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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. IMHO, wall models should all be adjusted to be standard lengths, widths, etc. Same for the palisade walls, which should be brought up to the lengths of the stone wall pieces.
  2. Indeed. Flat-topped non-shooting wall connectors would be the default, and then you can upgrade the connectors to arrow towers, ballista towers, etc., with the upgrade function at a cost. It just needs the wall code to be extended to allow multiple entities to be connectors. Right now you can only designate one entity as a connector in the wallset templates. Another problem is the insane range they have in the base game (72 meters in core game, 40 meters in Delenda Est). Also in Delenda Est there is a "Civic Spaces" range around Civic Centers where you can't build farms or walls. This would prevent some of the "inventive" wall turtling that is currently possible in the core game.
  3. This bug makes sheep free and only take 1 second to train. lol I suggest either a civ bonus or special technology.
  4. So, I was thinking of changing how the Blacksmith works. Basically, what you would have are instead of "technologies" that you research once, you would task the smithy to manufacture certain weapons or armor, which would then affect the cost and stats of soldiers. So, what you would do is "upgrade" the Blacksmith to different versions of itself, each one with an aura that boosts units in the prescribed way. So, task the smithy to manufacture swords, by Upgrading the blacksmith building to the sword-making version of itself, which would have an aura that boosts sword units and makes them cost more (because you're equipping them with fancy new sharp swords with +20% attack). I don't know all the details yet, I'm just conceptualizing for now. I was thinking of doing something similar with Markets and having a tax trickle feature that replaces Bartering.
  5. Have you tried flipping their order on the list? It's hierarchal.
  6. 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant Alpha 23 Ken Woods Mod Hyrule Conquest It would be great if video makers can include all these in their descriptions and/or titles somehow, but then the title would get Hella long.
  7. I'd rather it be like once you click the City Phase upgrade a window pops up with choices. You choose from the 3 or more heroes you have available and then that hero appears at that Civic Center once the City Phase upgrade is complete. That choice can come with a hero, special technologies, and/or any special abilities specific to that hero.
  8. Indeed, like in Age of Mythology or Age of Empires III.
  9. It has a lot of fixes, but the Kushite and Chinese techs aren't exactly where I want them.
  10. Version 2 for Alpha 23 is up. Thanks @Itms and @stanislas69 https://0ad.mod.io/delenda-est
  11. Hack = melee. In game context. It never made sense to give them a pierce attack. It only muddied the waters.
  12. Or removing that weird pierce attack given to spearmen and make them hackers instead. All civs have spearmen as far as I remember.
  13. In the like 100 matches I've seen casted on Youtube, I can't remember a single player actually building a curtain of walls, but I'm not sure if that's a whole other discussion or if siege weapons should be discussed in concert with walls.
  14. Well, yeah, people have been complaining about rams for a loooong time. Minutes to make the mods. The hours of testing don't need to be done by you or stan or the 1 or 2 other active guys. In general, maybe. Likely, they are the best to just what is best for competitive play. 90% of your user base are probably not very competitive. Though, 90% of those probably would not have any idea why they're not liking the balance, only that the gameplay feels unbalanced or bad or frustrating. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Barely anyone even uses walls. But honestly, I think rams should be more about attacking walls and other defenses, specifically bringing down gates. But we have yet to construct a meta where the player actually is incentivized to use walls and build proper cities. That's what the "normies" and "casuals" do after all.
  15. You don't want it to be too directional because of the various camera angles.
  16. It would take 5 mins to make a mod and test it out. Could even be added to the mod.io list and let players, you know, playtest. That was one of the selling points of making modding so integral to these alpha releases right? So balancing work could be done by hundreds instead of a handful? I reiterate that it is my opinion that fine tuned balancing discussions are worthless at this juncture, unless there is some kind of gross imbalance. The question is whether battering rams are grossly imbalanced (I think they are). So, let's make 2 "official" balancing mods. One where the battering ram speed is reduced, and one where they can't attack soldiers. Get people to test them out and then they can report back here. That's the real way to "balance" these things. Another mod could be adding @borg-'s flaming arrows idea. Or you can play Delenda Est where battering ram speed has been reduced for over a year and flaming arrows have been implemented for a couple civs in some circumstances for a long time too.
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