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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. I think the portraits of the iber heroes also all look like they've been radioactively damaged.
  2. I know the visibility of minerals has been improved over time, but maybe we can help it even further. This is on Ngorongoro, and I had a hard time locating those things. (Especially since I'm not very good at aligning the colored dots on the minimap with the features in my line of sight.) You all see the second metal and stone? This is the normal view, not the darkened pause view. Are these the latest materials? Do the effects work on this map? Edit: We're still using this tall grass? (Ambush)
  3. After today I just declare it "relevant". Hope you didn't personally suffer consequences, but to the deciders: if you move processes to the cloud it's obvious you're giving away control over them.
  4. I still refuse to accept that one can't use the main menu with the kb; not even arrows & enter. :/ No, if you introduce a new string you have to translate it in all 213 languages currently supported! jk. Some posts lead me to believe strings can be marked as "translatable", so I guess that's what should be done; unfortunately I couldn't find any reference about that. Maybe @wraitii or @Stan` know more?
  5. Hi @SableDash, welcome to the forums. Did you look through the FAQ? https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/FAQ I don't know if your antivir or router could be acting up after an hour. If the problem persists try attaching your logs to your reply (you can just zip the folder): https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
  6. Clearly the neon glow is a design choice (Kurus isn't the only one with it), but I'm not too happy with it; when I saw the small version in the structure tree I thought the file was damaged. Also what's up with his headgear? Does it only have a small lobe on the right side? I feel his face should be covered in shade and there's too much free space next to his neck.
  7. I didn't like the clickbaity title and you might think he steers too far into conspiracy territory; but the footage sure doesn't look like an archaeological site should be treated.
  8. Ah I see, it's a generic term/text. (Like every arsenal - no matter the civ - tells you that you can train champion infantry crossbowmen there...)
  9. I still don't like that they're called Stone Throwers in some places and go by a different name in others (for example the arsenal, where you build them).
  10. Has anyone outside of German-speaking regions ever heard it called Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation?
  11. I think every hit gives XP but probably only the last hit counts for the kill; I noticed when I help my ally in early border skirmishes I only get credited for a fraction of the kills.
  12. I always get the carrying upgrades: less walking time = more gathering time (I often don't get the last, but with batches of five units it's a sweet 100 res with each cycle). If I'm impatient and need a specific amount (less than capacity) I tell my unit(s) manually to unload (and get back to gathering).
  13. Wouldn't have thought it possible to build while the giraffe was there. (Was still there when the CC was built, eventually wandered off.)
  14. Ah. Well I blame you for me not catching that, because you only included one whale in the post I quoted above.
  15. I noticed the Humpback Wale currently also has a less-then-fitting portrait:
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