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  1. @Sevda I don't see that ruling the seas. btw: That's a Gurkenkahn!
    4 points
  2. I just saw the company car of Polish 0AD players like Noobdude, @Emperior and @Dizaka!
    3 points
  3. I heard it is a tradition in Poland to also call GG when the craftsmen finished the construction.
    2 points
  4. It is pretty important right now actually, for example, do you have barracks near your woodlines, other resources. Houses for garrisoning women? Any blind spots?
    2 points
  5. Introducing God's Eye. I've been working on this mod for about just 48hrs now. Not so lone but due to the pace I'm moving, I am almost done with beta version .0.01 and I'm looking for testers who will use the mod, discover bugs and add it to the known issues so that i can get it patched and release the entire mod to everyone as soon as possible. Don't hesitate to inbox me if you are willing to help build up this mod or have any interesting feature you would like to request. My arms are opened!, Request a feature or suggest and it will be added as soon as I can. PM me if you would like to test the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ God's Eye was created in attempt to bring back our favorite mod of all time, Fgod mod - by @ffffffff This mod is inspired by FGOD Mod, part of the code may be from the original fgod mod made by @ffffffff , all rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.0.1 updated: v0.0.2 (6/30/2022) updated: v0.0.3 (7/02/2022) updated: v0.0.4 (7/03/2022) - reduced file size and cleanup updated: v0.0.6 (7/03/2022) - reduced file size and cleanup updated: v0.0.7 (9/28/2022) - compatible with a26 Features Overview Auto Login Vision Ally Stats Auto Away Start into lobby Improved UI Design Functions with all mod Network warnings Late Observer Joins Auto Share Resources Among Teammates When You Resign A Team Game Fight Ratio Calculator Lobby Notification from in-game New music added Sound on message sent added New chat notification sound added Ping players to ready during game setup Ping players to join your game from lobby Added easy team numbers to easily set your hosts to 1v1, 2v2, 4v4 , ffa , etc. Added smurf highlighter - Highlight smurf in the game easily with a single button Added buddies sorting Known Issues Minor typos ( fixed ) Unclickable chat input Installation guide; 1. Download both mod.json and godeye.zip files ( attached to this post ) 2. Make a new folder and name it godseye in your mods folder 3. Paste the mod.json and godseye.zip file, no need to unzip it 4. After following the above steps, you are good to go! Open the game and you will see it in your mod list Alternatively, you can download it from the game through the mod downloader or visit https://0ad.mod.io/gods-eye-mod?preview=c0076b5082eb4209ca4277950830f43d Mod Folder locations- linux into ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/godseye windows typically: ~\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\godseye mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/mods/godseye New update: v.0.0.6 ( file size reduced ) mod.json godseye.zip New update: v.0.0.6 ( file size reduced ) godseye.zip Main Lobby Page Player List Panel Game List Panel Chat Panel ( Additional Buttons ) God's Eye Settings Page Main PreGame Page
    1 point
  6. Castles usually have walls, but players never build them. I suggest to encourage players to build walls so that our castles resemble castles more. Such could be done by making them cheaper, more durable or more useful. Right now, the problem with walls is that u can go around them. and if you fully cover a finished 200pop base with walls, it will take way too much time, citizens and resources. At least that's how it was last time I played. I don't get why player usually loses when you destroy his CC? I suggest more nomadic approach, or multibase approach. Where player can quickly build a next base, or play with 2 and more bases. I suggest to make it worth it for player to build second base in early game. Or to look into the concept of mobile bases more. Or to make your armies build things when theyre outside the base. Right now once armies leave the base theyre going straight for cc with continous barrack spam. Perhaps make it worth it to build the barracks far from initial base, along with other buildings.
    1 point
  7. The feeling is mutual. I also think the same.
    1 point
  8. Since we have three North African civilizations (Ptolemies, Carthaginians, and Kushites) already, I thought that one located entirely south of the Sahara would be welcome as well. So I am going to suggest the Nok culture that thrived in the area of Nigeria between 900 BC to 200 AD. There's not a lot we know about them, especially since they don't seem to have used a written script, but they have left behind numerous sculptures attesting to an artistic tradition that would influence those of later West African kingdoms. Nok Culture on the World History Encyclopedia Some choice Nok sculptures: I don't think we know for sure what language the Nok people spoke, but I would use Yoruba or Ibo vocabulary for unit and building names since those are some of the cultures influenced by the Nok culture. Below are some images showing what these cultures looked like in more recent periods: Yoruba palace compound (I think) Yoruba house Ibo house Ibo warriors with armor Ibo warriors with spears and shields In addition, as part of this larger representation of West Africa, African rainforest animals could be added to the game. Game could include the bongo, guinea-fowl, okapi, gorilla, and forest elephants (which I believe are already in the game), whereas leopards and chimpanzees would be predators. Bongo Guinea-fowl Okapi Gorilla Leopard Chimpanzee
