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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. It's in the blend files somewhere Unfortunately, we need to reexport them all I thibk because mistakes were made.
  2. Yep just got a pm he is using w10 hence my question. @feneur can you lift his post limit please ? @weridetogether6 How many monitors do you have ?
  3. They will be committed. I'm waiting for his last map
  4. @Bigtiger might have some stuff to show soon
  5. Stan`


    Would be nice Since the offenders are often the same
  6. Stan`


    @user1 @Hannibal_Barca Maybe there could be a network message when the banned user tries to join the lobby with the remaining ban time ?
  7. True But since it lags so much that it crashes the game that might be a good worst case scenario
  8. With a proper texture job using crocodile scales and photo texturing, they might make a new race for my mod Stella Artis (Unreleased)
  9. @wraitii Would be interesting to test unitmotion changes on this maybe ?
  10. They do, it's called basic_glow.xml, and recently added is basic_glow_norm.xml. See the my last post in the "your screenshots". The effects are faint though. Glow is controlled by the alpha channel of the spec map. @vladislavbelov Said he will allow for player_glow.xml and player_glow_norm.xml, which are not currently supported.
  11. I can try to improve that a bit. I thought they were slightly below the ground ? I can add that, I was wondering why there would be a hole which would allow the sun to melt the ice. Yeah, but I can't do that.
  12. That's when it's not transparent enough/ the texture is not b&w on top of it.
  13. I might have something for the former.
  14. I believe it worked as follow : A sphere inside a bigger hollow sphere ( a sphere which size is -1 on all three axis, which basically inverts all normal ) But if basic_trans works as expected you won't need to do that.
  15. I guess so. Never tried it The undying nephalim did when making his space themed mod I think to create a vortex.
  16. Hey thanks for following through, @user1, @elexis, @Hannibal_Barca I'm getting quite a few reports like this do you know why it happens ?
  17. Stan`


    @user1 @Hannibal_Barca
  18. Let me know here if you need anything else.
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