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Hi everybody, I would like to initiate some discussion about the idea of implementing borg-'s expansion pack mod in a24 release. I know it's almost done. But to be perfect it needs some patches to be applied. Thus any javascript geeks are welcome to join this project and apply bug fixes. I'm sure @borg- would manage and coordinate the whole process (testing, patches applying, etc.) but he needs some volunteers to help to make this mod tuned on high level. So the idea of that topic is to: 1) let people know that there is need of some js work to do - maybe some of you guys could help with that 2) find what functionalities of this expansion pack could/should be tested (some testing team would also be necessary) 3) discuss if it is worth to wait a bit with 0ad a24 release date so it could have implemented Borg's expansion pack as a native functionality (not a mod) As this expansion pack made a huge positive impression on me, personally I would recommend to include it into alpha 24 release. In my opinion better wait a bit and shift the release date in favour of better game balance and less versatile but more diverse building system with some new type of units. All opinions and comments are welcome here so feel free to let us know what do you think about it guys. Thanks! snelius5 points
If there really are some volunteers to help me with this, surely I would work on it with the greatest pleasure. I just need to know if the people willing to work at it. @ValihrAnt and @Feldfeld always helped me and I'm sure they continued to help. I probably won't use all the patches that are in the mod, just the one that has been tested and approved and with less potential for risk. @badosu can help on some tests too? Certainly @Angen can easily patch patches for the a24 version. After the patches are verified and applied, then I start converting the templates to a24, as I convert I can send it to be verified by devs.4 points
En el 94 tenĂamos eso, aqui fue por q hubo un desaste connlos cables de telefono luz e internet en mi colonia.3 points
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Yes, in my visibility mod the berrys texture is more red for better visibility. For a competitive game play it is better to identify the berrys fast. With the chickens i was even more radical, i replaced the texture with pure red color. I prefer contrast over realism.2 points
Hello, Thanks for the opportunity to share with you. I hope this gets to someone that can actually read it and do something about my suggestions. I have been playing these types of games for many years and I can tell you what people have always wanted and wished for in theses games. I am not a programmer so I don't know if this is possible, but if it is and you do it you will have the best game of all times. So here is the suggestions: 1. Have the game adjustable as the game is being played. Example. If you have 4 players and it is set for 2 versus 2 teams you can change the diplomacy to be 3 versus 1 and so on as the game is playing. You can be allies at one point and then change it so you are now enemies. Put the player in control of who is who and what teams are changing. You should also be able to set and change the AI-team (Computer settings) to aggressive, advanced, defensive and so on throughout the game. This changes the diplomacy, strategy, and computer/player game statistics to give a more challenging and extended game playing experience. If you are easily winning then you put two teams against you and now you are being challenged again. Or, You are losing and make a deal with another team to become an ally and now you get back the upper hand and both teams win or the tides change and now those two teams go out at it for the final battle in winner takes all. I would play with this idea so even the computer can ask for help and set it up so that exchanges in assets or even personnel can be exchanged and bartered to change the tempo of the game. This again is in the control of the player be presetting the parameters. 2. Allow for the game to reset 1, 2, 3 or more times the assets during the game (trees-wood, Stone, Irion) Again let the player decide the amount so to be equal and spread across the map for all teams. This allows for extended campaigns and battles which I can tell you many people want. Playing with this setting allows for more diplomacy and more strategy in playing the game. 3. Since the computer ultimately has the advantage make it so the player can exchange during trading/bartering any good/asset 1 to 1. Example: 1 food for 1 wood and so on. This again allows for the resources to be extended and spread out to maximise the game. This should be set up so it can all be set by the player when playing the computer or another person as they agree to the battle terms. Normally, if played well you will have plenty of food but little of everything else as the game progresses which causes the game to end by default (not fun!). Changing this setting allows you to spread out your resources allowing for diversity and longer more extensive battles. Controlling your resources and trading wisely helps extended and even the playing field against the computer. 