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Leadership changes


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Well done Stan.  Pushing the game forward for over 12 years. That is an excellent contribution and quite an accomplishment.  Take a minute and look over the before and after differences.  You will be proud.  That is 2x the length of time of what I was able to give it. 


I do not have ideas for the person who can or will replace me, nor do I know whether I should be replaced by a single person. I will leave it for the remaining people to decide what kind of leadership model they want to go for from now on.

I think it would be helpful for the team to push through a few more days and formulate some sort of a succession plan.  Whether that be some sort of election process or maybe a search plan for nominations or recruits.  Or perhaps it would be as little as helping to facilitate the conversation for the team, internally.  Maybe formulating a helpful internal poll?  The project still needs some sort of leadership to continue forward.  As the last one to wear the mantle it would be wise to the team bestow it instead of allowing chaos to emerge in the vacuum...  Unless the game is destined to have some sort of division/branch like when Alexander the Great died suddenly ;)

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It has been so good having you around @Stan. Feeling bad now I wasn't there much for the last 2 years almost. Meeting at FOSDEM and staying at your place on @Imarok and my crazy cycling trip has been a pleasure especially.

Going to miss you certainly, but all the best. And be sure to be welcome around any time.

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It is very sad. After all, it is 0 A.D. became the reason that I began to be interested in antiquity and now I understand how ancient Roman temples differ from ancient Greek ones with flutes on columns, stylobates instead of a podium, and sculpted pediments.;) 0 A.D. to me has always felt like one of those games that can fight back against the ubiquitous, nauseating medieval setting.




Edited by Hemachandra
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I have an idea, so I'll just spit it out: maybe the project leader doesn't need to come out of the developer team. maybe it's better if it's someone who knows a bit of it all, of the programming, of the art, of the modding, of the playing, someone who's stuck with the project for very long, always doing a lot. maybe it should be @wowgetoffyourcellphone.

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I want to express my sincere gratitude for all the support and encouragement you have given to the project and to each of us here.
I'm sure you'll be successful in whatever direction you decide to take from now on. I hope to continue seeing your presence here on the forum.

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It's quite clear that @Stan` work has been great.  From being a contributor, irenic leader, and dedicated volunteer, 0 AD looks a lot better from his involvement.  While this sort of announcement does seem unfortunate, I hope you continue to bring the qualities you have to whatever new passions you encounter.

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Thanks @Stan` for all the work!

I haven't been here for a while, but I've dabbled with some other open source projects. I think I agree with @real_tabasco_sauce with splitting up the command. The same person who's overseeing the engine doesn't have to be the same person that oversees the art or the PR or the writing, or testing. Different people or better, yet different teams of people could work on each.


Meanwhile, we have even more of a need for volunteers. It's not only programmers that we need. There are documentation, bug reporting, testing, artwork, scenario and map making tasks available for volunteers here. Contact your nearest dev or WFG staff to discuss how you can help.

The one issue I've found is that the contribution system looks very confusing. It might turn out not when I eventually submit a patch, but it looks like it. I'm actually kind of nervous when the time comes to start putting patches of the encyclopedia into the game.

Maybe with an easier, more straight forward (but still self-hosted) all in one bug tracker solution would be better, like GitLab, so people wouldn't need to get multiple accounts on different old programming systems to submit something.

Oh Also, a dev/ WFG staff (I don't know who is in charge of it) but I can help with documentation, just PM me with something and I'll see what I can do.

Edited by ShadowOfHassen
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After years of Torrent-seeding 0AD, I've checked the 0AD site again and noticed the news. I've registered here to thank you @Stan` for all your time and heart spent working on 0AD and give you remote support and a hug! Thank you!

If the project/community will need a new system administrator, please PM me. I and my ~9 years of SysOp/Linux experience will do my best to help the project!

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Signing in to also give my thanks. I'm usually lurking nowadays, but I've been following for a very long time.

You've been leading for so long, it's hard to remember when you weren't in charge. Whoever will be taking over have big shoes to fill.

Edited by SDM
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Hello Stan. I know all too well the feeling of not being able to carry on anymore, despite wanting to.

You have been an extraordinary leader and the best successor I could have had when I decided to step down. You should indeed have absolutely no regrets, including in this decision of stopping and focusing on yourself and your health.

Others have worded it perfectly during these ten past days: thank you for making 0 A.D. the best game that exists. I am certain that, thanks to your work, the project will endure.

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Hey Stan,

Please don't feel bad for quitting your 0 A.D. posts. Health and a fulfilling life go first, and I'm sure that everyone here knows that you have thoroughly thought about it before making your decision. Your work, care, and constructive attitude have had without doubt a huge impact on the development of the game and its community, and have made 0. A.D what it is today: Objectively one of the greatest open source games in the world. It can even compete with the best commercial games in the market which is - given the fact that this is all made by volunteers - not a matter of course at all. Thinking about the huge part that you had in it, what you did is outstanding and you can be more than proud of it!
It is only natural that the colossal effort you put into 0 A.D. would at some point wear you down. So don't think about your retirement as a weakness but instead be amazed at how long you kept up.
It's also a wise decision to make a clean cut as it's easy to get sucked back into old habits and wrongfully getting the feeling that one was supposed to deliver.
Once you have established a healthy mental distance, feel free to drop in for some games or good company without any pressure!

I wish you all the best and am sure that you'll find your energy again to have an amazing future :)


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Thank you brother, I completely understand your fatigue and thank you for your efforts in this cause.

Although I have only known you for two years, you made me feel very friendly and helped me a lot. Despite all the chaos, you strive to make the community a place where friendly exchanges can occur. Otherwise, Chinese people like me might not stay here any longer or invest more energy.

I hope you will feel more relaxed and healthy after offloading the burden of being in charge. I hope you can happily play games with us as a player again in the future.

thanks again.

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