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  1. Sorry to be a snitch/not sorry, but there is a limit to things. I ignore this type of unprovoked bigotry and racism in the vast majority of cases. But it's a bit different if it's deemed acceptable for a regular visitor of the Multiplayer Lobby to use the crowded lobby to espouse overt religious extremism, spamming out any normal discussion people might be having, and then out of the blue turns it into a heavy racial rant as well. Read pesem's messages. There's a limit... I want to clarify very clearly that this is only a small part of a much larger rant that went on for a while. It wasn't provoked either. He just joined the lobby and started ranting about how only Jesus can save us. I guess he saw me online, and decided to go all anti-African... What kind of Christianity is that? I had one previous encounter with him, the time before last, when he was ranting even longer about Jesus, and that women in tight dresses were the devil trying to tempt us and blablabla... I asked him if he always does that in the lobby and the ranting became even worse. @Hannibal_Barca eventually muted him this time because he launched personal attacks. But here's my second problem. I originally asked if there were moderators online and @user1 responded. I asked him to ban the account based on the considerable rant he could read for himself, but he just ignored me and left again. The racist ranting continued unabated, and I notified user1 again, and told him that kids play this game. His astonishing answer was that you needed to be at least 13 years old to play, and promptly left again, further ignoring me. The racist ranting continued. So what is he saying? 13 year olds aren't kids? Hardcore racism is perfectly fine in the lobby? I should stop bothering him? How long has this nonsense been going on? Kids play this game... Africans play this game... Other non-supremacists play this game... I don't know if Pesem is a schizophrenic mad man or if he's just a super troll. I honestly don't care. This behaviour should never be tolerated, and I feel embarrassed to have to make a post about this. I'm disappointed that such behaviour is deemed acceptable, and expect this to end. Religious extremism, racism and sexism have no place in a multiplayer lobby where people get banned/muted for way less. I have to deal with Christian extremist neighbours in real life, and faced more racism (actual violence) than anyone should have to in their life. I'm going to throw one hell of a tantrum if I have to tolerate it in the lobby as well. I go there to relax. Not to find out that in fact, I'm a soulless monkey created by satan.
    8 points
  2. Small simple mod which enables stables as living space for animals. So now you cannot just build one stables and spam cavalry, at the start you have 5 free place for horses and every Stable adds space for 10 more. Limited units to buildings: cavalry and elephants @nani Life space.zip
    4 points
  3. gave it a little resize and edited the texture a bit
    4 points
  4. For these cases a shadow mute is the best option, makes the troll believe people are reading it and because he can't really know if he is being shadow muted he finally gets tired himself.
    3 points
  5. There you go. Maps included: Skirmish: Italian Peninsula (6) - @Bigtiger Country Side (2) - @Bigtiger City VS City (2) - @Imperator Ferrum Princeps I Jungle Valley (2) - @Bigtiger Coastline (2) - @Bigtiger Lesvos Castle (2) - @Bigtiger The Duel (2) - @Bigtiger Battle of Vikingland - @woodpecker Fahrenheit (8) - @phoenixdesk Euboea Harvest (4) - @Bigtiger Alpine Rivers - @z4k Random: dune - @nani fert - @nani fert_mountain - @nani grand_canyon - @nani plague_swamp - @nani riverway - @nani test - @nani test2 - @nani forest_nothing - coworotel Scenarios: Paradise valley - @Nevar Olimpus 4 - @Juli51 First Battle of Numantia - @Lankusnav Siege of Numantia - @Lankusnav Brigantium (2) - @Lankusnav invasion_of_britain_by_KzoneDD - @KzoneDD At World's End - @shieldwolf23 FirthandFourth - @AgamemnonPhlemnon If your map is included but you want me to remove it, please contact me here or by private message. If you want to submit a map to be included, let me know. community_maps.zip
    3 points
