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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Nice! Getting errors like this tho: ERROR: Failed to find matching prop point called "crest_transversal" in model "art/meshes/props/helmet/rome_gallic_type_h_01.dae" for actor "rome_gallic_type_h_cent_transversal"
  2. A minimap ping would be nice, yes, if that's what you mean. It's one of those little things whose absence keeps the game from feeling polished. I also ask you consider my Spacebar proposal as well.
  3. I don't think the alarm is the problem. Finding out where the alarm is occurring is the real pain. Many other games do this much better, especially via the minimap. AOE3 does it well there with little graphical animations and flares on the minimap. BfME2 also has dialogue that tells you what your units see and what's approaching, "It's a cave troll!" A simple hotkey addition that takes you to the position of the last alarm or notification would be very nice and useful. Spacebar could be used for this by default.
  4. Post them when ya got em. This seems to be a recurring issue with the development of the game where rounding errors always seem to crop up. lol
  5. Actually the game has freestanding collonades already, for the Seleucids but they don't have to be used strictly for them. But I think you want an endless row of roofed portico too, which would be nice. Just need left and right ends too. The stoa on the right might already be in the game in actor form, but if not it can easily be taken from Delenda Est. It would be nice if the Aphrodite statue got some love. It pretty much looks half finished.
  6. I spent weeks remaking a new Alexandrian empire with that mod. I even took a cue from the Romans and built a string of forts along my borders to keep out barbarians.
  7. That's @LordGood's handiwork. Rome:Total Realism was my R1TW mod of choice. How about you?
  8. I agree that the lack of true custom Tarantine Cavalry actors in the game is an oversight. In Delenda Est, Tarantine Cavalry look like this, depicted in a Greco-Italic style: Their shields could definitely be improved. A mix of small "aspis" style and round "spina" style shields would be good, as they are depicted on coinage with both types. @Alexandermb @wackyserious
  9. Right, whichever way is best. My only experience is dicking around with XML and JS files which is why my original "solution" came to mind. lol
  10. Because for most things it doesn't look so bad, but for things like cliff actors or large structures it does look bad. But if there was a way to eliminate the phenomenon completely and comprehensively, then of course I would prefer that.
  11. New and Updated Skirmish maps in Delenda Est. (I'll update this thread periodically) Crocodilopolis
  12. Pretty much, yeah. It's a lot more decorative version of the Imperial Gallic, but I think they call it "Italic" because they've only found it in Italy. Maybe someone else can correct me on that.
  13. Looks nice, thanks! Can I request an Imperial Italic helmet like this for DE's Praetorian Guard and Evocatus with and without the crests (just reuse the Gallic crests)? Up to you though.
  14. If nearly everyone agrees that the mod is a large improvement (I niggle with some of it, but still think it's an improvement. Not as big of an improvement as Delenda Est of course ), then I don't understand the need with such an extensive process which will only serve to push back A24 even further. It's not like it couldn't be further improved in A25 or revamped in B1 (lol, which is where all this balancing stuff should be done, but apparently I'm the only one who cares about this). Point is, even this large improvement is not set in stone even after merging. It can still be further iterated moving forward.
  15. Would it be difficult to add a flag to the renderer where certain actors are pre-rendered in the black map area of the map? It can be a flag in the actor itself, similar to the castshadow flag. What this would do is stop cliff objects (among other things) from "popping" into existence as the player gains line of sight/vision of the object. This kind of flag would be good for some select objects, like cliffs, large structures like Wonders, bridge sections, etc. Currently, you only gain vision of an object once the root origin of the model or actor is visible. This creates visual glitches in the way you see objects. I think everyone has seen this happen consciously or subconsciously. Would it be worth it to fix this? I think it would. It's one of those polish things that make the engine feel complete.
  16. Can I request some transverse crests for the Imperial Centurion helmet?
  17. I'll see what I can make tonight with A24. Your request should be fairly simple. The starting conditions will be nearly identical, so as to conform to your current tutorial script as best I can.
  18. This right here would be great. Also, would you like me to redesign the tutorial map for A24, @Angen? The current one is ugly and A24 will have some really nice assets I can use to make a very nice map. I can make it have the same berries, trees, mines, units, etc. as the current one, but look soooo much nicer.
  19. +1 armor level is not the same as +10% gather speed. +1 armor level can mean +9% armor, +10% armor, or +6.7% armor depending on the units this tech is applying to.
  20. @Stan` https://wildfiregames.com/forum/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=39251
  21. Well, it's y'alls game so do what you want. Lol. DELENDA EST solves the problem by removing soldiers gathering altogether, so it's a non-issue.
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