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  1. 4 points
  2. I would say a siege team bonus sounds good.
    3 points
  3. When capturing was introduced I didn't particularly like it. As it came up recently, as in make sieges not capture-able I tried to recall why this was so. One aspect is the capture-delete meta. This could be fixed by buildings needing being demolished as they need be built and could award some of the resources back as compensation. The other was when capturing got introduced I felt the unit behaviour quite a bit annoying. So I changed the code that capturing needs to be explicitly ordered for it to happen. Turns out it feels better but not by as much as I expected. Probably having to adjust to the new behaviour when capturing got introduced made it feel worse than it actually was. So that others may try how it would feel I packaged the changes into a minimalistic mod for A23. You have to add a definition for hotkey.session.capture to your local.cfg (~/.config/0ad/config/local.cfg on Linux) if you still want to be able to capture targets after loading the mod. capture-0.23.0.pyromod
    2 points
  4. Buenas (otra vez) , -Noté que los escudos se parecen demasiado entre sí , tanto los lusitanos como vetones y entre ambas tribus , por eso , lo terminé de remodelar para que se diferencien más y no haya tantos parecidos(además de que ahora son texturas totalmente sacadas del propio juego y no de internet); Escudos lusitanos; Fase 1; (en forma cóncava) fase 2; (en forma cóncava) (las partes en negro cambian para indicar color de facción fase 3; (en forma plana excepto el Umbo metálico del medio) (las partes en negro cambian para indicar color de facción) Escudos campeones lusitanos; (las partes en negro cambian para indicar color de facción) Escudos lanceros auxiliares vetones ; fase 1 Fase 2 Fase 3 Escudos jinetes y escaramuzadores auxiliares vetones ; fase 1 Fase 2 Fase 3 (las partes en negro cambian para indicar color de facción) (Los escudos de los jinetes serían más grandes que los de los escaramuzadores) Disculpen las molestias*
    2 points
  5. Why imagine when you can feel it multiple times lol
    2 points
  6. Sometimes is still amazing the kind of things you can find in the internet!! A channel dedicated to biomes wow!
    2 points
  7. Buenos días o tardes; -Aquí les dejo las texturas finales para las unidades Lusitanas ; (no incluí las texturas de los navíos púnico y fenicio por que ya existen) (Pensé que además de tener una unidad de mujer guerrera , las mujeres civiles lucharan también y subieran de rango , igual que sus homólogos masculinos , ya que las fuentes clásicas decían que ellas defendían sus castros y que también combatían junto a los hombres, así que podría haber una gran igualdad entre ciudadano lusitano y ciudadana lusitana. Pero para darle un equilibrio , la mujer lusitana , al subir cada rango , recolectaría los recursos más lento , pero tendría más puntos de ataque y defensa al igual que cambiaría de apariencia. -Pero también se podría reclutar a una unidad de mujer guerrera , que aunque no pueda recolectar recursos ningunos , tendría muchos más puntos de ataque y defensa. La mujer ciudadana lusitana tendría la capacidad de cambiar a guerrera lusitana tal y como lo hacen los campeones Xiongnu pero solo después de desbloquear la habilidad especial en un edificio único de facción , que podría ser la Sauna Lusitana , donde también podría desbloquear otras habilidades únicas lusitanas. (ideas originales de @Lopess y @Genava55 ) Swordman; Phase 1; Phase 2 Phase 3 Spearman; Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Javelinist; Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Slinger; Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Cavalry javelinist; Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 cavalry spearman; Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 -En principio ya las terminé las unidades lusitanas , aquí se las dejo para que vean el progreso , si creen que cometía algún error (estético , histórico , técnico etc...) no duden en comentarlo al igual que críticas , sugerencias ... y si quieren retocarlas ,pues adelante , no tendré inconvenientes.(todas las texturas usadas para moldear las texturas de las unidades lusitanas , las saqué de fuentes que me prestaron @wackyserious y @Stan`).Ahora estoy sustituyendo las texturas de los edificios lusitanos por texturas del propio juego . Disculpen las molestias*
    2 points
  8. Hi @user1, Yesterday I didn't get any rating points after I won a game This is not the first time it happened (with different players each time), but I thought it is better to put it here. It was a rated game (I hosted that game), and the opponent looked as he was there till the end because he was training units from his barracks. At the end the pop message appeared as I won the game but no ratings got updated. My lobby name: Rarius_II The oponent : 303UFO303 (Not sure whether he left or what happened at the end. But he was there training units till the last minutes) By the way I would like to thank everyone behind this game Playing 0AD has become one of my favorite hobbies !! /Rarius II metadata.json commands.txt
    2 points
  9. imo the AI should prioritize attacking units in p1 and p2, but the main point is that capturing should be a choice and not the default
    2 points
  10. yeah I agree maybe it won't change much on that side.. but I'm one of those part of the "aesthetic team" (LOL) and I find the conquer mechanic quite irritating to witness. Also because it's exploited with the combo the conquer + delete, which I don't think is a very clever mechanic and, at that point, simply attacking would be a more straightforward action to get to the same result. However I'm not gonna debate as with the arrow precison (just kidding, eh!) ahahaha I like the possibility to capture things. I just think it could be maybe secondary/optional, that's it.
