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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I really don't think Perforce and Plastic are the solution here. We've got the money for it, but it would be a shame to be dependent on proprietary software. At least they seem to support multiple platforms. I guess it would be a nightmare for maintainers to have to install such tools though. Still not convinced we actually need LFS or that the benefits outweigh the constraints. At the end of the day you'll still have to download binaries. Less of course, but still Git also has the advantage of being decentralized, where svn isn't which I think mean that if the server ever falls / fails we may lose the history. Maybe relevant: https://backlog.com/blog/git-vs-svn-version-control-system/ I'm not sure I said it before, but I'd really like to lessen my admin sys workload which is why I proposed to replace Jenkins, Trac, and Phabricator by Gitlab. And hence the reason I want to switch to git. I'm also for this.
  2. I thought it always had been the case. If you have a fix that doesn't break the shadow button in the actor viewer let me know. I never noticed that bug before. (The fact shadows turn on and off depending on which tab you selected)
  3. @s0600204< Thanks for chiming in! How do you feel about git, gitlab, splitting repos, basically the things mentioned in the thread?
  4. It's possible but that's a big change of meta. Also throwing javelins sounds hard.
  5. Haha my bad kind of default assumption these days. Although it happens on linux. See https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3475
  6. I must admit that is very odd... The non-archers civilizations shoot arrows from buildings. Devs, you are really should do something with that inconsistency. It's remind me Skyrim shooting with riekling spears from bow. I don't think this is such a big issue.
  7. Maybe https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/SwitchingToYourPCsDedicatedGPU would help
  8. Yeah that was the original plan before the split from Celt to Briton/Gaul and Hele to Athen/Mace/Spart and Sele/Ptol it was a nice plan, although it could have lead to a very complex tech tree (which depending on what you like is a blessing or a curse)
  9. I think @psypherium made a good point about that in his video by saying inclusion wouldn't matter if we didn't have any assets for the hans or any of the other civs. We are not considering the yayoi Japan for inclusion because there are barely any assets, Lordgood never released the buildings. Han, Xiongnu, Zapotecs, Scythians have their own assets which make them eligible. The Kushites got in the game that way. In other words we are stripping potential fun away by not including a civilization that's probably more complete than a few of the 13 civs when they got in the game.
  10. You can restrict what buildings cattle can go in. But yeah ideally you could define on the building what bonus it gets and on the unit whether it gives the bonus. But that's not implemented. Probably not too hard.
  11. You can change that value only for corrals, by specifying a new value in the template.
  12. No need for tricks. You can add a flag in the mod.json to remove the check. In theory civs are picked before loading so it *might* work.
  13. Wildfire Games would like to thank to all the members of this awesome community and thank you for the continued support and patience. To continue spreading the word about 0 A.D. we designed those two best wishes cards, you can find the XCF template at the bottom for printing. card-templates.zip
  14. Hello everyone, We're happy to release the first testing bundle of 0 A.D. Alpha 26 (name to come). Keep in mind, this is not a 'Release Candidate' yet, and so some bugs are to be expected. We provide this in the hope of finding and squashing them efficiently. If you choose to test, please keep that in mind. Downloads - Current bundles are for SVN revision r26108 (See below for updated bundles) Linux data and build macOS Windows Snap build is available at latest/edge Things to note: Translations are not complete & may be buggy -> Play in English for now. Mind your mods -> they might introduce issues or Out Of Sync. Save your A25 config file somewhere, ideally. Changes: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha26 Points of attention: Acceleration Currently known issues: AI is slower to attack https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4391 Maurya palace triggers errors https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4392 Gui scale popup might close quickly https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4318 What to do if I have an error or notice something weird? Post your commands.txt (replay) and the interestinglog.html file from your folder. You can also reply to this thread. What to do if the game crashes Update your crashlog.dmp and crashlog.txt see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths What to do if I have an Out Of Sync? You should go in your logs folder, find the replay (commands.txt at least), the mainlog/interestinglog and find the OOS dump folder. Zip all these files and upload them here. Ideally, you should coordinate with the OOS players so that they upload their own OOS dump, so we can compare them. Things you may want to test (non-exhaustive) Launch a random game Launch a skirmish. Connect to the lobby Play on the lobby with someone Launch Atlas and try things out there Open Unit tests demo (To see if there any breakage in displaying entity's) (It's in scenarios) Enable feedback and see if it works (Main menu) Example video Connect to and use mod.io ( Try to download and install the linux libertine font) Test replaying new games Test Screenshots (F2) Test Big Screenshots (Maj+F2) Test hotkeys Test Saving and loading a game. Test Quickload/Quicksave And of course playing games.
  15. Do you have A25 or A25b if only A25 then you need to redownload the game. You can check in the menu for the version. If it ends with 52 then it's a A25
  16. I feel like everyone forgets that A24 development was an excruciating 2 years, while A25 was only 4 months. So of course it was bound to have more changes. So many cleanups, so many engine changes, so many new features. If it had come early 2019 it probably would have been much smaller. But the technical difficulties, combined with the team split, and the very special period made it incredibly hard to release. But we managed eventually. And then there was the outcry, a burnout, and we managed to get A25 out of the door. Hopefully A26 will stay on trac and still be interesting to play.
  17. Just need to motivate @Alexandermb he hasn't answered me back yet. But it's christmas so...
  18. Not sure account sharing is any better than smurfs. Besides, they might want to play together...
  19. Well I really want to prove you wrong Three reasons: Was the only advanced mod (now we got DE and HC) That has been blocking for years, but it's now obsolete Not everything was historically accurate, we're just missing a few things, we got the new bixie by @lastrodamo and now we just need camel anims and some little fixes. Since A24 I wanted to avoid a balancing debacle and or ruin the work that had been done
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