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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Good comments. But I'm pretty sure defense towers are capped. Did the ai build 7 civic centers? AI not upgrading the defense towers is an issue with core game I think. AI doesn't upgrade blacksmith techs because the cost/research time choice to unlock blacksmith techs confuses it.
  2. Lol as I've said, the way DE is is because of engine limitations. I have no way of making a specific resource not tradable, barterable, or tributable.
  3. I'm not too keen with further screwing with the AI. Lol. Hopefully the next alpha will better support the extra military buildings.
  4. Yes we can make an Amazon thread too but let's limit this thread to Mexico and Central America.
  5. Yes, this little detail is missing from the game. Also, fields should use the build_farm actor variant for a seeding animations instead of banging a hammer against the dirt.
  6. I just would like to say that "the way it's done in Delenda Est" is only that way because of the engine's limitations (and my own limitations in not being able to code patches to make farming better; but even if I did have the chops to code a nice farming patch it could take years for "agreement" to add it to the base game, sigh; I mean, we're still talking about it even now). If I were to design a farming system from scratch it would be like "painting" the farms similar to the way terrain textures are painted in Atlas, with cost being deducted per tile painted. But if we were to keep "field" actors basically the way they are now, then like some have already suggested I would have areas of the map that give greater farming efficiency than others. And as you move the field's preview actor around you would see a percentage number change to tell you the efficiency of the farm if placed there. Around Civic Centers (and maybe other buildings besides Farmsteads and Corrals) you'd see something like 25%. Over grass and dirt it would be maybe 100%, over "farmland" terrain it would be 200%, over sand or rocky terrain 25%. The values open for debate. Different biomes could even have a global bonus or penalty for farms too, forcing different food strategies. These values could maybe be coded in the terrain XML files, or some other way of course, whatever is best. Also, field (and other building) foundations should delete individual trees (these trees would shade red when the field/building preview is hovered over them), but that's a different thing altogether (this works in DE, besides the red shading).
  7. So, I'm gathering that those pesky mines can be placed further away rather easily. It's just that they might interact with the Iberian walls and Fortress maps. Doesn't seem too bad.
  8. So, Oaxaca has a kind of mixed semi-arid highlands biome? Looks even slightly Mediterranean.
  9. The bamboo could use better geometry and look less "reedy" imo. The bamboo in Age of Empires III looks a lot better. I'll see if I can get some screenshot.
  10. I can imagine eventually they could be included, like many of the civs/factions being worked on in the various mods. The bamboos from TM need work though.
  11. Looking to make an "Oaxaca" skirmish map and realized we have no jaguars and parrots and other animals and plants indigenous to Central America. Perhaps a new mod can be made so that gameplay and faction mods like Terra Magna and Delenda Est, Millennium AD (if they include Mayans, Aztecs, et al.), can make it a dependency. I'll make a list and you can add to it or criticize it. Fauna Jaguar https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Jaguar Can have a black variant at 1 out of 20. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Jaguar#/Colour_variation Coyote https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Coyote#/Range Turkey https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Turkey_(bird) Dometic, trainable at corral; capturable in the wild Xoloitzcuintli (aka Hairless Dog) https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Mexican_Hairless_Dog Paca https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Lowland_paca Armadillo https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Armadillo Macaw https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Macaw Tapir https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Baird's_tapir
  12. Are these 2 mine placements redundant code in each and every script (140 files) or is it in the shared code (1 file)?
  13. By "possessions" he means their Delian League "allies" and colonies. The Athenian Empire was indeed much bigger than Attica itself. But you knew that and relish in pedantry.
  14. Indeed. Athens, a city of 40,000 male citizens, could only muster 10,000 hoplites to fight at Marathon.
  15. Yes but people see further than 80 meters or whatever the standard vision range is. And a meter in game is not the same as a real meter proportionately.
  16. These are from DE, where your workers are male and female variations. Only the Spartan worker is all female in DE.
  17. Realistically people don't walk around with a "vision range" and other weird game world features like this.
  18. Well, archer range is ridiculous too. lol But I get your point.
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