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dmzerocold last won the day on September 30 2018

dmzerocold had the most liked content!

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    RTS video game, Project Management, Business Analysis, IT project management,

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  1. Stan lets celebrate the coming out of alpha lable with an official discord server xD
  2. i tested now , with keyboard is fine , with touchpad on notebook is fine , but with my Razor mouse it has this issue
  3. In this release i have a problem, when i move my mouse pointer to edge of screen to to move right or left , its moving very laggy its not smoth at all , any idea what is the issue is ?
  4. Hello, Garrisoned Siege Engines +3 health regeneration rate. --- > this means garisoned units inside of siege engine recover +3 health ? or siege engine itself get repair if its garisoned ?
  5. True its major , its not official right ? what i mean is an official discord server for 0 A.D from wildfire game
  6. this is only my opinion 0.ad needs 1- Readiness for steam / or similar platforms Game is still considered as Alpha , so it means there are still many things in the game that require change/add/improvment , once they (0AD team ) reach to the point that ok now we can consider game stage as Beta then they can consider it for Steam. 2- Discord official server This is something i believe would help, but for some reasons not happend yet , maybe same reasons as steam ? but i personally perfer to communite on discord platform it can create a load on Project team, but here community can help and join as moderator to support and manage discord community 3- More support from community This is a community driven project , they are not hired ( if i am not wrong ) so it means whatever they do on this project is based on Love and they need to sacrifice their personal time to do anything on this project ... here maybe if the project team where they need help ask very specific and post it then get help faster to close it.
  7. Goodluck guys wish you smooth and clean migration and fk Murphy's law
  8. let me rephrase it , improve it. replace some of them with different words to make them more clear based on the context of action inside of the game. im moving to frnace by end of this month i will have some free time to work on it.2
  9. Glad to hear Would you please tell me where can i see the list of upcoming features part of A27 ? also is there any tentative plan for A27 release ? i want to fix persian voices part of this release.
  10. Hello guys , what is the plan for 0.27 still on hold ?
  11. Thank you for everything Stan , wish you best this community gonna miss you
  12. Hi @Stan`i just rerecord the voices and share with you the final files ? or you need voice + xml files, although there is no chnage on xml
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