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Alpha 26 Feedback


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2 hours ago, Player of 0AD said:

By the way, the bug might have already existed in A25 but I forgot to report it back then.

Formations were quite broken before already, but are more so now, and they are just as useless.

1 hour ago, Player of 0AD said:

I think that its a pointless restriction to forbid cavalry to be garrisoned in barracks. Barracks were very helpful because you could easily garrison a lot of cavalry in them so they gained experience. Whats the point of forbidding cav to be garrisoned?

wait, are you sure you could garrison cav in barracks before?!? I always kept it in the stables!

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6 hours ago, Player of 0AD said:

Another bug is the behaviour of soldier formations which you stop with the "halt" command (h)  - some of these soldiers ignore hostile soldiers and try to capture buildings, and some randomly try to attack soldiers which are far away, rather than attacking close enemies.

I saw a game with athens and I feared for iphicrates, but I couldn't obeserve the bug. maybe if you don't halt it works well? 

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37 minutes ago, alre said:

I saw a game with athens and I feared for iphicrates, but I couldn't obeserve the bug. maybe if you don't halt it works well? 

Maybe it works well if you right click on a soldier (which will be killed by the formation, which searches new targets then) - but thats not really the best way to control a formation. The H key is very common. The attack move is also bugged for formations.

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Hello guys. I did a clean install of the latest version of 0 a.d. My computer is a Samsung Flash F30 Notebook, running Windows 11 in its latest version. The game starts perfectly, but when advancing and clicking "Start game", the game crashes. Apparently, there is some file protection system and/or access to Windows folders that prevents the game from proceeding. See the message I get after trying to start a game.


Function call failed: return value was -100010 (Logic error in code)
Location: wdbg_sym.cpp:987 (dump_sym_base_type)

Call stack:

While generating an error report, we encountered a second problem. Please be sure to report both this and the subsequent error messages.
errno = 13 (Insufficient access rights to open file)
OS error = 0 (no error code was set)

How to solve this?

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6 hours ago, Sturm said:

Hello guys. I did a clean install of the latest version of 0 a.d. My computer is a Samsung Flash F30 Notebook, running Windows 11 in its latest version. The game starts perfectly, but when advancing and clicking "Start game", the game crashes. Apparently, there is some file protection system and/or access to Windows folders that prevents the game from proceeding. See the message I get after trying to start a game.


Function call failed: return value was -100010 (Logic error in code)
Location: wdbg_sym.cpp:987 (dump_sym_base_type)

Call stack:

While generating an error report, we encountered a second problem. Please be sure to report both this and the subsequent error messages.
errno = 13 (Insufficient access rights to open file)
OS error = 0 (no error code was set)

How to solve this?

Hey Sturm can you upload the crashlog.dmp crashlog.txt, interestinglog html, and userreport_hwdetect.txt ? Are you running any mods ?

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On 27/09/2022 at 10:31 PM, Sennacherib said:

sorry it is in french. you can see at 19 min, the different gallic warriors, the guy with the basic shield would be a better addition to the game to replace the current naked dude with a cape.


Ouais du coup ce sont les troupes des Teuta Arverni et des Drungo. Deux groupes de reconstituteurs que je connais.

Les références ne manquent pas sur le forum pour habiller les Celtes. C'est plutôt qu'ici la décision se trouve surtout chez celui qui fait.

À la base, seuls les fanatiques devaient être nus. Je ne sais pas comment les modifications ont été planifiées et décidées. Là, il y a plus de concept ni de ligne directrice, les combattants sont à poil en gagnant de l'expérience... c'est super.

Enfin bref. À ce stade, je m'en fous. Il a fallu deux ans pour mettre un fourreau en fer à droite au lieu d'un fourreau en bois à gauche. Dans cinq ans, ils récupéreront leurs vêtements.


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4 hours ago, Genava55 said:

Ouais du coup ce sont les troupes des Teuta Arverni et des Drungo. Deux groupes de reconstituteurs que je connais.

Les références ne manquent pas sur le forum pour habiller les Celtes. C'est plutôt qu'ici la décision se trouve surtout chez celui qui fait.

À la base, seuls les fanatiques devaient être nus. Je ne sais pas comment les modifications ont été planifiées et décidées. Là, il y a plus de concept ni de ligne directrice, les combattants sont à poil en gagnant de l'expérience... c'est super.

Enfin bref. À ce stade, je m'en fous. Il a fallu deux ans pour mettre un fourreau en fer à droite au lieu d'un fourreau en bois à gauche. Dans cinq ans, ils récupéreront leurs vêtements.


I've fixed this locally and will commit once commit freeze is lifted.

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23 hours ago, Player of 0AD said:

Maybe it works well if you right click on a soldier (which will be killed by the formation, which searches new targets then) - but thats not really the best way to control a formation. The H key is very common. The attack move is also bugged for formations.

Little off topic, but with the known (and long-standing) problems with formations, it probably makes sense to just change the hero bonus to a range like all the other proximity based bonuses 

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14 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

Little off topic, but with the known (and long-standing) problems with formations, it probably makes sense to just change the hero bonus to a range like all the other proximity based bonuses 

I think that's at least a decent Plan B: either formations get sorted out for the next release or those formation heroes get their buff changed.

Sometimes there is no hero I'm interested in; naval or formation bonuses and I wont use neither...

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1 hour ago, Gurken Khan said:

I think that's at least a decent Plan B: either formations get sorted out for the next release or those formation heroes get their buff changed.