  6. I'll try to be short and so not comprehensive. I open a related topic: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/25504-special-units-and-so-on/ 1) Special structures in "normal game" A long time ago it was designed to have generic buildings but also civ specific special buildings. It's still present in design docs, fe: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Athenians#SPECIALSTRUCTURES. I have nothing to add from the gameplay or the art point of view. (From templates organization point of view, it's not always clear: they first inherited from the structure_special templates, then it went in all directions.) 2) Special structures already placed (in all or in some maps) Then came other such buildings. One example is "stoa" https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/8341/ It seems the first intention was to put it in some scenario maps or perhaps all maps. See those beautiful screenshots https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13519-arcadia-ii/&do=findComment&comment=210809 There was the longhouse in the same spirit https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12669-simulation-progress/page/14/&tab=comments#comment-211206 There were other ideas the same spirit https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14955-the-alpha-7-preview-thread/&tab=comments#comment-222741 If I am not wrong, in the DE mod there was farther exploration of those ideas. (From templates organization point of view, I always wondered where those buildings should take place and how they should fit in inheritance tree.) 3) Mismatch and so on At a point where there were nothing really new, wfg moved some of those "atlas only" buildings to builder list. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/20289-atlas-only-structures/&tab=comments#comment-311954 and commited in https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/18024 I won't comment history. It was a choice at a specific point in time. 4) Questions Stoa: there are still two stoa templates in the game. The one buildable by all civ in the game is called "royal stoa" which seems not accurate. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21570-royal-stoa/&tab=comments#comment-325182 Moreover it is used on a military purpose. Shouldn't it be use as a civic or economic purpose? [...] -- Let's talk now.
    2 points
  7. Hell, have a chat bot specifically for this that will randomly reply to these shadow muted people, further perpetuating the illusion. lol
    2 points
  8. Did you test the map in MP? g_InsectEntities sounds like it would trigger an OOS on rejoin, and should become a property of the Trigger prototype (thus serialized and deserialized). I will try the map eventually. Mods for mod.io are only reviewed for security concerns, which is not much to review for maps, since they have very limited JS Interfaces. Simulation/AI/rmgen context doesn't have much access, GUI does have much, much, much, much, much more access.
    2 points
  9. I recall that the "Ring" map looked quite interesting. It wasn't actively rejected, but it was just not continued. It looked a bit like the Gear map without water. I guess the radially symmetrical terrain is a bit odd. New maps are a good cause, I got so fed up playing the same 70 random maps again and again (many players only play one map, for years, 5 times per day, really weird). So thanks for that package.
    2 points
  10. Agree that merely the messages on the screen warrant a mute or suspension already. Last time I checked, pesem was using a smurf account, so it seems there was some moderation success at least.
    2 points
  11. Any kind of form of opression to humans beings shouldn't be tolerated.
    2 points
  12. ay that can work for the smallest ones. It'd be good to have a few sprawling ones too so we can get a full range of flora here's to get a bit of perspective on how textures behave in the engine, and what normal edit does to bushes lol
    2 points
  13. The question "what is planned for the AI at this point?" has many answers. Preconditions to a social commonground with the Fork guys is absence of name-calling, belittling, accusations that we want to purposefully destroy the project, or even coercion with legal means. Anyones motivation here is 0 A.D., we don't have to like each other in order to work on the project, but we need to be constructive. The other answer to that question is that there is no special answer to the AI but the general coding principles apply. If someone changes a simulation component, they must make sure that they don't break something in the implications of the patch, and thus also check for the AI. There is currently no reason to drop Petra AI because it wasn't bugged further, and because the Fork Petra AI most likely is incompatible. If there is someone new who wants to continue working on Petra or create a new AI without hardcoded templates, they can do so just like they could do before. That reviews are a problem is not new, but new developers who show that they actually know better than the current developers typically receive commit access.
