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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I often wonder why I bother to mod. const g_WorldPopulationCapacities = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.WorldPopulationCapacities); That's the relevant line.
  2. ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/common/gamedescription.js line 384 ReferenceError: g_WorldPopulationCapacities is not defined getGameDescription@gui/common/gamedescription.js:384:1 ObjectivesDialog@gui/session/objectives/ObjectivesDialog.js:12:63 init@gui/session/session.js:286:23 reallyStartGame@gui/loading/loading.js:22:2 ERROR: GUI page 'page_session.xml': Failed to call init() function WARNING: JavaScript warning: gui/session/session.js line 679 reference to undefined property global.music ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/session/session.js line 679 TypeError: global.music is undefined updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:679:4 onSimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:642:2 __eventhandler52 (SimulationUpdate)@session SimulationUpdate:0:1 ERROR: Errors executing script event "SimulationUpdate" ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/session/session.js line 679 TypeError: global.music is undefined updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:679:4 onTick@gui/session/session.js:599:3 __eventhandler50 (Tick)@session Tick:0:1 ERROR: Errors executing script event "Tick" ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/session/session.js line 679 TypeError: global.music is undefined updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:679:4 onSimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:642:2 __eventhandler52 (SimulationUpdate)@session SimulationUpdate:0:1 ERROR: Errors executing script event "SimulationUpdate"
  3. I think for the game to feel like a completed product that all of the portraits should have a consistent style, at least consistent within civs, but ideally consistent across the board. Yuor current technique actually looks great at the resolution used in the game, as the screenshot shows! I look forward to seeing what you do with Boudicca. Make her hair nice and red, fierce look in her eyes.
  4. Instead of the loud purple color in the portraits, heroes can have a nice light blue background as shown. Boudicca there for inspiration.
  5. I encourage you to continue this. You can finally make all of the hero portraits consistent for the first time ever. My only critiques: 1. I think they should be wearing their head gear (Vercy needs his own helmet modeled still), and 2. make sure the outputted images are at 256x256.
  6. Edit: We need Battle for Middle Earth 2 battalions.
  7. I have now implemented this thanks to @Freagarach @wraitii @Angen and the team. By training Cleomenes, Perioikoi Hoplites and Spartiate Hoplites are swapped for Perioikoi Phalangites and Reformed Spartiate Phalangites. Also, by training Cleomenes you get access to Stone Walls. Training the Classical heroes keeps the hoplites and doesn't unlock Stone Walls (the option doesn't even show up). -> ->
  8. The idea I think was to make the circuit of walls more important. Players could still "draw" out wall segments like they do now, but the pre-designed wall curtain would be almost wonder-like in cost and construction.
  9. I wouldn't make every single beam into a prop, but maybe every 3 beams could work. lol
  10. Hmm, interesting solution. I think AOM went even further though and had terrain analysis and swapped in "bent" wall segment models to conform to the terrain. Worked okay for the time. It would certainly require more art work, but would look better.
  11. I think wall towers should be about 15% taller too, to help with aesthetics on hilly ground.
  12. Gotta use the correct font weight in the code?
  13. Thanks to the map resize patch I was able to resize the Saharan Oases map!
  14. brit_infantry_swordsman_e works just fine for me. Maybe try deleting ur cache.
  15. I just committed the Turret fix to github.
  16. It only affects entities with visible garrison points, like walls.
  17. I've always heard it called a turn based system. Never heard of "shift" system.
  18. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/23859 https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/23860 ?
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