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New Release: 0 A.D. Alpha 27: Agni


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Yay a new release! -- I'll try to get the flatpak ship shape as soon as I get access.

1 hour ago, Itms said:

Social Media Management

I don't think I'd be the best to spearhead this, but I think we could do something really cool with our socials once we start getting the encyclopedia into the game-- which should be a28 (hopefully)

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29 minutes ago, MetaPhyZic said:

Any info on when the new version will be in the default repositories (for Debian)?

It's hard to say. There shouldn't be any roadblocks this time, so it might be fast. They have just been notified today though.

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1 hour ago, Stan` said:

It's hard to say. There shouldn't be any roadblocks this time, so it might be fast. They have just been notified today though.

How to install it on Ubuntu?

ppa:wfg/0ad  gives A26 instead.

The following gave a sligthly wrong version:
svn up
cd build/workspaces
./update-workspaces.sh -j3
cd gcc
make -j3

Whats the correct rev number and how to include it in this process?
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(Hoje falarei na minha lingua natal), Fico extremamente feliz em ver até aonde o 0a.d. está chegando, e como essa comunidade por mais que não seja do tamanho que esse projeto merece já muito significativa, um jogo que creio que em cada um dos membros atualmente ativos marcou de alguma forma profunda, essa é a magia do RTS no final das contas, depois que você entra nesse mundo impossível sair.
Nota pessoal: Lembro de jogar o Alpha 19 ou o 20 quando minha filha ainda não havia nascido, foi incrível ver um Rts tão bom e gratuito em uma época em que não sobrava nenhum centavo no bolso... Hoje em dia minha filha com 7 anos já fica do meu lado vendo eu "criando cidade" com ela diz.
Obrigado equipe da Wildfire Games!!!

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archlinux already has a27 binaries

ppl using other distros could install arch in a 10GB partition
and run 0ad from their preferred distro with
xhost +local:

chroot arch_mnt_point

export DISPLAY=:0

if for some reason they dont want to use arch directly

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53 minutes ago, sarcoma said:

archlinux already has a27 binaries

Tried it on Arch Linux. Got a black screen after the start with only the cursor visible.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Pyrogenesis Log</title>
<style>body { background: #eee; color: black; font-family: sans-serif; } p { background: white; margin: 3px 0 3px 0; } .error { color: red; } .warning { color: blue; }</style>
<h2>0 A.D. (0.27.0) Main log (warnings and errors only)</h2>
<p class="error">ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "shaders/effects/upscale_bilinear.xml"</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: Failed to load effect 'upscale_bilinear'</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "shaders/effects/compute_downscale.xml"</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: Failed to load effect 'compute_downscale'</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/common/functions_utility.js line 282
Engine.GetBuildRevision is not a function
<p class="error">ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/pregame/MainMenuPage.js line 50
communityButtons is undefined
<p class="error">ERROR: GUI page 'page_pregame.xml': Failed to call init() function</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: CShaderProgramGLSL::SetUniform(): Invalid uniform type (expected vec4) 'transform'</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: CShaderProgramGLSL::SetUniform(): Invalid uniform type (expected vec4) 'transform'</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: CShaderProgramGLSL::SetUniform(): Invalid uniform type (expected vec4) 'transform'</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: CShaderProgramGLSL::SetUniform(): Invalid uniform type (expected vec4) 'transform'</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: CShaderProgramGLSL::SetUniform(): Invalid uniform type (expected vec4) 'transform'</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: CShaderProgramGLSL::SetUniform(): Invalid uniform type (expected vec4) 'transform'</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: CShaderProgramGLSL::SetUniform(): Invalid uniform type (expected vec4) 'transform'</p>
<p class="error">ERROR: CShaderProgramGLSL::SetUniform(): Invalid uniform type (expected vec4) 'transform'</p>






Edited by MetaPhyZic
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5 hours ago, sarcoma said:

do u have any mod active?
move or delete any mod in .local/share/0ad/mods

I didn't have any mods. It was a clean install. But today I did an update and Arch downloaded:

"5  extra/0ad-data                  a26-2     -> a27-1"

now it works. So before I had a27-1 with the data of a26-2? Weird. Anyways, I am glad it is fine now.

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