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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. That sounds doable, maybe someone could make a patch for it. @Freagarach Is working on a feature that will allow one to use catapults to bombard areas, which might make them a bit more useful.
  2. I need to write a tutorial for this explaining parallax and normal maps. Some facts: we use directX normal maps, not opengl ones (the shaders do the inversion for us) OpenGL shows how it will look in game (outward bump) Alpha channel of the normal map controls the height, the more transparent the higher (Usually using ao works fine for the mask)
  3. Currently done locally. Importing all the unit meshes in the new Blender file. Importing all the capes meshes in the new Blender file. Renaming all sub-meshes to the name of the object instead of cube.00X or other incorrect names Deleting all props vertex groups. Deleting all duplicate vertex groups. Those groups were named spine.001, neck.001, chest.001. Reexporting base (non animated meshes). Checking whether we can only reexport base meshes (Doesn't work). Updating skeleton files using the python script. Switch to meter scale. Added tools Fix broken vertex group Still need to be done Importing all anims from the scattered blend files. Exporting all the anims Cleaning up the anims. backup.1.zip EDIT 1 : Updated backup.2.zip EDIT 2 : Updated backup.3.zip EDIT 3 : Updated @Alexandermb I found a way to reexport animations really fast ! I wrote this little python script you can paste in the Blender console with the latest backup blend: # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/41484/how-do-i-change-actions-in-python # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/26995/where-is-python-file-for-exporting-dae-collada # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/38618/selecting-an-object-via-scripting # https://blenderartists.org/t/deselect-all-command/666535/4 # https://docs.blender.org/api/2.79/bpy.ops.wm.html # https://blenderartists.org/t/set-the-first-and-end-frame-by-script/535050 import bpy # Deselect everything for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: ob.select_set(state=False) # The armature, and the dummy mesh needed (It has to be parented the armature) armature = bpy.data.objects['Armature'] unit_mesh = bpy.data.objects['m_armor_dress'] armature.select_set(state=True) unit_mesh.select_set(state=True) # For every action that exists in the blend file, export the matching collada. for a in bpy.data.actions: # print(a.name) # Get the current action to be exported armature.animation_data.action = bpy.data.actions.get(a.name) # print(a.frame_range) # We only need to export from the start frame to the end frame bpy.data.scenes[0].frame_start = a.frame_range[0] bpy.data.scenes[0].frame_end = a.frame_range[1] # Export the collada model bpy.ops.wm.collada_export(filepath='D:/Export/' + a.name + '.dae', keep_flat_curves=True, include_all_actions=False, keep_keyframes=True, selected=True, check_existing=False,filter_blender=False,filter_image=False,filter_movie=False,filter_python=False,filter_font=False,filter_sound=False,filter_text=False,filter_btx=False,filter_collada=True,filter_folder=True, limit_precision=True, filemode=8) This will export all the files with their Blender names in a folder called D:/Export. If we manage to rename all the animations to their current name in game it will be a piece of cake. Still need to gather all the animation. Also I tested @fatherbushido those new reexported anims work in Debug mode.
  4. But the maps are great, aren't they ? OceanSide:
  5. Not related Those bugs were already reported to @wraitii I believe.
  6. 1 @wowgetoffyourcellphone Might know better. 2. Depends on whether you are using the normal or the dev version. Usually they are in binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/UI
  7. Incidentally yes, but the maps won't really change much aside from that.
  8. NOTE TO SELF: Use the white ground for forum integration. @LordGood Though palms look kinda edgy though, don't they ?
  9. Well more variety is okay Just wanted to make sure cause indeed they look very big. Maybe if the texture had more dense branches and leaves that would work
  10. Looking great, maybe the the spec map is too shiny on the roofs? How big is a typical acacia leaf ?
  11. I realize I failed to answer here, so I will do it now. I like consistency, so we should not use diacritics nor different letter for Greek and not for old Persian for consistency's sake. As we already use american English for the game it might make sense to follow american standards. So here is my take on this: I like diacritics and flat lines and whatnot I also like that the game displays text in Greek However: I can totally understand how specific names can be confusing (eg. Kushites) The player should not be confused by the interface. So I vote for the American Library's convention. As @wowgetoffyourcellphone said, specific names could be an option. Maybe @Freagarach could submit a patch for that if she wants to. There are not many occurrences of the word so it should be easy to make it togglable https://github.com/0ad/0ad/search?l=JavaScript&q="specific+name"&type=Code https://github.com/0ad/0ad/search?l=JavaScript&q="specificname"&type=Code
  12. After https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1955 that Freagarach did on my request, it will possible to have both men and women using the same template randomly. This will make it easy to create the traditional villager