    2 points
  11. THIS. I hope some of the main devs can read this I also like "capturing" as an option. But I would rather prefer it as just an option, not a default as it is now.
    2 points
  12. eh, thanks for asking! I was talking about this with Lopess ahahaha I mean.. yes it could be possible, but at the same time these are very much "experiments" for side-mods, I don't think myself as being really ready to deliver something for the official game (I'm not a professional artist, these are more like exercises ehehe). That's why I keep a low-profile. But hey! If you have some particular ideas and you don't have expectations too high and accept some attempts, we can talk about it!
    2 points
  13. WIP texture for more high tier soldiers (or maybe for a hero)
    2 points
  14. Just copy the Vanilla plane template And add <StationaryDistance>10</StationaryDistance> To the unitmotionflyingcomponent.
    2 points
  15. Honestly, I think the best, and simplest feature for counter smurfing would be more stats about 0ad accounts. It would be way easier to identify the smurf or validate claims of smurfiness. The following information would be very useful account creation date hours the person has logged on lobby. civilisation usage breakdown top 15 players who join games with this player I think at the bare minimum this would help prevent the most toxic smurf behavior (misleading others on skill level).
    2 points
  16. 303UFO303 quit without resigning I'm still vrayer on the lobby Thanks @user1 commands.txt I did filtered it was a ranked one, i'll get the last version
    1 point
  17. Are the drawings of the red sun and the soldiers moving from side to side like the other 0 A.D. backgrounds? Those would be much appreciated. A scenery of ancient Wa can be part of the middleground to complete it.
    1 point
  18. Image, voice, address, IP, etc. are personal data (i.e. you can be identified and pinpointed). We share more of that information than we should already. Things like GDPR give some protection but some people keeps taking pictures and video of strangers to post in social media. A little off-topic, a classmate is a cam girl and some of her videos got 'leaked'. Now she tries to track them down and report them, not easy. Btw, a guy shared one of the videos, which is illegal, and was metoo'd by many of the coeds.
    1 point
  19. When capture was introduced, the rationale for making it the default was to let people know the new feature. So we were told back then. It was counterintuitive back then even for experienced players and is still a major problem for noobs, you have to keep reminding them to ctrl right click on 'arrow' buildings instead of suiciding trying to capture a garrisoned fort or whatever.
    1 point
  20. In the Argentine communities they are called Roberto. I never knew why. Sometimes it's part of the trolling. ------ (1 and 2 ) I don't understand the need to show the body on the internet. (Men and women). For some reason the new generations think that showing nudity is normal. I find it very bizarre how the internet creates certain behaviors. for a cleavage photo it is already scandalous. I know there is art, but most of the photos I see on the internet are not art. (3 ) it would be a poor security decision.
    1 point
  21. That might be too hard. But I don't know about making attack the default at least.
    1 point
  22. what an astounding work!! wow! For people like me that are trying to learn also the technique, is very interesting to see all the textures together! Thanks for sharing and again awesome job!
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. I have already been experimenting with giving the game a much needed update to the terrain textures. I have been exclusively using assets from this website here, licensed as cc0: CC0 Textures - Public Domain PBR Materials We could contact this gentleman and ask for his assistance in creating new assets if his site currently does not have them and WFG could even become a Patron (his highest Patreon level is $5/month). Even if we don't try to partner with him, we can still utilize his excellent CC0 assets and ask him to check out how we're using his stuff. cough I am very keen now on using CC0 or CC-BY-SA materials. eh hem. And so far the results have been better than I'd hoped. EXAMPLES India: Desert (using assets from the India biome) Alpine-Polar (I think these 2 should be combined) Pros for updating the terrains: The game's current terrains are inconsistent in quality and scattershot in style. A new set of terrains can unify the quality and style. Terrains take up a massive amount of screen space, or what the player sees, so improving them gives a large boost in visual quality. The current terrains don't fully take advantage of the graphics engine's capabilities. A new set of terrains can do that. Improving the terrains can bring the look of the game closer to modern expectations. We can reduce the sheer number of terrains by half, which comes with the benefit of visual consistency and ease of use for mappers. Cons for updating the terrains: It will take considerable effort and take attention away from other possible tasks. The new textures will be on average 4x larger than the existing textures and will add normal maps and spec maps where previously there were few. Will increase the graphics memory load and possibly push out those with low-spec computer rigs. ?