    2 points
  14. Unless the opponent dances with 10 unit. Though I agree that might reduce the problem already to the point where people don't collectively push each other into using this thing. Notice that even if we'd nuke or restrict patroling, players can script such things (at least Lefo scripted his base building commands already). Another issue is that the likelihood to strike a unit is reduced with the distance to the unit. Mostly I wonder whether the trajectory code itself doesn't offer a nearby solution. We only need a consensus amongst coders, not everyone. If the problem is gone either way, the topic will be gone. If the problem only morphed into another problem, we have something new to talk about the alpha following that
    2 points
  15. Hello, these are my first attempts with blender and gimp, thank you very much to all who contribute to 0ad and mainly to the latest videos of lordgood and stanislas. It would be cool if you have a parde of the forum dedicated only with videos like these fans willing to venture to start the mod (Do not need mega videos elaborated the "see and do it yourself" works and does not overload the artists that dedicate themselves to the 0AD). Obs: I know you have the guide and tutorials, but for total nuubs like me videos help a lot.
    2 points
  16. Hello, 0 A.D. community! I'm a Technical Consulting Engineer at Intel Corporation, and I need your help. In short, I'm reaching out to you in the hopes of finding 1-3 developers familiar with the 0 A.D. code base to work with me on optimizing your game using Intel's software analysis tools, specifically Intel® VTune™ Amplifier. While I won't be contributing any patches personally, and do not intend to be a long term developer, you are more than welcome to keep and submit any optimizations we make as part of this project, free of charge. In particular I'm interested in optimizing the functions BlendBoneMatrices, Render, and possibly also SkinPoint. A little bit of background for you. Intel® VTune™ Amplifier is a sampling-based analysis tool used to measure performance and locate/diagnose bottlenecks in code. Unfortunately, Intel has a bit of a deficiency in documentation for using this tool on graphical applications like video games (a problem in and of itself already), which in turn leads to the additional problem of a lack of familiarity with this use case in the employees tasked with supporting the product. Currently I am attempting to remedy the second problem by creating an Intel internal training demo for using Intel® VTune™ Amplifier on video games. In theory it should be simple: find a suitable game, run the analyzer, optimize appropriately, show off the results. After some searching around I settled on 0 A.D. as a good candidate for this purpose, and I've been collecting plenty of data on it (it's also a great excuse to play a really fun RTS at work ). I've been able to identify some bottlenecks worth investigation and I've diagnosed the causes to varying degrees. But this game is a... very big project, and that's where I got stuck. I'm brand new to this code base and while I know (or at least suspect) what needs to be fixed, I don't know how to do it. This is where you come in. With your assistance, I hope to understand how to implement these optimizations, since you know the code much better than I do. Again, you're perfectly welcome to keep whatever optimizations we come up with. While the current goal is to create an internal training demo, ideally I hope to create official public documentation on the Intel Developer Zone website as well, such as a tutorial or video, using 0 A.D. as the example application. Assuming Legal gives me the go-ahead after reviewing the game's licensing conditions, I would be more than happy to give you credit for your assistance (should you request it) in this context as well. Please let me know if you're interested in assisting. I would be happy to provide more detailed information about the bottlenecks I've identified, as well as access to Intel® VTune™ Amplifier, my analysis result files, and the 0 A.D. save file I've been testing on. *I'd like to make it clear that I am acting here as an individual employee of Intel Corporation pursuing a work-related task, but I should certainly not be taken as an official representative of the company as a whole. I am "Alex from Intel", not just "Intel"!
    1 point
  17. In the interest of making environments a lot more engaging, I would like to propose giving certain trees and shrubs auras, slowdown, armor, damage and the like. Low thorny acacias and other brambly shrubs can be given both an HP drain and a slowdown aura, which makes clearing or avoidance a priority and tactically noteworthy. Wide trees can give a small bonus pierce armor to the edge of their canopy, thick reeds can slow troops as well. Thoughts?
    1 point
  18. I find both these extreme posts and the very concept of shadowbans abhorrent. If these bans are included in moderator arsenals they should not be used lightly.
    1 point
  19. Yeah that one was still in progress (and still is)
    1 point
  20. Your new map would make a great addition pity we only have images of it
    1 point
  21. As smiley mentioned, the map would require rewrite since a lot of things changed in the last 3 years in that code.
    1 point
  22. I've had this sort of thing a number of times before, but I really can't be bothered to report it. It's not worth it and it's really not much of a problem, normally. But this guy... Jeez... We now have downloads from almost every African country. Imagine opening the MP lobby for the first time, only to find Pesem's ranting... Oh, and he hates muslims too, but I guess that was a given...