    1 point
  9. Me too, from Alpha 23 to Alpha 26, Battering Ram has always given me the worst part of my gaming experience.
    1 point
  10. Good idea, I hope it can be more researched and show a civilization that is close to the real sub-Saharan Africa.
    1 point
  11. Yes. And the nickname isn't "family friendly".
    1 point
  12. libCollada.so is dynamically loaded by 0ad and not via linker, so location must match 0ad-libdir for it to be found. I never dealt with app images, but your --libdir and --bindir settings look wrong (libdir in particular). I'd assume you can use the default values just fine. Edit: fix hard to parse typo
    1 point
  13. A gherkin tub ("Kahn" is German for tub).
    1 point
  14. well its still not perfect but better. my new mouse is some microsoft mouse. my old mouse is logitech gaming mouse which i forgot the specific series.
    1 point
  15. @seeh No, it's added up. If you look at the table @a 0ad player posted you see "Stich 3 + Hieb 2,5 = 5,5 DPS".
    1 point
  16. even though I didnt specify it on OP, both of these changes will result in more ways to play and I believe thats what brings people to competetive games like 0ad - to figure out various combinations and strategies, to come up with the most efficient mix of these combinations and become good at it Territory decrease would support this concept, because barracks and other buildings could be built in second base, instead of using your former's base territory range and increasing it with each building in the direction of enemy (usually thats how it goes when players spam barracks)
    1 point
  17. Just in case, we're now in string freeze so any change changing the ingame strings cannot be merged.
    1 point
  18. @Player of 0AD My english speaking brain can only read “Water polo team” lol. Wp guys!
    1 point
  19. Thank you! I wasn't sure if that was coming to the game.
    1 point
  20. @norjay I opened a ticket for a problem @Old Romanreported.
    1 point
  21. We have slaves: it's the P3 stone gathering tec.
    1 point
  22. Right, the Han Chinese did not use the syntagma, so the units do not have the ability to use the animations. Also, in a standard game, there's no instance where the Macedonians would be able to use Han pike dudes. I have some actor fixes locally for the Samnite spearman and the pikemen, so make the actors perform properly.
    1 point
  23. Andy: (in A26) I tried Carpathian 3 times at medium map size (4 vs 4) and each time it put me in a valley on a flank with no path out. The first time I built a fortress up against a cliff and I was able to free 1 soldier up top at a time by emptying a full house in that direction (So that bug is still kind of there). They were able to build a camp but by that time my allies were all too far gone. I found it odd that I was the only civ that was locked in in all of my three attempts I changed to a normal sized map and the problem went away. I don't know if its worth debugging (or if it can be reproduced) but it is an interesting map. I've really enjoyed Homer's delight, Stan's Sorrow and Cliffs of Carnage from the latest release.
    1 point
  24. I believe it's for equality and historical accuracy.
    1 point
  25. The purpose is to have citizens with two genders instead of just one. If you read the starting post you would have known that it doesn't change stats.
    1 point
  26. Come on... I want this ... ----- Freagarach my friend... (pd:Do not notice that I am trying imitating some user).
    1 point
  27. -Let's hope it happens like Kush , and we have more African factions .
