, they're really supposed to be in their "work clothes" so to speak, not really wearing any armor (which is indicated by their helmets being removed as they gather and shuttle), making their amor-based walking speeds a moot point. That's another reason why I think we need a ShuttleSpeed element: The units are being "civilians" at this point, not wearing their armor, so why should their walk speed which is largely based on armor stats and combat balance also be their shuttle speed? These are two entirely separate "modes" for these units ("combat" vs. "resourcing").
  13. I will mod whichever version of the game gives me !#$%king battalions.
  14. Wasn't there a problem with scrollbars not working with widgets and options or somesuch. Probably not remembering right. It's the reason that we don't just have a scrolling game setup options panel instead of the weird sliding menus.
  15. If Fork A.D. doesn't do anything significantly different to the gameplay, then what would be the point? Real question to mr bushido.
  16. This in the TM repo already?
  17. The thing about open source is that you can't really stop others from using "your" code as long as they adhere to the original license. Both WFG and Fork AD can and will likely mix and match code and assets just like the mods have.
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