    1 point
  23. This is map is from @Hannibal_Barca and @(-_-) Those are tests ...
    1 point
  24. @Itms How about making a 0ad community mod entry for 0ad in mod.io (0adcommunitymaps.mod.io)? Instead of mods would be a zip with all the map data, the problem would be security concerns and review time (or none if is made as unofficial supported). All maps would go to the same 0ad_communit_mods folder mod, of course would need some support from 0ad for compatibility reasons.
    1 point
  25. English (UK). But thank you for all of your help, I have solved it. It is because of font error of Chinese Taiwan mod I've enabled. After I removed the mod, things became completely normal again
    1 point
  26. Something like this? The smallest acacia variant, 36 tris: Small Acacia bush.dae I tried adding some thorns with mixed results:
    1 point
  27. 0abc updated again, various improvements and corrections.
    1 point
  28. The procedure I described would only apply the attacks make automatically (like what happens when you press halt hotkey in the middle of a battle with your units selected), you can still focus on a specific unit by selecting your units and sending an order to attack that specific enemy unit. Your suggesting would work too and maybe would even be more realistic of real battle situations :D
    1 point
  29. 468-524 clumps 108-148 singles
    1 point
  30. Directional attack damage does not need battalions strictly. This mod has it https://0ad.mod.io/balancing-mod.
    1 point
  31. I have a better idea. Much fair and more easy to implement too. Set a default maximum number units that will automatically attack at the same enemy unit. It would go as follows: Default_max: 5 1. Search closest enemy unit to attack 2. Attack that enemy unit if currently is being attacked by less than Default_max of your own units 3. Othewise and if there are more enemy units repeat steps 1 and 2 for the next closest enemy unit. 4 if all enemy units have Default_max of your own units attacking them then turn to the current standard proximity attack. This should apply to only ranged units. Another option would be to make an "area" attack, much as the current free hand possition works currently. The points where the units would go in with the free hand option would serve as the proximity points to attack units (again only for ranged units)
    1 point
  32. Units Designs: Shield classification as I suggest: I tried to maximize the differences between the both factions and to keep in mind that different role units should be visually different. I suggest some exclusive shapes and arts for each factions to emphasize this. Art pattern could be limited to specific shapes to avoid trouble in the shield texture collision with the edges and the shield boss. We could also make specific art pattern for some units to emphasize the visual differences between them. Although, there is already a lot of work on this aspect and this is maybe unnecessary. By the way, I extracted the pattern of this Gallic shield found on the web: We can still add exclusive patterns and textures for each factions. I think there is enough texture for them in common.
    1 point
  33. Generally people appreciate if their shooters have some accuracy; but as said above: So the question now seems to be to how to exactly implement some randomization, to make it counter dancing effectively while still having the shooters hit satisfactorily in other situations.
    1 point
  34. I have found an idea while reading elexis' post above. Maybe it can be easier to fix. So basically, the hero moves between the shoots and units like archers shoot synchronized at some point. If they shoot randomly it can solve the problem. There won't be blind spots anymore. What do you think?
