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On 04/06/2021 at 6:26 PM, Yekaterina said:

That big blob was just 1 tree


I'd like to keep the giant canopy Acacia, because it's so cool and Acacias can get that large. But I have 2 possible solutions to the gameplay problem you mention.

1. Reduce the frequency of this variation in the actor, perhaps by 5 (the "giant" acacia variant will show up 5 times less than it does now).

2. Make the giant acacia variant into its own template, so that it can be used sparingly as a decorative option (but gatherable, perhaps with a little more wood). 

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3 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

I'd like to keep the giant canopy Acacia, because it's so cool and Acacias can get that large. But I have 2 possible solutions to the gameplay problem you mention.

1. Reduce the frequency of this variation in the actor, perhaps by 5 (the "giant" acacia variant will show up 5 times less than it does now).

2. Make the giant acacia variant into its own template, so that it can be used sparingly as a decorative option (but gatherable, perhaps with a little more wood). 

Another solution: make the entire giant canopy into its selection box, so that units cannot go under the canopy and you cannot build under it. You chop wood by standing next to the canopy instead of going under it. 

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On 19/05/2021 at 6:45 PM, Gurken Khan said:

IV. Stopping to advance after attack order. What prompted my rant feedback. It changed from a23 and I really hate it. When I gave a group of units an order to attack a unit, they used to go to a point where they could attack and then take it from there. Now, if that target is killed or temporarily out of sight, they stop dead in their tracks or do some stupid stuff, like capturing a house or something I'm really not interested in. So if that behavior could be changed back to how it was in a23 I think that would be just great!

I noticed the stop in place if the targeted unit is killed no longer occurs in a25. But a similar stop occurs when a building's foundations are destroyed or if the targeted unit garrisions. 

Is this on purpose? It seems like the three should all be the same. To me, it also doesn't make sense why units would stop walking to an area where a building was planning if its foundations were destroyed beyond the commanded unit's LOS. 

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3 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

But a similar stop occurs when a building's foundations are destroyed or if the targeted unit garrisions. 

Is this on purpose? It seems like the three should all be the same.

I agree, and I'm very much in favor of how it was in a23. "If I can't stop that specific unit from garrisoning I'm not stopping any other units either, instead I will stay back here and maybe shoot at a field or try to capture a house." §$%&! darned NO! Advance you stupid idiot!

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3 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

I noticed the stop in place if the targeted unit is killed no longer occurs in a25. But a similar stop occurs when a building's foundations are destroyed or if the targeted unit garrisions.  

Mh, I can't reproduce any difference.

However the units switch into attack-walk towards the original point, and so might side-tracked en-route. This was actually something I'd explicitly changed in rP22567. IMO it'd be worse to simply ignore enemies while walking there, since you'd get free kills. But I didn't really anticipate that units would stop to capture buildings.

I'm not sure it's a release blocker enough to fix it now tbh. You can easily avoid this behaviour: order units to walk somewhere and then queue an attack-order when you're 'in-range' of where you want them to attack. It combines well with the auto-formation feature too.

Over shorter distances, it shouldn't make much difference.

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On 02/06/2021 at 3:04 PM, StarAtt said:

Open a terminal, simply copy this entirely and paste:


sudo apt update && sudo apt install subversion build-essential cmake libboost-dev libboost-system-dev   \
    libboost-filesystem-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libenet-dev libfmt-dev   \
    libgloox-dev libicu-dev libminiupnpc-dev libnvtt-dev libogg-dev   \
    libopenal-dev libpng-dev libsdl2-dev libsodium-dev libvorbis-dev   \
    libxml2-dev python rustc zlib1g-dev wx3.0-headers libwxbase3.0-dev libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev libwxbase3.0-0v5 libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-0v5 -y && svn co https://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/ 0adsvn && cd 0adsvn/build/workspaces && ./update-workspaces.sh -j3 && cd gcc && make -j3 && cd ../../.. && binaries/system/test

enter your password and wait until it says "...............OK!" and you can find pyrogenesis in binaries/system/

You can learn terminal during the build though.

Just to list some of my adventures on it. I initially thought that when I saw a program called pyrogenesis.exe, I had to use wine. I also tried to do in the terminal cd 0adsvn/binaries/system/ and then type pyrogenesis, but then on my OS, the pyrogenesis variant did call the 0ad version which is in the mint repositories. What did work was using 0adsvn/binaries/system/pyrogenesis

Initially I thought that I probably messed to much with my OS, which results in me now having a brand new Mint 20 installed instead of Mint 19. I wanted to upgrade anyway.

I did play the subversion and the graphics look great. I must admit that on the a24 version, I put the graphics on low to boost performance, so I might not do a fair comparison. Age of Empires 4 has been shown on E3 and their fans would be spoiled if only it looked as good as 0AD.

The path-finding also seemed good, but on the other hand I did not push it to the limit either.