  13. Thanks for the reminder. I updated the post.
  14. Hello everyone, Following https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/22379 there will be some changes needed for those of you who have mods modifying templates. I believe that's most of you. Before rP22379 a typical attack component was defined like this: <Attack> <Ranged> <Hack>0.0</Hack> <Pierce>12.0</Pierce> <Crush>0.0</Crush> <MaxRange>72.0</MaxRange> <MinRange>0.0</MinRange> <PrepareTime>1200</PrepareTime> <RepeatTime>2000</RepeatTime> <Delay>0</Delay> <Projectile> <Speed>75.0</Speed> <Spread>1.5</Spread> <Gravity>9.81</Gravity> <LaunchPoint y="3"/> </Projectile> <PreferredClasses datatype="tokens">Human</PreferredClasses> <RangeOverlay> <LineTexture>outline_border.png</LineTexture> <LineTextureMask>outline_border_mask.png</LineTextureMask> <LineThickness>0.175</LineThickness> </RangeOverlay> </Ranged> </Attack> Now you have to wrap Hack, Pierce, Crush (but not Capture !) into a Damage Tag <Attack> <Ranged> <Damage> <Hack>0.0</Hack> <Pierce>12.0</Pierce> <Crush>0.0</Crush> </Damage> <MaxRange>72.0</MaxRange> <MinRange>0.0</MinRange> <PrepareTime>1200</PrepareTime> <RepeatTime>2000</RepeatTime> <Delay>0</Delay> <Projectile> <Speed>75.0</Speed> <Spread>1.5</Spread> <Gravity>9.81</Gravity> <LaunchPoint y="3"/> </Projectile> <PreferredClasses datatype="tokens">Human</PreferredClasses> <RangeOverlay> <LineTexture>outline_border.png</LineTexture> <LineTextureMask>outline_border_mask.png</LineTextureMask> <LineThickness>0.175</LineThickness> </RangeOverlay> </Ranged> </Attack> Also note this will be breaking auras and technologies as well. { "type": "range", "radius": 50, "affects": [ "Soldier" ], "modifications": [ { "value": "Attack/Melee/Crush", "multiply": 1.20 }, { "value": "Attack/Ranged/Hack", "multiply": 1.20 } ], "auraName": "Religious Fervor", "auraDescription": "+20% attack damage for soldiers.", "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/attack_bonus.png" } Will become { "type": "range", "radius": 50, "affects": [ "Soldier" ], "modifications": [ { "value": "Attack/Melee/Damage/Crush", "multiply": 1.20 }, { "value": "Attack/Ranged/Damage/Hack", "multiply": 1.20 } ], "auraName": "Religious Fervor", "auraDescription": "+20% attack damage for soldiers.", "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/attack_bonus.png" } { "genericName": "Close Combat Cavalry Training", "specificName": { "mace": "Xyston", "spart": "Xyston", "athen": "Xyston", "sele": "Xyston", "ptol": "Xyston", "rome": "Hasta" }, "description": "Training increases melee attack.", "cost": { "food": 500, "wood": 750, "stone": 0, "metal": 350 }, "requirements": { "tech": "phase_town" }, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in Town Phase.", "icon": "horse_trainer.png", "researchTime": 40, "tooltip": "+20% melee cavalry attack.", "modifications": [ { "value": "Attack/Melee/Hack", "multiply": 1.2 }, { "value": "Attack/Melee/Pierce", "multiply": 1.2 }, { "value": "Attack/Melee/Crush", "multiply": 1.2 } ], "affects": [ "Cavalry Melee" ], "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml" } Becomes { "genericName": "Close Combat Cavalry Training", "specificName": { "mace": "Xyston", "spart": "Xyston", "athen": "Xyston", "sele": "Xyston", "ptol": "Xyston", "rome": "Hasta" }, "description": "Training increases melee attack.", "cost": { "food": 500, "wood": 750, "stone": 0, "metal": 350 }, "requirements": { "tech": "phase_town" }, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in Town Phase.", "icon": "horse_trainer.png", "researchTime": 40, "tooltip": "+20% melee cavalry attack.", "modifications": [ { "value": "Attack/Melee/Damage/Hack", "multiply": 1.2 }, { "value": "Attack/Melee/Damage/Pierce", "multiply": 1.2 }, { "value": "Attack/Melee/Damage/Crush", "multiply": 1.2 } ], "affects": [ "Cavalry Melee" ], "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml" } This change will then allow any modder to add different types of attack to his mod. One currently has hack, pierce, crush, and could add, magic, fire etc... following https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1938 Sorry for the inconvenience and Happy modding You can answer this thread if you need further details
  15. Would need an icon and a proper template that doesn't depend on DE
  16. Should be better now pers_ice_house_02.zip
  17. @gameboy that code will not work, nor will the previous examples you posted do either. Some are C not C++ which isn't a problem by itself, but we don't code in C anywhere, some are not cross platform, example #include <windows.h> Will only work on windows. Nobody actually needs to change the gamma in the game, you can do it using external software if you need to. Also, when posting code snippets, please use the code tools from the forums. It's unreadable otherwise. Thanks. Did a re installation fix it ?
  18. There is a patch for it now: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1976
  19. What I mean is the we need the rider to be a separate element from the horse to do that.
  20. It's in the blend files somewhere Unfortunately, we need to reexport them all I thibk because mistakes were made.
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