    1 point
  28. So here's how a Nok warrior of "elite" status could look like. I did the art myself.
    1 point
  29. Buenos días o tardes; -Con ayuda de @Lopess , estamos desarrollando a la facción Moche/Mochica. Descripción de facción; -Los Moches o Mochicas (150 a.C-800 d.C) fueron una poderosa cultura sucesora de Chavín, dividida en "Norte" y "Sur" al igual que el antiguo Egipto , estuvo compuesta por diferentes ciudades semi independientes y dirigida por una élite de sacerdotes y fieros guerreros. Fueron hábiles agricultores que convirtieron los desiertos y valles de la costa norte de Perú en tierra fértil, además de conseguir grandes avances en cerámica ,orfebrería , y navales , con el uso de la , huaco retratos , la Tumbaga y los caballitos de totora respectivamente. Tras su apogeo (100-650 d.C) colapsaron debido a desastres naturales. -Edificios "comunes"; (18); "Español"-----------------------------------"Muchik" 1.Centro cívico;---------------------------(...) 2.casas;-----------------------------------(An) 3.Almacén;--------------------------------(...) 4.Alquería;---------------------------------(...) 5.Huerto;-----------------------------------(...) 6.Corral;------------------------------------(...) 7.Puerto;------------------------------------(...) 8.Cuartel;----------------------------------(...) 9.Herrería;---------------------------------(...) 10.Templo;---------------------------------(Mayaec Ann) 11.Mercado;--------------------------------(...) 12.Torre de avanzada;---------------------(...) 13.Torre de defensa ;----------------------(...) 14.Torre defensa pequeña;----------------(...) 15.Fortaleza;-------------------------------(Tarr) 16.Empalizada;-----------------------------(...) 17.Muralla;---------------------------------(...) 18.Maravilla( Gran Tumba );---------------(Xllangir) 19.Galería de Tiro;------------------------(...) EXTRA-(Puerta de muralla);----------------------(...) EXTRA-(torre de muralla);------------------------(...) Ausencia de ; 1.Establo. 2.Taller de asedio. -Edificios especiales o culturales; 20-Embajada Andina;-------------------------(...) 21-Pirámide.;----------------------------------(...) 22-Palacio.;-----------------------------------(...) 23-Aldea Mochica.;---------------------------(...) 24-Acrópolis.;--------------------------------(...) Total de edificios; 24. (Aspecto ; En desarrollo) -Unidades; (26) Español;--------------------------------------------------(Muchik) -infantería leve; (4). (centro urbano y cuartel) 1. Hondero;---------------------------------------------(...Yana) 2.Guerrero con porra de estrella;------------------------(...Yana) (cuarteles) 1. Hondero;---------------------------------------------(...Yana) 2.Guerrero con porra de estrella;-----------------------(...Yana) 3.Lancero;----------------------------------------------( ...Yana) 4.estólica(con venablos);-------------------------------(... Yana) -infantaria pesada; (3). (Aldea mochica) 5. Guerrero con boleadoras (arojadizas de 3 bolas);--------------(...) 6.Guerrero con pica (sarisa o lanza larga ) ;----------------------(...) 7. Guerrero con maza (boleradora no arrojadiza ) ;---------------(...) -infantería campeona;(3) (palacio) 8. Guerrero con hacha de cobre ;-------------------------------(...) 9. Caballero(gran porra mango largo y metal) ;------------------(Fixilca) 10. Guerrero con disco(metálico y arrojadizo) ;------------------(...) -infantería auxiliar(5) (¿"Embajada Andina"?) 11.Auxiliar Recuay;----------------------------------------------------(...) 12.Arqueo Auxiliar Cajamarca;----------------------------------------(...) 13.Auxiliar Vicús;------------------------------------------------------(...) 14.Auxiliar Topará;----------------------------------------------------(...) 15.Auxiliar Huarpa;---------------------------------------------------(...) -Unidades civis; (4). (casas/centro urbano) 16. Mujer;-----------------------------------------------(Mecherraec) (mercado) 17. Comerciante;-----------------------------------------(...) (Templo) 18. Sacerdote/sacerdotisa;------------------------------(Pillac) (centro urbano/aldea moche/casas/barracas) 19.Corredor;--------------------------------------------(tzhae Caem) -unidades asedio; (1). (herrería) 20.Ariete;------------------------------------------------(...) -unidades marítimas; (3). (puerto) 21. Canoa de Pesca; --------------------------------(...) 22. Canoa de Guerra; ------------------------------( ...) 23. Canoa Mercante; -------------------------------(...) -Héroes; (3). (Fortaleza) 24. Soberano(porra moche);------------------------------(Cie-quich) 25. Sumo Sacerdote;------------------------------------------(...) 26. General(alabarda);-----------------------------------------(Alaec) Iconos para las unidades; 1. Hondero;---------------------------------------------(...Yana) 2.Guerrero con porra de estrella;-----------------------(...Yana) 3.Lancero;----------------------------------------------( ...Yana) 4.estólica(con venablos);-------------------------------(... Yana) 5. Guerrero con boleadoras (arojadizas de 3 bolas);-------------------------(...) 6.Guerrero con pica (sarisa o lanza larga ) ;----------------------(...) 7. Guerrero con maza (boleradora no arrojadiza) ;----(...) 