4. When fighting the other team allow your team to get the resources or part of the resources from the building as you destroyed them. This is another way to extend the resources and help prolong the battles. This should also be a setting for the player to set for each game. 5. Make for more weapons as the game progresses and major points or accomplishments are made. People always like a wide variety or warriors with different skills or fun weapons that can be used to change the tide of the war. I hope this helps give a general idea. I could write much more but you guys are the experts. I can tell you now that if you do this this game will be the all time winner for Real time reality games. One last thing, I tried to make some maps and had fun doing them but they would not work in the game. The maps would have been great for many players and the more setting the better for players. I really hope you are successful in this game and I wish you the very best. Please feel free to contact me for more info or clarity on the subject written in the blog post. Thanks for the time and opportunity to share my ideas for everyone to enjoy. You guys are the ones that make our ideas a reality and then everyone gets to enjoy it. Thanks so much.2 points
I think the leaf color on the bushes could be more "realistic" but the berries themselves should be super bright and visible. They're an abstraction after all. They just represent various foraging methods, not necessarily any specific species of berry.2 points
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Who? I think you should keep calm. You don't ask for trouble. If you can't do that, when your head gets hot, you can stay in the fridge.2 points
Evening everyone, As some of you may have seen we are currently having some issues with the server hosting the forums and the apps. We investigated with @implodedok and preliminary results suggest it might be the hard drives giving up on us. Fortunately, since everything runs in VMs migration should be easy. You might continue to experience some issues until we migrate (as the HDD might fail again) and a bit of downtime while we do the migration. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused and we hope you continue to enjoy 0 A.D.'s singleplayer mode and the "connect by IP feature" of multiplayer if the lobby was to fall again.1 point
Happy to see movement in this direction, I played and spec'ed a few times and must say that the game flow seems much more nuanced and balanced. I am happy to help, whether adjusting parts of the code to patches or playtesting.1 point
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Great. We dont do any spanish events though. Maybe one day with @Gallaecio and @Enrique Not sure if We'll ever be famous enough for this but maybe latin america one day1 point
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Hello @Love The Game , welcome to the forums, and thanks for the nickname. Let me answer some of your points Allow people to change teams: You can already do that in the game. It's in the top right corner, you can change the diplomacy between players if the team aren't locked. Allow people to reset resources : That's a bit harder since people might have built things over said resources... I get the point though, but I guess it could be better fixed with an improved balancing. Allow bartering to be independant from the game: I'm not sure this is a great idea, I like the fact that every player selling resources makes its value plumet. Usually to compensate this you use trade lines. Allow people to gather resources when killing enemy stuff: Again, that's already into the game It's called looting, and you get a few resources back when you kill enemy units and buildings. Give more variety to units and weapons: That's something we are working on, I'd like techs to after those as well, but it's needs new code that wasn't written yet Let me know if I can help you with that, we could use mapmakers1 point
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Communication channels are generally not exclusive. Multiple channels are possible, although high fragmentation can offer negative effects. But anyway, every member here of this forum should have their favorite app or communication platform. WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord, Signal, Reddit etc. I personally like Telegram. It's open source, easy to use, fast and it has a wide user base.1 point
again the answer is ... make all clones , nobody have time to read, Christmas eve is near, Happy 2020. baibai1 point
deja que los desarrolladores respondan, a veces se pasan los post si no los tageas, Stn sabe quien trabaja en qu area del juego. el otro que puedes consultar es @elexis1 point
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I'll take a look at the source and work on the weekend to figure out how to make changes in separate commits. Does the development team accept patches in.. well patch format? Since I use git I would be more comfortable just using my workflow and sending each patch separately. Some should be pretty straightforward to be included in separate patches/commits, e.g.: loom 100% health, archer buff, slinger nerf, ele buff, etc...1 point
You were banned for much more and then you were crying to be unbanned, who are you to say who should be banned?1 point
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Okay, if you don't mind I'd like to the have a secondopinionof@LordGood, @ValihrAnt, @borg- @wowgetoffyourcellphone @ffffffff I believe you created a mod to change those specifically didnt you ?1 point
