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Alpha 25 Pre-release/Release Candidate Build Testing

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4 hours ago, Freagarach said:

Interesting how that went unnoticed since March,,,

I have the suspicion that it was correct at some time; but I'm not gonna install old versions to check. ;)


1 hour ago, Gundish said:

who is Noba skirmisher? I heard this for the first time.

Noba Skirmishers are Kushite mercs, trained at the Noba Village.


35 minutes ago, Obelix said:

RC 3 and RC 4 both have triggered Microsoft Defender SmartScreen, as the setup.exe does not come from a verified vendor.

That's not new to the RCs, I believe that has ~always been the case; although I can't vouch for the specifics of the MS Defender.

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I did some quick messing around with formations and found a new issue now. When I unit attack move or patrol when in formation, only one of the units in the formation will attack while the rest continue moving onwards, right through the enemies. Attack move and patrol without formation seems to be just fine though.

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@Stan`Sorry for not being clear: I meant the starting positions, lol. (SP, game time is 0:00.)

I hope the pics are clear enough to see that my supposed starting position jumps all over the map every time I open the replay.


Edit: I started a new game, loaded, quit and watched the replay a couple of times and my starting position stays true. Doing the same with the above Ngorongoro save again and my supposed starting position is jumping all over again.

Edited by Gurken Khan
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Another actor bug: Actors change seed when running (and possibly in other states).

To test this, go to Atlas, choose an Elite Athenian Sword Cav (or any other unit, really). Go to Actor Viewer. Set him to WALK, then set him to RUN. You will see his actor variations change. This also happens in-game, it's just easy to see in Actor Viewer for demonstration purposes. Whether this is a "release blocker" or not is up to you guys. :) 

Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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12 hours ago, ValihrAnt said:

I did some quick messing around with formations and found a new issue now. When I unit attack move or patrol when in formation, only one of the units in the formation will attack while the rest continue moving onwards, right through the enemies. Attack move and patrol without formation seems to be just fine though.

Not a new issue, actually. I noted this on the forum somewhere quite some time ago.

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What happens if you reset the camera ? (Could be we don't serialize the rotation or something)

34 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

Sorry for not being clear: I meant the starting positions, lol. (SP, game time is 0:00.)

Well it's a much less serious bug so thanks for claryfing!

13 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Another actor bug: Actors change seed when running (and possibly in other states).

And just when I say that...

@Angen @Freagarach Given that we don't use transform nor the foundation code there, any idea what might be happening @wowgetoffyourcellphone got a vid?

10 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Not a new issue, actually. I noted this on the forum somewhere quite some time ago.

Apparently Freagarach reported it a while back but it was never logged.

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2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

Personally I find it disturbing that something as fundamental as the starting position gets messed up, since the resulting 'replay' can only be complete garbage.

Well camera doesn't affect simulation, so it shouldn't be linked (e.g the AI doesn't care much about the camera :D)

But I'm not saying it shouldn't be fixed :) 

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I downloaded version 25.0.0 of autociv from github. (Stan's link above)

Double clicking the pyromod opened A24.

In windows I started A25 SVN and dragged the autociv pyromod onto the running application.  That displayed an error informing that the pyromod could not be installed.

The github was updated 7 days ago, so I will patiently bide my time.

thanks for the prompt feedback!

Update: Success

I went back to Nani's autociv thread and found the instructions for installing the zip file instead of the pyromod. Copying the folder from within the zip file to the mod folder of the A25 installation folder allowed the mod to be visible in the A25 mod screen! 

It enabled without issue and works!

Edited by Old Roman
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20 minutes ago, Old Roman said:

I downloaded version 25.0.0 of autociv from github. (Stan's link above)

Double clicking the pyromod opened A24.

In windows I started A25 SVN and dragged the autociv pyromod onto the running application.  That displayed an error informing that the pyromod could not be installed.

The github was updated 7 days ago, so I will patiently bide my time.

thanks for the prompt feedback!

mods usually get updates after the new alpha is released.

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4 hours ago, Stan` said:

Well camera doesn't affect simulation, so it shouldn't be linked (e.g the AI doesn't care much about the camera :D

When my CC is in a different position, I have a different resource distribution, build in different locations and have different neighbors that is only a matter of the camera?

Edited by Gurken Khan
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29 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

When my CC is in a different position, I have a different resource distribution, build in different locations and have different neighbors that is only a matter of the camera?

Then it's worse yeah, but the camera thing could have happened with no impact. Feldfeld found a bug it seems https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6261

Does it happen with that map only?

So now I have three problems:

  • The running variant thing introduced in A25,
  • Attack move being broken,
  • And this...

And I have no idea what's causing either...

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