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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. So, let's let the Ptolemies have access to two Wonders. The Temple of Edfu (already in) and also the Lighthouse of Alexandria as suggested. On land-only maps the player would just build the Edfu wonder. On water maps, they have the option of the Lighthouse as well. Or we can have a new PlacementType called shore-land allowing it to be built either on the shore or on land.
  2. Figured it was proportional to the suggested $10 for base game. lol I'd need some help stripping out and replacing any non CC icons and whatnot.
  3. Hell, if 0 A.D. did that I'd post up Delenda Est for $1.99
  4. Yes this is true. A24 will probably change the GUI in some way to allow for more icons.
  5. I was thinking of having both the Mauryan and Seleucid elephants start out as unbarded, and then you can upgrade them to armor in the Blacksmith or Elephant stables with the "Elephant Armor" tech that's already there.
  6. Already removed these many weeks in the Github version. I could do that, yeah. Make that one of his bonuses.
  7. We could allow an Upgrade for the catapult that turns it into one that throws flaming projectiles. It has a longer repeat time and load time, but the flaming projectile has a fire status effect.
  8. Thoughts? https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/employees-at-blizzard-maker-of-world-of-warcraft-and-overwatch-were-reportedly-paid-so-little-they-were-forced-to-skip-meals-to-pay-rent-while-the-ceo-made-40-million/ar-BB17yp2B?li=BBnb7Kw
  9. For civ folders, do we want 'athenians' or 'athen'? 'Athenians' mirrors the actor structure, while 'athen' mirrors other things. templates campaigns gaia fauna flora geology ruins treasure other rubble skirmish structures units special filter formations player structures athen brit cart gaul han iber kush mace maur merc pers ptol rome sele spart territory_pulls trigger units athen brit cart gaul han iber kush mace maur merc pers ptol rome sele spart Fruthermore, will we remove redundancy in the file names? templates/units/athenians/athen_infantry_hoplite_b becomes: templates/units/athenians/infantry_hoplite_b
  10. There's a chance it'll get merged into the repo, so it's up to you. I don't have the link at the moment.
  11. Indeed. I think both 'mountainous' and 'watery' maps should bump up to the next size up (behind the scenes). This would help to balance out buildable land area among the maps.
  12. As random maps aren't nearly as good looking as skirmish maps, I don't hardly think that is a solution for @Sundiata's issue.
  13. The colors are for gameplay purposes. EA's colors are too muted. I agree, you're probably right. I could just remove the solid color variations.
  14. I just think those market stalls with the solid color canvas should be re-mapped.
  15. If they were placed as mere actors, then they can be selected with Alt-drag as you say. But if they were placed as entities, then you may be SOL. They are special entities and are unselectable in Atlas for some reason (this needs fixed). You could open the map's XML file and remove it there though. I use Notepad++
  16. Try making a new folder here: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public\maps\scenarios And put the scenario files there and see if they load.
  17. Honestly, except for the Romans (and Persians of course), I'd rather keep factions as 1 complete faction. With the heroes I am finding a lot of flexibility, thanks to the new ProductionQueue swapping feature recently implemented in the core game, in depicting their lives and times. I could foresee a Perseus or Philip V hero that swaps out Hypaspists for Royal Peltast phalangites. Ptolemy I Soter swaps the Egyptian phalangite to Macedonian phalangite (already implemented). About Perioikoi phalangites, it's advantageous from a gameplay POV to have some kind of citizen-soldier trained from the Syssition (aka Spartan barracks). And it's a nice 1 to 1 swap to swap Perioikoi hoplites to Perioikoi phalangites. We can rename them to something else of course though (they don't have to be called Perioikoi phalangites).
  18. Hmm, maybe. I honestly increased his speed so he can keep up with the Helot skirmisher and slinger. Here are some other hero cards:
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