8. Guerrero con hacha de cobre ;-------------------------------(...) 9. Caballero(gran porra mango largo y metal) ;------------------(Fixilca) 10. Guerrero con disco(metálico y arrojadizo) ;------------------(...) 11.Auxiliar Recuay;----------------------------------------------------(...) x 12.Arqueo Auxiliar Cajamarca;----------------------------------------(...) x 13.Auxiliar Vicús;------------------------------------------------------(...) x 14.Auxiliar Topará;----------------------------------------------------(...) x 15.Auxiliar Huarpa;---------------------------------------------------(...) x 16. Mujer;-----------------------------------------------(Mecherraec) 17. Comerciante;-----------------------------------------(...) 18. Sacerdote/sacerdotisa;------------------------------(Pillac) 19.Corredor;--------------------------------------------(tzhae Caem) 20.Ariete;------------------------------------------------(...) 21. Canoa de Pesca; --------------------------------(...) 22. Canoa de Guerra; ------------------------------( ...) 23. Canoa Mercante; -------------------------------(...) 24. Soberano(porra moche);---------------------(Cie-quich) 25. Sumo Sacerdote;------------------------------------------(...) 26. General(alabarda);-----------------------------------------(Alaec) Bonificaciones; -Bonus de facción; 1) "Momias Andinas" ;(Las habilidades de los Héroes mochicas seguirán vigentes 5 minutos más despúes de su muerte.) 2)"Sembrar en el desierto";(Al inicio de las partidas , cada centro urbano aparece acompañado de 4 huertos).Como pasa con las murallas de los íberos. -Bonus de equipo; 1) "Pintura de guerra";(Permite cada ¿ ... 20min...? que los enemigos no puedan distinguir el color de facción de tus unidades o de tus aliados durante un 1mintuo).Pero hay que activarla o tus aliados y cuesta 500 de comida. 2) "Tumbaga";(Las tecnologías de la herrería son un 10% más baratas). Tecnologías especiales; 1) "Altos hornos";(las tecnologías de la herrería se desarrollan un 80% más rápido ,pero son un 10% más caras) 2)"Esclavos militares"(Cada vez que reclutas por grupos de 5 Unidades Militares Terrestres , +1 gratis ,)Solo hay que ir a ajustes y cambiar la reclutación de prupos de 4 y poner 5.Pero no lo permite con sacerdotes , unidades navales , mujeres etc... solo militares. 3)"Esquilar Alpacas"(permite criar Alpacas en los corrales y las alpacas tienen un precio en comida pero en vez de dar comida , dan metal .Los aldeanos tras esquilar al animal , para conseguir el metal , deben acudir al mercado o al Centro Cívico.) Los guanacos serían el segundo animal del corral y su precio es de comida y produce comida. 4)"Caballitos de totora" (los navíos cuestan un 50% menos) 5)"Estólica" o Atlatel andino (los guerrilleros aumentan su Rango de Visión un 50% y su Alcance de Ataque en un 30%). 6)"Ejercitos de Mazos" (Todas las unidades de infantería leve en fase 3 que selecciones después de desarrollar esta tecnología, podrás cambiar su arma por un Mazo Corto y con ellos ganas +10 de ataque y +5 de salud para esa unidad). -Puse pocas unidades con mazo y esta era el arma principal de los mochicas ,con esta tecnología , la usaran de vez en cuando. 7)"El poder del Mazo"(Las unidades de "Caballero Mochica" con mazo largo y la infantería ligera en fase 3 con mazo corto , si esa tecnología se ha desarrollado ya , ganan +15 de ataque y +10 de defensa , pero son un -5% más lentos) -Los moches se prolongaron durante siglos gracias a su dominio del desierto pero permanecieron como una Potencia Regional gracias a sus ejercitos , que usaban principalmente Mazos , con los que sometieron a varios vecinos y mantuvieron a raya a otros. 8)"Influencia Andina"(Los "Auxiliares Andinos" y las "Embajadas Andinas" son un 20% más baratos) 9)"Tumi" o Espada ceremonial (Los/as sacerdotes/isas y el Sumo sacerdote pueden portar la espada Tumi y aumentan su ataque en +50% más de ataque) Símbolo de facción; ¿Qué opinan? Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  30. what about sorting in columns by function and in lines by phase like this: 1. column is civic 2. economic 3. military 4. fortification
    1 point
  31. It would be nice if each phase got its own row. (1st row is village, second is town, third is city) ^a problem would be how to fit a bunch of village icons in one row.
    1 point
  32. my ideal would be: - rams are cheaper - rams can be built on the battlefield - rams are much slower - rams are fairly easy to counter with any melee/short range assault this could or could not be integrated with @Darkcity's proposals. I think rethinking the pierce/hack differentiation would help with that, but I guess it's not necessary if they are convertible like Darkcity proposes.
    1 point
  33. Culture of Moche. The Moche civilization (alternatively, the Mochica culture or the Early, Pre- or Proto-Chimú) flourished in northern Peru with its capital near present-day Moche, Trujillo, Peru[1] from about 100 to 800 during the Regional Development Epoch. While this issue is the subject of some debate, many scholars contend that the Moche were not politically organized as a monolithic empire or state. Rather, they were likely a group of autonomous polities that shared a common elite culture, as seen in the rich iconographyand monumental architecture that survive today.
