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0 A.D. Friendly Tournament Series


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On 09/10/2022 at 2:13 PM, Feldfeld said:

It's an idea, but I wanted the tournament to run quickly. With this amount of players, and 3 rounds, losing one match means not winning the tournament, much like with bracket system but with perhaps a smaller appeal. But it's true it means more matches for players, and more balanced the longer into the tournament

I'll keep it in my backlog.


We need at least 2 more players to make at least a silver mini-bracket!

it would require the same number of rounds as that of a knockout tournament.

But yes no clear benefit if only 8 players.

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Unfortunately, not all matches have been played this week. I find it unlikely the match between Dakara and Stockfish will be played even with a deadline extension.

Since Dakara showed more activity on the forum and the lobby, I will give him the win by forfeit.

Thus we can start the 2nd round (semifinals) this week! The deadline is at Sunday 23, 23:59 UTC. The matches are:

ValihrAnt (2322) vs Dakara (1772)
Feldfeld (2169) vs Edwarf (1861)


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Spectators shouldn't be allowed in tournament matches, and I think they also shouldn't be allowed in rated 1v1s. At a minimum there is a big risk of "ghosting", ie. sharing information with a player that shouldn't be shared. At a maximum there is a risk of disruption of the game through network attack (DoS or DDoS) in order to benefit a certain player.

Unlike with gladiator arenas of ancient Rome, you can be a spectator afterward by watching the replays.

Edited by Norse_Harold
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1 hour ago, Player of 0AD said:

What about announcing the dates of the matches here, so spectators can join?


1 hour ago, Norse_Harold said:

Spectators shouldn't be allowed in tournament matches, and I think they also shouldn't be allowed in rated 1v1s. At a minimum there is a big risk of "ghosting", ie. sharing information with a player that shouldn't be shared. At a maximum there is a risk of disruption of the game through network attack (DoS or DDoS) in order to benefit a certain player.

Unlike with gladiator arenas of ancient Rome, you can be a spectator afterward by watching the replays.

You both have good points.

For the DDOS situation, I don't want to elaborate too much to give any ideas but I don't think announcing the game beforehand would change much.

For cheating by sharing information, this is of course something that should be taken seriously. Many of the benefits obtained through this kind of cheating could also be from another kind of cheating, that doesn't require a third party, but is difficult to perform.

If we compare with big chess websites, games are public and nothing prevent a player to give advices to another I guess, also if not abused, and if done properly, cheating with engines is possible without being detected.

Of course it's not exactly the same situation but the point being, if someone is motivated enough he will find a way I guess, so is it worth it to trade off the community benefits a live tournament game could bring for less convenience for the potential cheater? That's a good question and if players have concerns they can write in this thread or message me. Personally I would still prefer to go for live games. For comparison, AoE2 streams games with a delay, so pure live games is an impossibility, but the stakes are much larger there (and they have more programmatic capabilities, also being closed source is an advantage to this regard it looks like).


If even one tournament game gets DDOSed, it will be detected and there will be a clear precedent. So measures could be taken at that moment. It is much easier to avoid DDOS from these 1v1s than from the regular TGs.

We cannot say the same of cheating which could be very hard to detect.

I will note again that the competitive aspect was not the first objective of this tournament, but well it's still a tournament.

As things stand, I will give players freedom over if they want to announce it, personally I will ask my opponents if they want to. Matches that get played on-the-fly in lobby without getting scheduled of course can't be announced :)

Edited by Feldfeld
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41 minutes ago, Old Roman said:

The Feldfeld vs Edwarf zip appears to be missing the .json file

Aha! just put commands file into a new folder!


I didn't put the .json file because it spoils the duration of the game, also I didn't close the game immediately after it's over so the summary would not be representative.

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Congratulations to



for winning the first edition of the Friendly Tournament Series! You can find the brackets, with all results and standings here: https://challonge.com/l9vi81d9

I will announce in the next post the second edition. Let's try to have this a regular event in the 0 A.D. multiplayer community!

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The registration for 0 A.D. Friendly Tournament Series 2 are now open! The deadline for registration is Sunday 6 November 21:00 UTC, and shortly after the first round will be announced.

The rules for the games are the same as the first edition, with a small change that if both players agree they can pick a biome (but if one player doesn't want then it's random biome).

It will still have a weekly format. However, if we have 8 players registered in the tournament then we will do a bracket format (like in the first edition), with matches being BO3. If we have more than 8 players however, then we will do a swiss format! (BO1)

Simply write a message in the thread in order to register!


Registered players (14):

@Feldfeld@MarcusAureliu#s@alre@BeTe@ValihrAnt@rm -rf@Philip the Swaggerless@Dakara@LetswaveaBook@seeh@borg-@chocapoca@Edwarf@Player of 0AD

Edited by Feldfeld
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1 hour ago, Feldfeld said:

The registration for 0 A.D. Friendly Tournament Series 2 are now open! The deadline for registration is Sunday 6 November 21:00 UTC, and shortly after the first round will be announced.

The rules for the games are the same as the first edition, with a small change that if both players agree they can pick a biome (but if one player doesn't want then it's random biome).

It will still have a weekly format. However, if we have 8 players registered in the tournament then we will do a bracket format (like in the first edition), with matches being BO3. If we have more than 8 players however, then we will do a swiss format!

Simply write a message in the thread in order to register!


Registered players (1):


Eae, I register myself hereby

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Do not hesitate to mention the tournament in lobby!

44 minutes ago, alre said:

btw, this tourney was organized with the intent of advertising the community mod, we could make the next edition start when the next version of the mod is out. 

That was the initial goal but it ended up being adopted without really needing the help of the tournament.

Now my goal is more to have a regular tournament event for 0AD as it is not easy to organize these.

It will still be useful to test the new balance of the mod but I don't think it is worth it to wait for mod releases.

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8 hours ago, Feldfeld said:

The registration for 0 A.D. Friendly Tournament Series 2 are now open! The deadline for registration is Sunday 6 November 21:00 UTC, and shortly after the first round will be announced.

The rules for the games are the same as the first edition, with a small change that if both players agree they can pick a biome (but if one player doesn't want then it's random biome).

It will still have a weekly format. However, if we have 8 players registered in the tournament then we will do a bracket format (like in the first edition), with matches being BO3. If we have more than 8 players however, then we will do a swiss format! (BO1)

Simply write a message in the thread in order to register!


Registered players (5):


I would play the swiss format.

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