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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. In the meantime just hit Suppress, while I track down the offending texture.
  2. The upload process very much pleads with the uploader to 'Go Live!' At best, it's just unintuitive, but that's not WFG's fault.
  3. Debug View is good to run while compiling so that if there are any troubles with the archiving process they will show up there in Debug View. You can see pyrogenesis.exe show up in Windows Task Manager and it'll stay there as long as the archiver is working. When it disappears, you can be relatively sure the archiver has completed the job.
  4. With battalions, one could "increase the pop cap" while actually reducing the number of controllable entities the player has to worry about. Let's say you can have up to 30 battalions under your command. Each with 20-30 soldiers in it would make 600-900 soldiers total, but you only have to worry about the disposition of the 30 entities, not 900. 100 units per battalion in 0 A.D. seems a bit much. I'm thinking more like 24-30 could be standard, but the code supporting much more for mods.
  5. Individual soldiers have hitboxes in Total War games, and you can easily have battles with an army of 2500 vs. another army of 2500. I wonder what TW games do to make this workable. And it's not just because their battle maps have fewer obstacles than a 0 A.D. map. You could have a completely blank 0 A.D. map and it would go to lag Hell with 5000 units moving around. It might have something to do with their soldiers all belonging to battalions. Perhaps there's a cheap way to just path the whole battalion as one entity and then "cheat" with the soldiers inside the battalion. dunno.
  6. At least with a hard counter system, every unit is good for something, if not fodder. But I think the topic is drifting.
  7. Honestly, look at the way DE does it.
  8. Indeed. It's like folks forget that this was all thought about years ago. Reintroduce attack bonuses and a lot of concerns like this are taken care of: "Macemen" were rare in our timeframe. But for units like the Mauryan Macedude, just give him an attack bonus vs. "Whatever" class and let his crush damage do its work on buildings. And your concern presupposes that slingers have to use crush attack. They don't have to. Everything is changeable.
  9. I don't want to tediously have to Garrison everything in order to make everything work. The high pop cost already assumes a crew to man the machines
  10. IMHO, since the AI would be clueless about how to take advantage of the civ's features anyway, I don't currently see the issue with not having a dedicated Storehouse. Players of the mod should, for now, not give the Xiongnu to the AI regardless. Didn't Athens rely on grain shipments from Scythian-held areas?
  11. Yes, basically. The workshop would also have the techs there. naw
  12. I'd rather we figure out a way to allow soldiers to build these siege weapons in the field.
  13. Hence why I said, " It is very likely your O/S has a similar feature." lol https://www.imore.com/how-set-mac-app-default-when-opening-file
  14. Ignore everyone else's advice. In Windows you can set the default program that opens any file. I am not sure how to do this in your O/S, but in Windows it is very simple. Just right-click the .pyromod file, choose properties, where it says opens with, click change, then choose pyrogenesis.exe. From then on you can double-click any pyromod file and pyrogenesis.exe will sort it all out for you. It is very likely your O/S has a similar feature. If you already have an older version of the millenniumad mod stored in your mod folder, then you need to delete it or rename the folder because the pyromod process refuses to overwrite an existing mod.
  15. I tried to make siege towers able to capture buildings, but it didn't work for some reason. Maybe it's time to revisit it.
  16. DELETED files don't work correctly either.
  17. .DELETED everything doesn't work, so that in its current state the archiver will create a Hyrule Conquest mod where the Hyrulians are battling Spartans. Also, the archiver flips its @#$% over all kinds of random things. Like, okay, it didn't like that PNG or DAE for some reason, just include the original file into the archive and skip the compression already! Now, I am wondering if an uncompressed archive still has the same problem with DELETED files/folders as we know a compressed archive does. Have you tested that? Another issue is that the "ModdingGuide" page is misleading, specifically as the command told to enter into Powershell has improper syntax. BTW, the way you told me to go about it should be the suggested way described on that page. Your quick tutorial via private message was way easier and more helpful, as the ModdingGude page seems to have been written by someone very competent in programming and assumes the reader also has this competency (many modders won't, guilty as charged), no offense intended to the author. The packaging in Windows for me was a pain, mostly for the issues that are fixed by your packing mod. Might as well commit the packing mod and cmd file to the core repository unless there is a more comprehensive fix (which I suspect there is, but the packing mod/cmd file you gave me could be a nice quick fix for A23 modders).
  18. I see your point about the treasures and low resources. I think the treasure info from @Boudica was the key information here. I wish there was a way to randomize some things in Skirmish maps (like treasures, metal mine placement, animal placement, berry placement, etc.). Either that, or treasures are disabled by default on rated games.
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