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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. That looks great! Finally looks like what we need! I like the back lighting highlight on his right side too. Very nice indeed.
  2. Thank you. What about a more modest head model for her on foot and a more elaborate Egyptian style headdress for her in a chariot?
  3. Just figured we're still looking for ways to "Hellenize" the Ptolemies.
  4. New map, Magadha, is inspired by some gameplay videos I saw on Youtube. I noticed that people play 1v1 matches that tend to be on smaller maps, that kind of just spread resources out over a relatively open map with few choke points. So, this is potentially what an "India" biome map could look like in EA, minus cool stuff like mercenary camps and farmlands of course :
  5. Sahara biome terrains coming along very nicely! All new terrain textures from CC0 sources! https://cc0textures.com/ https://texturehaven.com/ https://3dtextures.me/
  6. Right. We could use more animals in general. Gharials for Indian maps would be nice! Could just edit the existing crocodile mesh. Maybe even use the same animations.
  7. I just think the elephants need maybe scaled up by 10% and some minor geometry editing. They are the biggest animals in the game, so it's worth making them look the best we can. I'd like to see more war elephant variations, personally.
  8. Doesn't need that many obelisks and the statues can be smaller. 1:50 maybe?
  9. Here's an example of how much better the new helmets are:
  10. Hmm, you have the old version of the game. The Alpha 24 helmets are 10x better. Also, you can find the helmet under the actor tab and take a screenshot of just that.
  11. hMM, maybe take a screenshot of the helmet in Atlas actor viewer and then you can combine them in Gimp.
  12. The statues could actually replace the 2 side obelisks. One statue can be Isis as shown (she was heavily worshipped in Egypt and eventually in Rome) and the other statue can be Serapis (the patron god of Ptolemaic Egypt, combining the Egyptian gods Apis and Osiris with the Greek deities Zeus, Hades, Asklepios, Dionysos, and Helios; he had powers over fertility, the sun, funerary rites, and medicine).
  13. What about trying to import the helmet model from the game? They are now quite highly detailed and accurate. Since these are close ups we should have them wearing realistic gear (specially helmets).
  14. It's just an edited version of the peacock texture already in the game.
  15. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/23903 This fix here corrects an error in the rock/ore gathering animation. It repositions the pickax into the correct hand, but now makes the pickax look too short when they are swinging it at the rock face. It would be nice for the pickax handle to be elongated (~25%) to regain that length.
  16. Exactly! As long as it is something close to what they're wearing it should be good.
  17. How do we use this? https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2844 https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/23900
  18. For instance, Viriato in-game wears a bearskin cape.
  19. These look good, but I'd say make sure what they're wearing matches their actor.
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