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I have a plan like this it's called Pyrogenesis-1944 and it's currently looking for people to import models from the Spring Engine to the pyrogenesis engine https://github.com/0ADMods/pyrogenesis-1944 I don't have any screenshot to show because I can't find them anymore1 point
Hi 0ad community I'd like to comment on something I saw mentioned on recent changes I don't know if you're referring to a possibility to a modder or to eventually added or modified stock game units, but I think doing damage and capture on the same attack may be a hassle. That's because the most effective way of capturing a garrisionable structure is dealing it enough damage so that it becomes ungarrisioned and only after that moment capturing takes place. In normal conditions, that is, in a balaced game this is the only way I'm able to capture anything near structures that can do ranged attack. The only way I can think that damaging and capturing at the same time will not cause the accidental destruction of the structure is if damage is done only if units are explicitly told to do damage, that is, attacking with CTRL held up. Doing damage while told to capture doesn't look like a great idea to me Thank all of you for contributing your time to this great game! Looking forward to that update, it looks really awesome!1 point
Hi @rber, thanks for your interest here The change is indeed mainly for modders, in vanilla there are no units planned that deal both capture and damage at the same time1. We also thought it would be strange behaviour. The idea behind the change was to have less hardcoding and easier extension of what effects could occur when attacking a unit. I hope this clarifies it for you? Otherwise, feel free to ask1 point
So is there a good and a bad Titan? And I thought the Lightspirit of Faron Woods where the good Titan of the Lizalfos.1 point
Onto the point that Darcreaver makes, I think there is more validity than most of us give credit to. If there is going to be micromanagement, it should feel meaningful rather than just necessary. A lot of the Age of Empires economic decisions unfortunately like that, and I'd say that providing better automation to economy would allow for a much more complex system to exist. I'd personally like trade and farming to be better expanded upon. Farms could gradually eat up the nutrients in soil, decreasing the gathering efficiency and forcing players to have farms planted elsewhere if they want the ground to regain that ability. Trading shouldn't just be a way to instantly generate resources. Importing or exporting precious resources or manufactured wares that could provide buffs in addition to setting tariffs could make for a much more immersive experience. That all said, slaves are an important addition. Having non-citizen residents would be cool as well.1 point
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https://www.facebook.com/301410029889224/photos/a.468322259864666/1142078885822330/ http://blog.armae.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/camp-2.jpg http://blog.armae.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/legionnaires.jpg1 point
yea and while we're at it we can also add more economics like Graders, miners, iron smelters, blacksmiths, millers and bakers and rename the game to "The Settlers: 0AD". The point is that economy takes attention from the player, and the more different economy units and gatherable resources are available the more complicated the economy becomes and the more it distracts from the game itself. The question is... why.... WHY?! must the most boring aspect of the game be bloated up with even more unfun unit management and click orgies? Just automate the economy by placing buildings near resource spots. The the according farmers, slaves, builders, millers or watever can do their duty without the player having to worry about having too much of either type of unit.1 point
In your mod, create an XML file, similar to binaries/data/mods/public/art/terrains/grass/grass1.xml and put it in folders with the same names, but in your mod, i.e. NAMEOFYOURMOD/art/terrains/grass/ , but pointing to the new grass texture you have created (and put in NAMEOFYOURMOD/art/textures/terrain/types/ ). As can be seen in the grass1.xml file you do not need to put the entire path to where the image is located, but just the types/ and the filename. (I guess you could use a different file structure, but to make things easier for yourself it's probably best to follow the existing one.) Please see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide for more information on how to create your mod. When you have created the texture file, just open up Atlas and it should be there, ready for you to use. If not go through the steps and see if there's something missing, maybe you spelled the filename differently in the XML compared to the actual file etc.1 point
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I don't think a very widespread female unit is correct historically. But I see three possibilities that are more or less credible: A call to arms function to give weapons to female workers. A female priest with aura both for healing and fighting bonus. A female East Germanic champion inspired by Aestii and Przeworsk burials, giving fighting bonus.1 point