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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Right. What I'm proposing isn't much different, in magnitude, from AOE3's home cities and shipment decks.
  2. If I alt-enter in the middle of the match, the game freezes. Again some legacy code in DE or genuine bug? lol
  3. I don't see why. In many RPGs you customize 10 different things about your character.
  4. It may have been to compensate for not having catapults. Not sure. I think the Persians (and Mauryas) should get catapults though.
  5. Oh wow! Nice man! @LordGood, any chance we can get those temple obelisks as props so they can be placed separately on maps?
  6. I don't see this as a bad thing. You're supposed to scout your enemy and learn his strategy that way, not automatically know what strategy they're going to pull based on the civ they pick in game setup. Options and choices made at the beginning of a match have knock-on effects that resonate throughout the match. Indeed that's where my thoughts first started formulating. Each civ can have its "default" play style, but meta customizations made by the player can add additional dynamism and choice.
  7. I disagree. I think range, firing rate, and accuracy should be inversely proportional to damage. Movement speed is inversely proportional to armor. Health is inversely proportional to Food cost. Health+Accuracy inversely proportional to train time. Wood/stone/metal cost (whichever) inversely proportional to damage+range. This all depends on how granular you want to get. It's not absolutely necessary.
  8. When messing around with Delenda Est, I've managed to add special starting units, special starting structures, and other things for most of the civs. And then it dawned on me watching Wow Jr. playing LoL and AC: Odyssey: Perhaps we can allow players to adjust/customize their civs within defined parameters? This would add meta to the game where it is sorely lacking. We could have a civ customization page in the game, accessible from the main menu, and then add an option to the gamesetup for the host to enable or disable Customized Civs (default is enabled). Let's look at Sparta Choose between 3 Starting Heroes. Every player starts a standard match with 1 hero, in their "infantry" or "foot" state. Later, in City Phase, they can be upgraded to a mount or other state. If customized civs are disabled, this hero would be randomly chosen, but the player can choose which hero they want for their customized version of the Spartans. Choose a Starting Structure. Every Hellenic/Hellenistic civ gets the Stoa as an option, which has the Greek Architecture aura (All Structures +20% health, +10% build time) or a free Cult Statue of Apollo or Leonidas (if he is not the chosen starting hero) with some kind of bonus. Choose a Special Starting Unit. A Spartiate Hoplite champion. A free Champion so can help in defending the base in early game. A Skiritai Runner, elite spearman. Not quite as strong as a champion, but can help build structures and scout. 2 free Helot Peasants, who cannot build or fight, but are very good gatherers. Choose a Special Technology. Have 3 or 4 historical technologies from which the player can choose to unlock. Hellenistic Reforms (Unlocks the Spartan Pikeman and Syntagma formation) The Agoge (Hoplites +15% health, +10% train time) Olympic Champions (unlocks the ability to upgrade 2 of your Spartiates to Olympic Champion bodyguards, as in Delenda Est) Krypteia Secret Police (unlocks an aura for Champions and Heroes that boosts the performance of Helot units) You'd have these kinds of options for every civ. The GUI would be rather simple. Just have these slots that you can fill in by choosing from the available customizations. You'd need a civ drop down or dialog to choose the civ to customize. Initially, there would just be the option to customize a civ once, so this becomes your 1 customized version of the Spartans, for example, and you can customize each civ once. But later, perhaps you can have up to 3 customizations for each civ and you can save each one with an annotated name.
  9. Can you migrate this to GitHub? @PrincessChristmas
  10. I think you will find yourself in a stark minority on that.
  11. I honestly think it looks awkward and uncomfortable.
  12. This alpha being over a year going, I think adding the Han (and archery ranges, stables, and workshops) would make it worth the wait.
  13. I prefer the "ready" idle they currently have. It gives them a unique silhouette. Remember that different classes of units have different idles for their ease of recognition. The idle you show there could easily be a swordsman. Now, in the future if we implement context-sensitive animations that can change, so I would create and commit the animations now to make that happen in the future. But for now, the "ready" jav animation makes them more easily recognizable.
  14. Not bad for a relaxed idle. One thing I would like to see is maybe 3 or more "fidgeting" animations for each idle (maybe as a goal for the future). You know: cracking their necks; looking from side to side, shifting their feet; shrugging their shoulders. Things like that!
  15. Gauls became Roman auxiliaries, so not too far fetched.
  16. For a couple days now adjusting settings in game causes the game to pause with no dialogue. You have to pause and unpause again.
  17. Decals can, yes, but you can't currently make them player color or anything like that (you need the alpha channel for transparency). Plus you can't currently animate decals.
  18. Dude, I'm keeping the old texture for DE. It's completely badass.
  19. Essentially like fast hoplites, yeah. I keep them as Elite Citizen Soldiers so as to not make them out class the Spartiate Hoplites, and also it makes them more of a unique "champion" to be classed that way. I wanted the Spartiates to be their one and only true champions. They also remind me of one of my favorite units from Age of Kings: the Eagle Warrior. The naming is just for the actor and template, because they take the place of a champion, but have the functions of a citizen-soldier. The Skiritai, as far as I know, weren't professional soldiers like Spartiates, but were a crack allied contingent levied by the Spartans, hence their Elite status. Better than a standard hoplite, not quite as good as a Spartiate.
  20. Thanks! Works now. I must've updated only moments before the new autobuild posted.
  21. I tried to do this, but I had to use the footprint code which had buggy behavior for what I wanted. So I was forced to take it out. :/
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