    1 point
  25. Love this!! I think I missed it. Nice work! I wanted to comment the ratings, but then I realized that "1" wasn't a bad rating as opposed to be first on the podium So, with that in mind, I think I generally agree with the list! Great one! Is there any idea/plan for new maps? Are you looking for help? Who made the most recent ones? (some are fabulous!), is there any tutorial/advice/material that could be helpful to learn some tricks to make pretty-looking maps? Anyway, need help?
    1 point
  26. apparently people have downloaded that rating quite a bit (Or one person just wanted it very many times ) and no one complained much about it. So one could think again about moving some of the lower rated maps into a separate mod to clean up the maps and to show only the best ones to the user?
    1 point
  27. I don't think PetraAI is gonna prove any more dangerous if unitAI defaults to attacking buildings instead of conquering them.
    1 point
  28. To revive this topic: I support the idea of decoupling attack and capture and would be happy to see a patch for that. Capturing is an interesting mechanic, but it should only be done when directly tasked. Current situation is still subpar. It is not only annoying for the player when UnitAI decides to waste the time of your troops by capturing a building, it also severely impairs the strenght of the AI. See this video for example at min 9: The AI runs straight towards the houses and tries to capture them, which is a huge waste of time and gives @ValihrAnt an very easy time defending. Another problem is when your troops capture an enemy building on enemy territory. As you immediately start to loose influence over the building again, your troops have to keep "capturing" it until they are killed or you notice it and manually send them away.
    1 point
  29. 'cheating' is incorrect, clearly. if single civs weren't linked to higly predictable OP strats, other players could try to predict your play choices only based on your identity, other than on scouting intel, which is how all other RTS work. most players don't actually bother to create second accounts and it's easy to imagine they dislike others doing it to hide their identity, with the goal of gaining an edge in competitive play. if someone spots a weakness in my play style, I try to correct that weakness, I don't disguise myself in order to hide it. I'm not particularly against allowing players to change names, but hey, slow down with those bold claims.
    1 point
  30. Hello, don't feed the troll yekaterina all hear him on discord, not a girl and no care about that XD
    1 point
  31. Hi letswaveabook, then you're not me, and i am not you??
    1 point
  32. I don't remember, I think it was a setting in the templates files.
    1 point
  33. Hi, sorry to cause you trouble but I think this game is a very conclusive win for Dulac. RAYDE committed suicide by attacking Dulac early and lost all of his units by minute 2. It was nomad so RAYDE had no chance of coming back.
    1 point
  34. Speaking of destruction, I got a curiosity on something I've seen on DE @wowgetoffyourcellphone : i noticed since the first time I played that the primary choice of units is for attack and not conquering as in Vanilla. How you did that? I actually tried to look a bit into the files, but couldn't understand much from the JavaScript jargon ahaha i didn't know where to put my hands Well, anyway, I think that this discussion around fire, hell and destruction could make better sense if the attack mode is privileged over the conquest
    1 point
  35. hey @Stan` Thanks for your warm welcome. Looking forward to contribute and I signed the legal waiver can't wait to get in touch with you and @Samulis Saifeddine
    1 point
  36. You can filter replays by rated / unrated. And if you are on version 25 instead of 25b it might happen often that you dont get rating points.
    1 point
  37. Hi not sure ranging_botanist quit without resigning, but i had no points at the end of this game! i'm almost sure it was an ranked one.... I'm Vrayer on the lobby by the way Thanks @user1 commands.txt
    1 point
  38. (might be too obscure, or just particular to my ocd...)
    1 point
  39. Hercynian Forest https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Hercynian_Forest
    1 point
  40. Temperate Terrains on a new map I call Gallic Highlands The Belgian Bog map using new Temperate terrains A reimagined Lorraine Plain map using new Temperate terrains How a jungle map (here using the India set) can look
    1 point
  41. This perfectly demonstrates the issue. If it's desirable to be able to quickly take out any buildings with basically any unit, as is the case with capture-delete, the correct thing to do would be to make structures simply a lot more brittle. Capture-delete just destroys the immersion for me. Btw, ranged units not running to the front and getting in the way of sieges can be considered one of the favourable behaviour changes of this mod. Sure this is a matter of taste and priority, I don't expect everyone to agree.
