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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I mean I would take it if someone made it, but it's a lot of work for little benefit IMHO.
  2. There is no open for you in that list
  3. Just need to get in touch with Alexandermb. So far no luck...
  4. Range queries are done in C++ through the CCmpRangeManager class. That class component is attached to what we call the SYSTEM_ENTITY. Those calls can be made from JavaScript and C++ by creating a range query. The issue is when 1 000 units start a range query at the same time. As far as I know the processing is sequential. From my recent testing of wraitii's patch to unthread the ai though not having to copy the whole simulation over to the AI makes a huge improvement on performance. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3769
  5. I thought I fixed it... I suppose I'm missing a variant
  6. From https://trac.wildfiregames.com/roadmap *Due date is for feature freeze, actual release might happen a month later. (Hopefully not) I did my best to advertise it a bit (on Discord mostly), but I can't post it on social media, because it's highly experimental.
  7. The problem with the death part is the number of messages it generates. And all those messages need and are copied for the AI. Sometimes sending those messages can take more than 500ms per frame. See yesterday's discussion on #0ad-dev. https://irclogs.wildfiregames.com/%230ad-dev/2022-01-11-QuakeNet-%230ad-dev.log
  8. Weird. I suppose you can also use the change perspective option?
  9. To debug it I need the crash files. For both A25b and the christmas bundle.
  10. What nwtour said, also welcome and thanks for trying the game on FreeBSD
  11. @Esteve Can you upload the crashlog files with that option? Can you try this version ?
  12. The syntax <Entity parent="civ/han|template_unit_infantry_melee_spearman"> is valid. In that case civ/han is a mixin, in other terms it's a partial template. We have to understand why we added it in the first place before removing it. Maybe the person who added it wanted Han units to have common properties.
  13. @Esteve can you try to disable fullscreen? https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths Open the user.cfg file and add windowed = true.
  14. You need to convert the files to mono.
  15. > atioglxx.dll!5819d70a() Unknown atioglxx.dll![Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for atioglxx.dll] Unknown atioglxx.dll!5774c462() Unknown atioglxx.dll!57aeade5() Unknown opengl32.dll!5ae55c24() Unknown pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::SetViewport(const SViewPort & vp) Line 1509 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CVideoMode::UpdateRenderer(int w, int h) Line 455 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CVideoMode::SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen) Line 417 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!psDisplayError(const wchar_t * __formal, unsigned int __formal) Line 366 C++ @vladislavbelov
  16. Make sure you are running the same version. It would happen if you tried to play A23 with A25.
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