    1 point
  35. The reports have been noted up to this post. Thank you
    1 point
  36. I've always wanted a heart shaped red "love" button, and a blue thumbs up "like" button, to add some necessary nuance (being able to properly react to LordGood's posts) CC0:
    1 point
  37. On hostrules: There's always some overpowered unit or mechanism that is ruled out by players. Last alpha skirmisher cavalry accuracy was off by 20% or something and it lead to players banning the unit from matches altogether, or resulted in every player being forced to only train cavalry as soon as possible and as much as possible. Another common user-specified matchrule is to prohibit wonders (because they allow each player +50 pop and that can lead to significant additional lag when playing with 8.). Also every player has a different understanding of what they consider toxic chatting, or when they chose to hand out bans. If that's put into some field that needs to be accepted like the other gamesettings, the player at least cannot start the game unless having formally agreed to the hosts rules. On dancing: Since it was in doubt what dancing is, I would define it as every command where the player moves units not to relocate the unit but to dodge arrows. (It means the sum of all units move vectors is about zero and covers a very small area.) Hannibal_Barca has demonstrated how far one can take the bug. Practically one can send out a single hero or champion unit and do the dancing, and even if 100 archers shoot at it, there will just be 100 arrows piling up left and right of the unit every second. So to me it appears to be something that can be addressed in the accuracy code. By chance some of the arrows are expected to hit. On the other side, just reducing the accuracy to accomplish that might make the unit ineffective. So I suppose it needs a good idea how to change the projectile trajectory model without changing how much damage the unit practically delivers. Given that one can with slightly more effort than using the patrol feature trigger the 'trajectory bug' using manual moves, changing the patrol feature just covers up the symptom. If a player patrols in place, they should be an easy target for the attacker in theory.
    1 point
  38. alright that's enough for one day
    1 point
  39. There is nothing to be learned, you just need to move the unit from side to side, requires no skill.
    1 point
  40. OMG, you're so dramatic! I think the most important thing is to: And whatever you think you can do towards improving the development of 0AD yourself, whatever your skill, The more work we do individually (and share it of course), the more other people will feel inspired to do more work themselves, regardless of the department. 0AD has been under development for so long. Even if we need to wait a year for a new AI developer to come along, I'll still be here! And my personal skills will have improved as well... Because one department has ground to a standstill, doesn't mean that every other department does too, nor does it mean that it's a permanent issue. There are so many things that took years to fix... I'm not too worried about the future of the game. Even though I recognize that there is a crisis of sorts, there's always a crisis of sorts... It's the way of the world. The thing is... 0AD has never been more popular, more stable, more fun and more beautiful than it is today! It has blossomed into one of the greatest games in it's genre, and something tells me we're just getting started 2012? 2018! The trajectory suggests greatness. Have faith my brother!
    1 point
  41. Something like this? @stanislas69 Oh My god! like 30 minutes to try upload this images, seriously ? my internet is getting better
    1 point
  42. I've worked on an OpenGL4 renderer that uses more modern features like instancing and bindless textures in 2016. My conclusion was also that the renderer is a bottleneck and it's mainly memory bound. I've even tried Intel VTune Amplifier, but switched back to Perf later. By changing how we pass data to our shaders and reducing the number of draw calls, I was able to reduce that overhead by a lot. Unfortunately my work never got beyond the experimental stage. I've written a small blog in the staff forums. I've copied the two most recent post here, if you're interested (still from 2016). The code from the experimental OGL 4 branch is still around on github: https://github.com/Yves-G/0ad/tree/OGL4 Post10: January – Profiling, profiling and ... profiling: Post 11: 10th of July - Bindless textures and instancing:
    1 point
