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Everything posted by Lopess

  1. This is a very good thing, will we have more names for heroes even if semi-mythical? I saw some articles considering that the Teotihuacanos were actually a kind of "oligarchy" of perhaps four "dynasties" from which they shared military and religious power. this would explain for example the lack of monuments for a specific king.
  2. The Teotihuacans already existed and were one of the largest cities in the year 100. Regarding the Jaguar Mixtec warriors, I am not aware of them before the classic post, but I believe that it is to take into account that both the Mayan and Zapotec Olmecs already credited the jaguars with a great importance Ex: The jaguar clothing and helmet of the Zapotec "kings" and the Olmec priests and warrior with feline features almost as if transmuting to a jaguar.
  3. The first warrior with mace and shield is an Otomi and the second with black paint and a jaguar helmet is Mixtec.
  4. The "Traditional Tactics" a bonus of civilizations already makes the Zapotec infantry 50% faster than that of other civilizations, but I believe that a running unit with hunting bonuses would be something interesting too
  5. Due to the lack of translation of the old zapotec, it is difficult to obtain definitive evidence of mercenaries hired at that time, but we know uneasily that mercenaries existed in the Mesoamerican world (for example, the Aztecs were mercenaries as soon as they arrived in the valley of Mexico). But there were certainly alliances between kingdoms / peoples in wars. I believe that the best options would be. Mixtec warriors: neighbors who several similar cultural characteristics that in certain moments or were rivals or allies. Otomis: Their warriors were known for their bravery, in addition to being used as mercenaries by the Aztec empire. I believe that a generic unit "mesoamerican ally warrior" with a mace or spear dice would also fit. After the 50d.c./100d.c years an obvious choice would be a Teotihuacan warrior.
  6. Missing mercenaries for the Zapotecs in Delenda Est, there are plans to add them?
  7. Some ideas I hope will help. Jaguar King P: Bonuses in the capture of structures of the nearby units representing the expansion of mount Alban after 200 BC. S: A small trickle of resources representing the tributes of the cities conquered by the Zapotecs. Battle Priest P : Maintains current aura. S: Bonus in obtaining glory. (ritualistic sacrifice of captured enemies ??) Special Technology: Water management was very important to them, just like agriculture, anything like that would be well placed. Including the outskirts of the city of Monte Alban, even in the hills there were plantations. Mount: If we had animation for litters it would be very good for that. Google translater
  8. Please consider taking into account the @Obskiuras concept designs, they look really good.
  9. En mi computadora tengo modelos de una civilización Tupi (tengo un deber personal con ellos ya que soy bisnieto de un lol) tengo la intención de agregarlos al mod, cuando lo termine puedo ver el caso de los mayas . Creo que a él también le podría interesar @Duileoga eso. Sus modelos mayas son realmente hermosos y también se parecen a la arquitectura maya clásica.
  10. Bueno, eso depende. Para los mayas preclásicos hice exactamente de esa manera, una base de piedra / tierra y encima de una empalizada de madera. Ya fueron lanzados en moddb y enviados hoy a mod.io cómo este proyecto duró mucho tiempo decidí cerrarlo de la mejor manera posible sin perder demasiado tiempo (antes de empezar a buscar todo mierda y borrar todo y tratar de hacer todo desde 0). Creo que para el mod pre colonial, los mayas de Chichén Itzá o Mayapán, etcétera, encajan perfectamente. Hace mucho tiempo empecé con algunas estructuras para ellos pero con el tiempo y la mejora en mis calidades cortas en la edición 3D decidí en algún momento rehacer todo de nuevo ... Para ellos quizás podríamos hacer muros similares a los Zapoteca. Teniendo en cuenta, por ejemplo, la "fortaleza" de Tulum.
  11. @dmouse si tiene ideas y sugerencias de estructuras para las civilizaciones coloniales precoloniales, puede publicarlas aquí.
  12. Dos PR mas https://github.com/0ADMods/pre-colonial-mod/pull/21 https://github.com/0ADMods/pre-colonial-mod/pull/20 Hola @dmouse muy bien vere cuanto antes.
  13. coff..coff.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-48787996
  14. Podemos abrir un nuevo tema en el foro de mod con esta idea. Creo que es algo muy interesante y fácil de aplicar. Pero creo que el mejor lugar para discutir esto por ahora sería en este tema:
  15. ¿Para los zapotecas? Puedo ayudarte mañana si no hay nadie disponible.
  16. ¡Eso parece una buena idea !, perdón por la última confirmación, fueron algunas actualizaciones bien pensadas. Creo que el mejor lugar para continuar las conversaciones es aquí, evitando así dejar el tema del tema de civ zapotecas.
  17. Congratulations to all the developers of this incredible game made in a collaborative and completely voluntary way.
  18. Maybe you can try mods, we have Hans, Xiongnu (a nomad from Asia), Zapotec (a Mesoamerican civilization). In the mod Delenda est has several civilizations including the Scythians. They are on the download page for the game itself. Thracians exist projects for development.
  19. We have mod projects: https://github.com/0ADMods/illyrians https://github.com/0ADMods/thracians
  20. Participate in the debates about the alpha 25 gameplay, if you have well-founded and specific ideas aimed at improving the game you will surely be heard.
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