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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. For food, use your women to gather berries first. They are free and they gather quickly. Women are especially bonuses at gathering berries.
  2. Remember that infantry soldiers can gather resources too. So, you probably need a ratio of 10 women to every 50 soldiers. Yes, start out with about 5 more women, putting them on food and wood, then transition toward soldiers as gatherers, especially for the non food resources. Another important thing to do on maps with animals on them is to use your cavalry to hunt. Cavalry hunters are way faster than foot hunters. Way faster. And the more food you get, the more cavalry and soldiers you can train. Always keep tour civic center producing units and researching upgrades. The time your civic center is idle is dead time, especially at the beginning. Once you start building barracks after the 5 minute mark you can shift soldier production to the barracks and train women at the civic center.
  3. Step 4 looks great man. I've been using them for the last month. You should commit them imho.
  4. Know what would be great? An idle animation where the hippo yawns. And yeah, a brown variant would be good.
  5. Unfortunately, there is no 10x0 foundation (yet). https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/structures/mausoleum.xml?rev=23575#L18 9x9 works just fine anyways.
  6. To make an icon, I need the animal in game.
  7. So Early Germans were the quintessential "barbarians" as we currently visualize the term. "Conan the Barbarian" esque.
  8. The elephant UV mapping has been screwed up ever since the mesh/animation update.
  9. Uninstall, delete the installer. Download the installer again, then reinstall. Come back to us then.
  10. Yes. Also, break up the long sides maybe a little bit to add dimension (add beams or insets) ? Would that be permissible @Nescio @Genava55? The edges of the rooflines (where the tiles meet) on the 2 small interior structures could use some dimension. Also, flowers, vines, etc. Maybe a custom decal texture for the interior grounds.
  11. Maybe more decorative? Dunno. It's more realistic than Stonehenge for sure.
  12. That too, but I meant a structures/wonders template folder.
  13. Maybe a task for the future, but perhaps a separate template folder, something like structures/wonders for these civ-less Wonders.
  14. This looks great, but I would scale it down significantly to about 1/3 the current footprint (and scale the doors up accordingly). Yes these structures were incredibly large, but we all have to think about the scale of the game world and scale related to other established structures. As was said, this should definitely go into the game. I could imagine a capture the Wonder game type where a random Wonder of the World is placed at the center of the map and must be captured by the players to win.
  15. Use the full link address and the video will show up in the forum post. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCS9XzC414E
  16. I just kind of see the Wonder as an abstraction rather than a useful structure. But I see what you mean in context of the Public mod.
  17. In DE, Wonders have all the same effects: They increase max pop (aura), and they auto-research the 4th phase: Empire Phase. No real need to make them more special than that. They serve the same purpose for each civ. They aren't super healing centers. 1 or 2 have a special tech there, but that's very very targeted (one moves a normal tech from the basic temple to the wonder, and the other unlocks a special global aura, essentially a civ bonus). I can see making wonders have uniqueness if a civ has more than 1 of them though. For instance, if the Ptolemies could have access to 2 Wonders (Temple of Edfu and Lighthouse of Alexandria; can build only 1), then they'd have unique abilities or something (building a Wonder along the shoreline might be unique enough though).
  18. The way the game uses Wonders makes me pull my hair out, so do whatever. lol The model looks nice. Gauls still getting Sanctuary at Corent?
  19. I wonder why an iron age Irish fort is less problematic than an the English iron age White Horse.
  20. I've only really given much effort to the Scythians so far. Besides unit roster I'm not currently sure how to differentiate the 3 nomad civs yet.
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