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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. You might also be interested in this https://code.wildfiregames.com/source/design/browse/master/book/gameplay/civs/kushites.md
  2. It's strange that it required this package. What exatly required it ?
  3. @Alexandermb https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/5616 As for the new idle anims they are really nice. We might want to tweak frequency so special ones play less often. Also I think hoplite should plant their spear into the ground cause right now it looks a bit weird that it stand stills while the unit does stuff...
  4. Well the humans will be space marines. Man and women. I need to sketch their buildings but for the rest I don't care
  5. @Alexandermb well I need two alien species for my stella artis mod I was thinking I could use @trompetin17's egg lizard as one of the two races
  6. @Nescio @wowgetoffyourcellphone @borg- Ping
  7. @Tuxem Can you comment the for loop in cache.cpp at that line (just add // for all the lines) just below the sanity check comment then rebuild ?
  8. I provided a workaround which apparently lead s to an OOM for you here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4360#comment:20 Would you be interested in debugging it further @OptimusShepard ?
  9. @Freagarach or @wraitii can prove me wrong but I believe there is a hunting state in unit Ai ? EDIT: Someone just told me that we don't. However one could check whether the target is an animal and change the anims. With switchable attacks the unit would then change weapons when near ^^
  10. Well we all get sidetracked for time to time. But it's nice to finish what one has started
  11. I guess I could ask samulis ( or just cough my cold in a mic haha) I didn't know that. Would be nice to finish that to fix the Debug build
  12. Nice new idle anims ! What's left for the reexport ? I think there are still a few things (camel + elephants) ?
  13. He may need additional configuration in his router. Does he have access to it ? If so he needs to forward port 20595 to his computer to be able to host the game. It is however strange that he cannot join. Can he try to join another game on the lobby ? Similarly if he is on a school or another restricted network he might need a VPN.
  14. What OS is your friend on ? @feneur Can you lift his post limit ?
  15. Hello @KingOfTheTitans and welcome to the forums. To 'fix' that error you need to go into the game options, find the lobby tab and disable TLS.
  16. Ask him to go in the game options, lobby tab, and disable TLS.
  17. Are you guys all in the same room, or at different places ?
  18. Btw @Trinketos Is the turkey you made animated ? It could be added to the main game.
  19. Thank you for playing our game :). Hope you'll have fun with it.
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