    1 point
  34. I know it need edition to clean the noise of the background. Can be some over acting (hard imitate Native voices) I supressed my nasal voice the best a can do with a technique. References Momagaj means fight the last pronunciations my seudo italian accent was there, ooops... https://www.lexilogos.com/english/nahuatl_dictionary.htm https://www.sil.org/system/files/reapdata/85/18/08/85180819515234773249923671400258036256/nhx_diccionario_ed2.pdf Momagaj.m4a
    1 point
  35. If you play on Linux or macOS it's 64bits. There has been an experimental 64bits build and it yielded no performance improvement. But yeah there will be at some point.
    1 point
  36. I mean more siege units, the bedded crossbows of the Han, or torsion weapons of Romans and Greeks. 450m range, outranges archers, tower ~5:1, and bows all have same stats, while they should probably have different stats in terms of range and damage(arrow weight) Its long range artillery for the bigger ones, would probably require new classes for siege units, let alone the damage. A 3m long bolt arrow could pretty much cause big damage on buildings and troop concentrations, ie wipe out multiple cav units at once.
    1 point
  37. Sounds good. Whats more to worry, if the weapons tech of various civs was accurately implemented, it would cause quite a problem. Look at the range and and draw weight,450m & 340 kg they give on wiki. Bow length (cm) 70-145 99 122 58-91 80 Tiller length (cm) 60-70 25.5 95.5 Power stroke (cm) 46-51 41 10-18 16 Draw-weight (kg) 68-340 55-90 20.5 36-90 90-270 180-680 Range (m) 170-450 230 91.5 340-411 Lock mechanism bronze vertical trigger bronze block and lever rolling nut – bone, antler rolling nut rolling nut – metal Spanning device winch, stirrup (12th c.), belt claw (late) claw & lever stirrup (12th c.), belt claw (12th c.) winch winch pulleys, gaffle, cranequin, screw, cord pulley (15th c.) Crossbow material composite composite wood composite steel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_siege_weapons
    1 point
  38. My reaction when my soldier attacks a field instead of doing something meaningful:
    1 point
  39. And now I have the soldiers done as well.
    1 point
  40. There is actually a very large corpus of colored Ancient Egyptian frescoes, by the Ancient Egyptians themselves. Skin tones vary wildly from a very light, yellowish brown to a very dark reddish brown. Reddish brown is by far the most common skin-tone. As for the Ptolemaic roster, of course all the Greek and Galatian units should remain white. As for the female citizens and native troops, some melanin definitely wouldn't be out of order, although "Kushite black" is definitely too dark... If you're interested in improving their skin-tones for historical accuracy sake, I'd suggest, for "native" troops, something like 1/10 black, 4/10 reddish brown, 4/10 yellowish brown, 1/10 white. The black representing resident Kushite populations (quite a considerable group, apparently, even as far north as Alexandria), the reddish and yellowish brown representing native Egyptians, and the white representing Greeks and other light skinned peoples from the Middle East and Europe that weren't necessarily part of the ruling classes or nobility. While on the topic, after careful consideration ( ), I'd like to suggest a similar more reddish brown skin-tone variant for a few Kushite units. Especially the Napatan temple guard and Napatan priest, could have about 1/2 reddish brown. Currently it's more a "faded" lighter brown instead of the reddish tint. If you want some Sub-Saharan ethnic flair, the "Nubian archers", a Ptolemaic mercenary unit was removed a few years ago "under dubious circumstances"... Another really attractive Kushite mercenary unit for the Ptolemies would be the "Aethiopian Axemen". At least 3 Ptolemaic and 1 one Roman (or also Ptolemaic) period figurines survive from Egypt depicting Hellenized axmen with Sub-Saharan features. The Ancient Egyptians through their own eyes: Basically, some of them looked very Middle Eastern/North African, some of them looked very Sub-Saharan/Horn of Africa, most of them were something in between. Not surprising from an Afro-Asiatic speaking population on the crossroad between Africa and Asia. One thing is clear, Ancient Egyptian women were drop-dead gorgeous! Yowza!
    1 point
  41. 0ad should try achieve a balance, with +/- 50% of players building walls, and other 50% not building. Definitely better than 100% turtling or 100% not building walls at all. Base design should matter too
    0 points
  42. unironically, Seleucids' military camp could work as second base, IN THEORY. in practice no one builds it cus its expensive and even if they do, they build it near their cc.
    0 points
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