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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Hi @Alexandra To be able to open it again, you need to convert it to the newer map format using a python script. You can find it here https://code.wildfiregames.com/P232 Let us know if you need help. See also:
  2. IMHO this does not qualify as “Feature”. It's an embellishment at best. Features would be a new civilization, bataillons, acceleration, multiple attacks, building sockets (think settlements like Age of Mythology), Knockback, hero selection screen, attack ground, etc. Players who want A23B can still download it and or use nani's mod Disabling defeat sounds is just a a xml file to change. Because it's important there are a bit more sides. - Engine Side Pyrogenesis: Hardware Support, Performance, - Modding and Engine : Features (Both gameplay and hardware such as msaa, 4k support, 64 bits etc) 0 A.D: Empires Ascendant - MP Side: Playability, Balancing, Fun - SP Side: Depth, Diversity etc
  3. Sorry you're right it's not a direct blame. Some team members are a bit afraid of the insults and the backlash we got after A24. So they wait for balancing people to come test those patches and suggest improvements, which is currently hard to put in place. so the features never move forward, or like in the case of acceleration, just go through without much consideration.
  4. You give an extra load on the lobby, because you have to download stuff, and all the clients of the game needs to keep pinging it to know if there are updates. It's possible that it would introduce some security flaw where the person(s) currently having fun ddosing players (and sometimes it seems the server) might inject other fancy stuff. While assuming we have recurrent updates, a mod with team verification on modio with manual download seems much more secure and requires much less infrastructure. Secondary attacks, attack ground, mixed gender citizen soldiers, scouts... probably a lot more. I believe @Freagarach was working on something that could allow directional damage. And because I'm a jolly mood, the hans
  5. Sleeves shouldn't be plates I think (the red part) Did you intentionally remove the details from the arms? It's getting closer, but not quite there yet. Probably cause of the lack of light source? Yours look flatter
  6. I believe that for mod.io you need to accept the terms every single time. Not sure whether they are changing but we are legally obliged to do so. Hosting stuff on the lobby is a slippery slope. I believe people can tell others to update their mod version from mod.io? Doesn't it work like that for Autociv?
  7. Sure. As long as you have the same file tree. So either you use github.com/0AD/0AD, gitlab.com/0AD/0AD/, or svn.wildfiregames.com Of course dumping files works well enough as a diff. However it will be impossible to track the changes. As in you will have one potentially huge commit. Do not that A25 templates need changes to work with A26 templates. That's a bit dangerous which is one of the reasons why I believe you can't download mods from your host. He could send you anything he wants. And to download from mod.io you need to have accepted the term and conditions.
  8. I think the original one looked better? You're mising all the lighting information in yours.
  9. And they would be the only thing you would change. And you only have to package the files you changed.
  10. It could be done like the cartography mod @andy5995 and @Jammyjamjamman did as an option.
  11. The game is a mod yes. However it extends far beyond just the 13 civs and is called “public” All fauna and flora assets are part of it. In my mind the civs should be split from the rest as they could be replaced by something else. Yeah it's possible. If it was split I believe it could be a bit smaller. It would be a fun experiment to see how much space the civs really take. Do note however you could just have an extra mod that just changes the stats that would be much smaller. You could just have three xml files in that mod Without branches and backporting non C++ changes it's not trivial no. Not with the current resources at my disposal at least.
  12. Well ideally the empires_acendant mod could evolve at it's own pace. It could be available on mod.io and provide day to day fixes. Sadly, this requires an effort the team is not able to provide. We can't maintain the current version and the next one at the same time.
  13. Ancient greek see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Audio_Voice_List#Greek
  14. It's not if you consider the only problem with git to be disk space. Whether it's on the server or on the client. It's a good comparison to show it doesn't really matter. Agreed.
  15. Well it's not https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/24285/
  16. Did you check the git or the svn version? I wouldn't trust the dll in binaries/system folder of git.
  17. @maroderYou could use this version of the logo.
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