  43. Update of map post alpha 23 (version 1.0.7 in the download section) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone! I wanted to share my first 0 A.D. map - well, rather a preliminary version - with you. I was inspired by the map of Assassins Creed Origins which just crammed everything Egypt into a single place, often disregarding realism in favor of aesthetics and gameplay, which I did as well. I did for example borrow the idea of moving Cyrene, which is around 700km to the west into Alexandrias vicinity in order to add some Mediterranean environment. A further reason for me to pick that setting was that it allows me to have a lot of different cultures on the map. The upper Nile area is dominated by ptolemaic retro-egypt buildings, whereas the city of Alexandria is dominated by hellenic influences. Cyrene gave me an excuse for adding the Romans with some greek buildings, while I put the Persians, who were admittedly not really present at that same time, in the east. For purely aesthetic reasons I let Carthage occupy the Siwa oasis, and the Red Sea became a tourist destination for Mauryan coral reef divers. Map variants First of all, please take note, that this is not a final product, not even close. The map already includes most of the geological features and special locations I intended to add, but there are many areas that severely lack in detail, which is quite ok for sand deserts, but looks odd in places like coasts, riverbanks and rocky deserts. Blocking the map is also an issue, mainly because it feels strange, when the AI builds farms in the middle of the desert. The greatest thing that needs to be taken care of is balancing. Basic properties Type: skirmish Map size: giant Players: 6 Game version: alpha 23 (re-release) Right now (8.2.2018) I will only publish a 1 vs. 1 map. This has the benefit of being at least a little easier to balance out. I will provide A regular day version And a full-moon night version, because it looks just darn beautiful. I really love what you can do with the lighting and ambient conditions ... Update march 2018: A 3 vs. 3 map variant is now available and several small fixes regarding terrain, blockings and balancing have been made. On the long term I will try to release two varieties of the map regarding gameplay An all-in map: This one is outfitted with full grown cities and you will start with huge amounts of resources and a sizable army. Don’t try to play this with 7 AI players, as it will probably lag horribly. A stripped down version: Everything, except for the most prominent points of interest (e.g. the library) will be deleted. The difficult thing about this is that I will need to create a mod in order to achieve what I desire: See, if I make these buildings actors, all units will just pass through it, and if I leave them as entities, they will be taken over by the players within a few seconds and this would severely unbalance the game. Thus, I need to create a mod, which has all these buildings in a special version. I will increase those buildings capture points by a huge amount and also make them invulnerable, such that capturing them remains the only option. In some cases I might also try to reduce their functionality. Thanks to all the guys who helped me with useful tips and insights regarding modding. Gameplay In this map I tried to elongate the distance between neighboring players and create straight routes between the distant ones. In order to achieve the first requirement, the rare shallow banks of river Nile, meandering mountain tracks and marauding packs of soldiers prohibit straightforward shifts of large armies. On the other hand far away players can often be reached via wide patches of desert, which act like highways on this map. One major problem was the city of Memphis, which is located almost in the center of the map. I order to provide this city with a slight chance for survival I shaped the eastern and western desert like a bypass circumventing Memphis and relocated the city to the eastern shore of the river Nile, which I made impassable from north to south, while only the western riverbanks remained open. The Mediterranean Sea and the river Nile are navigable, which serves as much better means of transportation than the walk along the river by foot. Every player has wood in close vicinity to the starting point. No player will run out of wood easily. The banks of river Nile are especially rich in palms for obvious reasons. Stone is predominantly located in mountainous regions. Limestone can be found close to the pyramids and there is a rather large granite quarry in the very south. As I wanted the player to travel through the sandy dunes a lot metal can be found on the borders of sandy deserts. If you play the map, please let me know where you found too much resources and where they are missing. Players & Matches (and faction recommendations, mostly for esthetic reasons) Currently (9.3.2018) only the six players are available. Player #1: Alexandria (with greek and ptolemeaic entities) in the center north as Seleucids Player #2: Thebes in the very south as Kush Player #3: Siwa/Charga Oasis in the west as Carthage Player #4: Sinai in the north east as Persia Player #5: Memphis in the center as Ptolemeis Player #6: Cyrene in the north west as Romans Player #7: Red Sea in the east as Mauryan (buildings might be reverted to random later) Player #8: Desert nomads from the south west (random) Note: The AI does not get along with that map too well. It will soon be very crowded and very laggy if you choose a game with too many players. Proper matches would be: 2 players: Lower Egypt (#1 Alexandria) vs. upper Egypt (#2 Thebes) Lower Egypt currently has the edge, due to access to the Nile delta. 