So from my first game, it is big plus for A25. If only mercenaries were well balanced...


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1 hour ago, wraitii said:

Mh, I can't reproduce any difference.

However the units switch into attack-walk towards the original point, and so might side-tracked en-route. This was actually something I'd explicitly changed in rP22567. IMO it'd be worse to simply ignore enemies while walking there, since you'd get free kills. But I didn't really anticipate that units would stop to capture buildings.

I'm not sure it's a release blocker enough to fix it now tbh. You can easily avoid this behaviour: order units to walk somewhere and then queue an attack-order when you're 'in-range' of where you want them to attack. It combines well with the auto-formation feature too.

Over shorter distances, it shouldn't make much difference.

Agree2021-06-14_0008.zip, not a release blocker. I was able to reproduce the difference between stopping when walking to build a destroyed building and continuing to walk to a point where a targeted enemy that was already killed. Garrisoning is harder to replicated because AI doesn't garrison much but I saw it happen before and I just can't find the replay of it. 

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26 minutes ago, LetswaveaBook said:

Initially I thought that I probably messed to much with my OS, which results in me now having a brand new Mint 20 installed instead of Mint 19. I wanted to upgrade anyway.

Please don't upgrade any further to 21.04. Ubuntu 21 is toxic. 

I recommend fedora 34, because on fedora the dns package manager is always up to date and more stable than Arch. Just use 'sudo dnf install 0ad' and it will give you A24 instead of A23 if you use apt. 

Snap is slow. Flatpak doesn't always work smoothly. 

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Another thing which I want to be changed is the behavior of units leaving a building you loose on an enemy through capturing. Your units will be released at the point you have when no destination is set instead of walking to the destination point you set last.

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5 hours ago, Yekaterina said:

Please don't upgrade any further to 21.04. Ubuntu 21 is toxic. 

I recommend fedora 34, because on fedora the dns package manager is always up to date and more stable than Arch. Just use 'sudo dnf install 0ad' and it will give you A24 instead of A23 if you use apt. 

Snap is slow. Flatpak doesn't always work smoothly. 


I always advise you to download LST, Ubuntu 20.04 is stable and fast in my view, of course your graphic environment has a lot of influence on that.

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I used to be a fedora user from Fc3 to f11 got tied of getting a nose bleed with every new version as fedora added some new tech, fedora is Red Hat's experimental platform. Switched to Mint with the Cinnamon desktop and @Lopess is right on with LTS(Long Term Support) which is supported for a minimum of 3 years.

Enjoy the Choice :)

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9 hours ago, Nobbi said:

Another thing which I want to be changed is the behavior of units leaving a building you loose on an enemy through capturing. Your units will be released at the point you have when no destination is set instead of walking to the destination point you set last.

This is because when the ownership of the structure changes, the rally point is reset. Refs. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3115.

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I just wanted to report that units might get stuck. I don't want to call it out as a bug, but it is something to notice. In the image, you see women near the metal that try to get to the wood, but can't find the path.

Also graphics look pretty cool, don't they?


Edited by LetswaveaBook
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51 minutes ago, LetswaveaBook said:

I just wanted to report that units might get stuck. I don't want to call it out as a bug, but it is something to notice. In the image, you see women near the metal that try to get to the wood, but can't find the path.

Would you happen to have the replay of that? The units should be able to unstuck themselves, but it's plausible in such situations that this doesn't happen because of the overall movement from everything.

We had a few reports of similar situations in past alphas - this type of situation is basically the worse case of the current pathfinder system...

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On 17/06/2021 at 11:39 PM, wraitii said:

Would you happen to have the replay of that? The units should be able to unstuck themselves, but it's plausible in such situations that this doesn't happen because of the overall movement from everything.

I can provide the replay. The problem occur from 6:40 to 7:20 when I sort them out manually. For testing purposes, I should just had them let them be and see if they solved it by themselves, but instead I solved it manually.


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I just tried romans and I really like the compromise that was reached at the army camps. Training the rank 2 units is a nice perk for the camps and the rams make them a lethal threat. I think I prefer this so far to the a23 camps where a great variety of ranged siege was available to torture civs like ptol and gauls/brits from the back of the base. In a23, the army camps were mostly used either to quickly spam out some siege weapons without a fort or to do what I previously described.

Nice work!

Edited by BreakfastBurrito_007
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On 17/06/2021 at 11:39 PM, wraitii said:

Would you happen to have the replay of that? The units should be able to unstuck themselves, but it's plausible in such situations that this doesn't happen because of the overall movement from everything.

We had a few reports of similar situations in past alphas - this type of situation is basically the worse case of the current pathfinder system...

I had a ram in front of an unlocked gate, but it could not go through, because a bunch of my healers (maybe 8?) were standing (idle) between the ram and the gate opening. Should there be some kind of automatic pushing in such a situation, or is it the responsibility of the player to keep the gate clear? Sorry that I have neither screenshot nor replay.

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