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2 hours ago, m7600 said:

That's cute. Meanwhile, according to the customers that I quoted before, in Ugi's there's spit on the tables, broken glass on the floor, and cocaine in the pizza dough. And I'll add something else. There's pigeons inside the building, eagerly waiting under your table for any pizza crumbs that might fall. Mind you, these are not healthy country pigeons, these are winged rats. Only God knows how many diseases these nefarious creatures are infected with. 

Of course, you can call the manager and complain. Or you can even leave them a bad review on social media. And the beautiful thing is that you'll get a reply from them that would make the admins from Wendy's actually blush, the type of response that @Lion.Kanzen was referring to when he said he can't post here.


That's awesome, I wish we had something like that where I live. As long as it was not the only option. I googled some photos and it seems really small too. Is it at least super cheap?

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It's like @m7600 said. Ugi's is like a popular brand here in buenos aires. Many customers "joke complain" in social networks waiting their bizzarre answers. It has manu places in the city and It's a popular place between middle-low and low classes workers bc of their cheap prices. Most of this places have a cleaning service once a day or sometimes the same ppl that cook the pizza must clean the place for a very small salary so I can understand his lack of motivation to "wear the t-shirt of the company" (like we often say here, as an idiom?).

So the place is always kinda dirty, the cheese is mostly oil and flour and probably u even get a napkin to clean your hands

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Hi, I'll use this thread to introduce myself:

I'm Sean, from Heidelberg, Germany. (And my Nick stands for my first name, followed by the initials of my second names :P. - CJ).

I'm just installing 0 AD right now.

The reason I'm here is because I'd like to see better cooperation between different Libre / Open Source Games (RTS games to get started with). But more on that in a different thread + Subforum :P .

P.S. Me and two other guys made the following game some time ago (died pretty quick though :P ) : https://www.indiedb.com/games/engines-of-war

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a Gringo from Miami Florida, from Cuban exiles extraction, so that make me a Latin, I speak English and Spanish fluently, can understand some Italian, Portuguese and French, and if have a hard time, I use the translator from Google...So Im cool about communicating with people from other cultures,and Actually enjoy doing so. I like to meet people from all cultures and nations, and the translator if a great tool for doing so. I love History with a passion, especially military History. Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, Romans, Napoleonic age, World War 1 and 2 are topics I really enjoy among many others. I do really love to learn about other cultures and their Historical experiences as a civilization. As a gamer, I love Age of Empires, Rome total war, and Napoleon's Total war. And Now 0 AD...I do really love the Job you all have done to give life to this game. In my personal life I am a Commercial Graphic designer that own a small print shop in the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico, a very lovely tropical island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. 

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8 minutes ago, Belisarius17 said:

I am a Gringo from Miami Florida, from Cuban exiles extraction, so that make me a Latin, I speak English and Spanish fluently, can understand some Italian, Portuguese and French, and if have a hard time, I use the translator from Google...So Im cool about communicating with people from other cultures,and Actually enjoy doing so. I like to meet people from all cultures and nations, and the translator if a great tool for doing so. I love History with a passion, especially military History. Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, Romans, Napoleonic age, World War 1 and 2 are topics I really enjoy among many others. I do really love to learn about other cultures and their Historical experiences as a civilization. As a gamer, I love Age of Empires, Rome total war, and Napoleon's Total war. And Now 0 AD...I do really love the Job you all have done to give life to this game. In my personal life I am a Commercial Graphic designer that own a small print shop in the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico, a very lovely tropical island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. 

Welcome to the forums :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I'm from Sri Lanka. My nickname derives from "දිය රකුසා" (water demon) in Sinhala, which is my mother tongue. My timezone is +5:30, same as India.

I would like to thank all the people involved in the development of 0AD for giving the world such an awesome game :) Looking forward to contribute in the future.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all,

I recently made a donation and wanted to thank all the devs and modders for the amazing work they done. Please keep improving the game and adding content ;)

I studied history/archaeology for more than 5 years so I am a little bit passionate. Depending on the needs and on access to the sources I'd be glad to help about research for some mods. I'm especially interested with Bronze age Antiquity and Pre-columbian America

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello friends :)
I am from Turkey, but currently living in Germany (01:00 GMT). I was born in Istanbul, so know the Marmara map by heart :D. I lived on the Aegean coast, what used to be ancient Ionia. I visited all the twelve Ionian city-states. My wife is from Iskenderun, ancient Alexandretta near the site of the Battle of Issus. I love learning about history (you get the idea :D), especially Ancient Greek history. And you can tell I love Greek mythology; my nickname is the name Odysseus uses to introduce himself to cyclops Polyphemus as a trick to avoid retribution from the other cyclopes after blinding him. I speak English and Turkish, and am learning German. I cannot speak Greek (yet :D), but I can read Greek letters and understand enough to order a nice dinner.

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  • 1 month later...


My (nick)name is Lapiduch which is slang for medic/corpsman/paramedic. There is no significance to it, I just like the name and I've never seen anybody else use it. I'm from Slovakia.
I heard about 0 A.D. for the first time like 2 months ago (shame on me) from a fellow gamer on another forum. I checked it out and was sold immidiatelly. I practiced against AI and now I'm looking forward to try some mp matches.

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