3 players: Lower Egypt (#1 Alexandria) vs. upper Egypt (#2 Thebes) vs. Siwa (#3) 4 players: Egypt (#1 and #2) vs invaders (#3 Siwa and #4 Sinai) Slowly approaches being balanced (version 0.19.10) 6 players: Egypt (#1, #2, #5) vs invaders (#3, #4, #6) Slowly approaches being balanced (version 0.20.7) Points of interest (selection) Alexandria: library, harbor, lighthouse Memphis: necropolis, pyramids, Apis sanctuary Fayyum: Crocodile sanctuary, Bahr Yussef channel & dam Thebes: Temple district, valley of kings Western desert: Siwa oasis with fortress, Great sand sea, Quattara depression, guelta Eastern desert: Red Sea coral reefs, mount Sinai, "Suez channel", deep wadi I collapsed some more screenies for you here ... ToDo and Changelog My ToDo-List is growing and shrinking all the time. If you have suggestions, please let me know. Unfortunately I cannot promise you, when or if I will implement them. You know, real life can be unpredictable ;-) Download Download the files and put them into the specific folders for maps and preview images. The paths I will state below are default paths for typical Windows 10 installation but may vary depending on your system and installation path. In case subfolders do not exist yet on your system, simply create them. Map files: Download: Version 0.19.6 (1 vs. 1) Version 0.19.10 (currrent) Version 0.20.7 (for upcoming release alpha23, new route through the red sea for balancing) Version 1.0.7 (30.12.2018, based on published version of 0 A.D. version alpha 23, design enhancments: red sea riffs, more nile river bank vegetation, parapets for persian base, fire places for town centers, small secret garden, other small fixes like missing ground textures, etc.) Path: “C:\users\yourname\documents\my games\0ad\mods\user\maps\skirmishes” When is the good time for deleting older versions from a post? Can I make the XML files all use the same PMP file? I noticed a zipped xml is about 10 times smaller. is the community OK with zip files? Map preview images: Download: Path: “C:\users\yourname\appdata\local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public\art\textures\ui\session\icons\mappreview” In case you are playing this map, please let me know about anything that can be optimized. Thanks a lot in advance. Greetings mimesot
    1 point
  44. Hello 0 A.D. Community I am new here. This is my first map, and I would like to share it. I hope you enjoy it! Description - A four player mesa map. Each player has to fight for control of the middle. Control over this section is crucial to winning the game, as there is only one entrance to each of the four player sections. Feel free to ask any questions! paradise_valley.xml paradise_valley.pmp
    1 point
  45. I have made a new city vs city map with premade large cities and armies using the alpine continent map. It is advised to either have a decent computer or turn graphics down as there will be a lot of units moving around right off the bat. City VS City (2).pmp City VS City (2).xml
    1 point
  46. briefly mentioned in the spartan structure thread, regarding a full art split for the Greeks
    1 point
  47. Just a short guide to improve your network setings. Disable IPv6. (Its famous for a lot of trouble in online gaming) Go to Advanced tab of your Ethernet adapter settings, and disable the following: Interrupt Moderation - clumps packets together and sends them as a batch - the main offender Flow Control - sounds counterintuitive to disable it, but it messes with existing flow control in Windows networking stack Receive Side Scaling - also messes with Windows networking stack [anything goes here] Checksum Offload - supposed to speed up performance by offloading TCP/UDP checksumming to hardware; in reality does nothing for an average desktop PC except interfere with Windows networking stack UDP Is more important, because 0AD is using the UPD protocoll! Thats what u can do on your Desktop ----------------------------- If you want to go more forward, you can optimize your Routers config too. Search in the config for something like QoS, Filters, Portforwarding etc. In most routers, you can prioritize network traffic. Just watch out and give realtime priority to the UDP protocoll and bind it to the 0ad port 20595. ----------------------------- Want more? If your PC have a lot of RAM you are lucky. Try to set up a RAM-Drive and put a Copy of your 0ad into it and run it from there
    1 point
  48. Thanks for this tutorial, I never considered most of these settings The wireless folks (wifi / 3g dongle) are known in particular for lagging, usually a problem of signal strength. Moving the router and antenna close to each other, buying a bigger antenna or constructing a reflector with tin-foil can would help a lot.
    1 point
  49. Sorry, forgot about the WiFi guys Try to use the freeware "WLAN Optimizer". This disables the periodical background scan and helps to improve your latency WLAN Optimizer
    1 point
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