    1 point
  42. For maps situated in Africa, it's important to realize the continent consists of several distinct ecoregions (get a decent map or consult Wikipedia (linked). From north to south: Mediterranean zone (used to be fertile): coastal Morocco to Egypt. Atlas Mountains (wooded): Morocco to northern Tunisia. Sahara (desert): Mauretania to Egypt. Sahel (transition zone): Mauretania to Sudan. Sudan (savanna): West Sudanian savanna: Senegal to Northern Nigeria; North Central savanna: southern Chad, northern Central African Republic, western South Sudan; East Sudanian savanna: Uganda to Eritrea. The Sudd (swamp along the Nile in the centre of South Sudan) separates the savanna regions. Forest-savanna mosaic (nomen est omen): Guinean: Senegal to Cameroon; also includes the Dahomey Gap; Northern Congolian: Cameroon to South Sudan. Tropical moist broadleaf forests (I doubt anyone would ever use this technical term in daily language): Upper Guinean forests: Guinea and Sierra Leone to Togo; Lower Guinean forests: Benin to Cameroon; Atlantic Equatorial coastal forests: Cameroon to Democratic Republic of Congo; Northwestern Congolian lowland forests: Cameroon to DRC; Congolian rainforests: Cameroon to DRC. The above is roughly the situation north of the equator. Below the equator you get practically the same ecoregions, though in reversed order, under different names, in different countries. The different ecoregions are actually identifiable from space: Of course, it's easier on schematic maps: These vegetation zones correlate (i.e. not a 1:1 correspondence) with climate: precipitation (rainfal): temperature: and, to a lesser extent, even language families:
    1 point
  43. Equites Scutarii/Mauri/Armagerii - Scutarii meant "Shieldbearers" and it is thought that these were cavalry armed with large infantry shields, rather than small cavalry shields.Mauri and Armagerii were similar to Scutarii, but didn't have the large shield. They were graded as "Limitanei" cavalry and were likely armed with,as well as a sword or lance, several light javelins.Like thier infantry counterparts, they were not the undisciplined, lower-quality troops most people think of when concerning the Limitanei. They served as a screening force for the Roman infantry. They would have looked something like this: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd271/julianus_heraclius/Revised%20Roman%20UI%20Cards/Equites_auxilia_info.jpg In terms of 0AD, these would be the "Socii" or Italian Allies slot Equites Promoti/Stablesiani - Promoti and Stablesiani were the descendents of the cavalry detachments of the Roman Legions of the Principate, and were usually Comitatenses-grade troops. They were armed similarly to Scutarii, but were lancers rather than javelineers. Unlike the Scutarii, they were supposed to engage enemy cavalry, but were not that effective against infantry unless attacking from the sides or rear of a formation. They would have looked something like this: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd271/julianus_heraclius/Revised%20Roman%20UI%20Cards/sarmatian_auxilia_info.jpg In terms of 0AD, these would be the Roman Equites Slot Equites Catafractarii/Clibanarii - Equites Catafractarii and Clibanarii were Roman Superheavy Cavalry, second only to the Bucellarii of some of the Roman Magister Militae. The difference was that Catafractarii seemed to have been armored head to toe, but Clibanarii had an armored horse as well. They were shock cavalry, often equipped to use Hunnic and Sarmatian "lance-and-bow" tactics, in which one was trained to switch between lance and bow usage quickly while in combat, as the situation demanded. Like Promoti, they were designed to smash enemy cavalry and exploit gaps in infantry formations. Although heavily armored, this was exploited to take them down: for example at Strausborg in 357 AD, the Alemanni hid infantry in the tall grass with their cavalry, that would cut the horses out from underneath their riders, and get up under the horse armor of the Clibanarii. This is what they would have looked like: http://comitatus.net/images/comitatuscavalry82.jpg In Terms of 0AD, these would have been in the "Consular Bodyguard" slot. Heroes: These are just Hero recommendations: Eastern Empire: Theodosius the Great - Bonus to Barracks Infantry Belisarius - Bonus to Cavalry Heraclius - Bonus to Champion Infantry Western Empire: Julian the Apostate - Bonus to Barracks Infantry Flavius Stilicho - Bonus to Barracks Cavalry Flavius Aetius - Bonus to Champion Infantry The IMG tags didn't work so I had to link, sorry about that. More on the Late Roman Navy and Foederati Later
    1 point
  44. Some image of the models i have ready:
    1 point
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