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Everything posted by Lopess

  1. Estoy dispuesto, también puedo ayudar con ayudas para hablantes de portugués.
  2. ¿Solo mujeres y esclavos? ¿Debería el cc tener territorio? Cuanto territorio?
  3. Esto sucedió porque la textura está en una ubicación diferente a la que estaba en mi computadora, esto es simple de resolver. vea. En 0,25 hice clic en el botón z. Puede eliminar el material actual y comenzar uno nuevo para que sea idéntico al video, simplemente no lo deje con más de un material o causará errores al exportar .dae a 0a.d. Gravação de tela de 05-04-2021 12:41:28.webm
  4. For Linux users (at least Ubuntu and derivatives) I recommend the Sublime Merge. I tested several programs before meeting him and he was the only one who managed to satify me the noob that I am.
  5. Add grass and shrubs, in addition to small rocks.
  6. Adds more trees and animals (we have whales and fish) and gaia structures, if I were you I would also play a bit with the color of the sun and its position. Congratulations on the beautiful beginning.
  7. I was thinking of these how wonderful what do you think? (This idea was put forward by Sundiata) The biggest issue will be the units that I have to make shields, some helmets and textures. I want to give them a standard range of 3/1 libios and berebers with Africans further south. I saw it in a text about the misery in Garama burials (I'll see if I can find the link later).
  8. Github mod link: https://github.com/wltonlopes/garamantians
  9. G A R A M A N T I A N S Repository: https://github.com/0ADMods/garamantians This topic is aimed at receiving references and ideas about the Garamantian civilization. References about architecture, names of kings and queens, in addition to units (the chariots of war: D) will be welcome. @m7600 is free to comment and help whatever you want, I believe that the Numidians already have their topic, we can comment on them there. I am willing to help in whatever way possible as well.
  10. I got a lot from this discussion: But we can open a new one. References are always welcome, I'm creating everything in a single blender file, which facilitates changes and improvements in the 3D models.
  11. It would be a great idea, it would be a good set!
  12. Yes, an old attempt of mine from 2018. I am improving the 3d models and maybe launch as a mod in the future.
  13. Please, you can use the zapotec texture, the orange wall and the straw roofs.
  14. Yes please, I will try to create this type of architecture.
  15. I textured and made some small changes. precarious_CC.zip
  16. 1. Put texture while modeling, use the texture map even if it is a borrowed one. 2. Watch out for the ladder it is going through the wall of the house. It's going well for the rest! Keep
  17. <VisualActor> <Actor>structures/seleucids/house.xml</Actor> </VisualActor> Replace: <VisualActor> <Actor>structures/yourfolder/yourcc.xml</Actor> </VisualActor>
  18. Create a .xml here. I believe that it will be necessary to create a scout unit for the map.civil_centre_battles.p.s.xml
  19. Simplemente importe el .dae que desee y, si es necesario, cambie su tamaño haciendo clic con "s".
  20. Sí, porque era más fácil de crear, la idea era algo más 3D como un glifo pintado en una pared XD.
  21. It is the glyph of the kingdom of snakes (there is a theory about its origin in El Mirador but nothing concrete) It is a shield but it could be a glyph on a wall too (more faithful to archaeological findings).
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