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Everything posted by Stev

  1. Thank you Stan for your hard work. The game in even its current form is simply a stunning achievement and really a tremendous amount of fun to play.
  2. HI All, first would just say that I absolutely love this game. Its definitely one of my favorite games and have contributed to the effort via donation b/c I want this game to succeed. Not being a developer myself, I have no way to directly help build the game but in seeing the capability of GPT, do others see this being a significant contributor going forward? I know there has been developments recently to get a more stable playing experience but my sense is that there's still quite a bit of work to do. Has anyone started to experiment with this? Also, do you possibly see less experienced people like myself being able to contribute more with tools like GPT? I work in a company and are looking at migrating code from legacy software using GPT so would think it would be doable here too. Would love to hear others opinions on this. Basically hoping for more frequent builds The game is amazing. It feels like what Age 4 should have been, at least in my opinion.
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