Sometimes there is no hero I'm interested in; naval or formation bonuses and I wont use neither.

you should always have a hero. They’re stronger than normal unit and don’t count against pop limits. 

Separately, I think heroes should all be radius based. Formations apply to a potentially unlimited number of units while at the same time being potentially under inclusive of units walking directly through a “formation.” They require players to engage in an annoying “tap formation” button mashing in order to derive the hero benefit. 

formations should be good on their own, and not good because of something else. 

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16 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

Set an exception for pyrogenesis.exe and/or your whole 0ad folder in Windows Defender or any antivir you might be using?

Thank you for the tip. You were right. Controlled Folder Access in Windows Security examines applications that can make changes to files in protected folders. Occasionally, an app that is safe to use will be identified as harmful. This is because Microsoft wants to maintain its security and sometimes overdo it with caution. However, this can interfere with the way you normally use your computer. You can add an app to the list of safe or allowed apps to prevent it from being blocked. I set the "folder cotroller" off and now everything works fine. :) 

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1 hour ago, Gurken Khan said:

Yeah, and I do. But for example my last game was with Athenians and they have a naval guy, a builder guy and a formation guy. Pfffft

Yeah, heroes are super imbalanced across civs. Some civs have 3 great heroes. Some civs none. 

with that said, formation hero is the best in game if used correctly. 

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Yesterday evening I had an unfocused match on River Archipelago against five Petras. Player 6 (AI 5, Alara, Kushites) never managed to transfer units by boat, causing AI error messages when attempting to start several massive crusades. Other competitors managed to do so (and I was happy they at least did).

Player 2 and 5 where both chosen to be Iberian and had no walls between the turrets around their centres. Is it possible to deactivate prebuild walls and turrets on this map-or on this map size of the map. The turrets of player two stood partially in water-dunno if this is intended to be allowed.

These are no crucial bug reports and I don't know if those are Alpha 26 specific

commands.txt metadata.json

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Some of the Roman soldiers, namely the elite hastati/principes, advanced/elite triarii, extraordinarii, Atlas-only infantry heroes, murmillones, and Marian legionnaires/centurions assuming testudo have clipping issues with their crested/plumed helmets and scuta for the testudo_top. Triarii have the same for spears for testudo_front_left and anti_cavalry_front; anti_cavalry_back has them suffer the same with their left hands. Han spearmen, despite being overlooked after commit freeze, seems to have no problem because of the hand-handle inconsistency.

On 27/09/2022 at 1:07 PM, Sennacherib said:

In O.a.d, there is the adretos, the marcaros, who start  naked and the briton marcaros loses his pant when his level increases. Only the fanatic should be totally naked.

How about this for consistency: the elite mercenary Gallic infantry swordsmen for both Carthage and Egypt can have a 1/10 (or less, like 1/13) chance the same thing. Of course, without affecting the armor statistics.

On 28/09/2022 at 11:01 AM, AIEND said:

Until the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was only one Buddhist temple in China, the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, and the appearance of the pagoda in the game was close to the style of the Song Dynasty. , this is wrong, please remove this building.

To make matters worse, the White Horse Temple was built after 1 BC, off the timeframe of this game. Can be a potential part 2 prop though.

Edited by Carltonus
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一些罗马士兵,即精英的青年兵/壮年兵、高级/精英罗马成年兵,extraordinarii,Atlas仅兵的英雄,和圣母玛丽亚的退伍军人/百夫长假定保护物有剪裁问题与他们的冠/羽毛头盔和scuta的testudo_top. 罗马成年兵有相同的矛对testudo_front_left和anti_cavalry_front;anti_cavalry_back有他们遭受同样与他们的左手。 汉枪兵,尽管被忽视之后提交冻结,似乎没有问题,因为该手处理不一致。

这个怎么样的一致性:精英雇佣高卢步兵剑为迦太基和埃及可以有1/10(或更少,如1月13日)的机会,同样的事情。 当然,在不影响的盔甲的统计数据。

使事情更糟的是,白马寺庙建成后1年,关闭的时间框架的这个游戏。 可能是一个潜在的第2部分支柱。

Some people always think that China is a Buddhist country, but Buddhism flourished in China in the Middle Ages, that is, the Tang Dynasty, and Confucianism dominated during the Han Dynasty, which was not simply a political theory, but with a strong religious color.
In addition, "Wu Wei Yin Cao Cao Guard" refers to a force established by Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms period, which was established in 208 AD, which is also too late.

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@chrstgtr I'm wondering if you notice a difference with ram and ram pathfinding. My hunch is that it should be better in A26 with the improved unit pushing. And overall much, much better than A24 which had no pushing at all.

I'm also curious about unit pushing improvements in a more general sense, how does it feel?

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On 28/09/2022 at 6:57 PM, Player of 0AD said:

Another bug:      Chose a training building or a training ship, ctrl+rightclick on it (this will set the ralley point on itself, so the unit will be directly garrisoned)  and train a unit. No "unit-has-been-trained-sound" appears.


I think that its a pointless restriction to forbid cavalry to be garrisoned in barracks. Barracks were very helpful because you could easily garrison a lot of cavalry in them so they gained experience. Whats the point of forbidding cav to be garrisoned?

This change was called to be a bugfix. I wonder who considered it to be a bug.


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46 minutes ago, LetswaveaBook said:

This change was called to be a bugfix. I wonder who considered it to be a bug.


there are people who forget that not all actions in the game are literal.

The meaning of a cavalry unit garrisoned in a barrack can mean is only the horseman (hypothetically).

but people use logic and say, but the horse shouldn't be able to get in.

It is the problem of only using logic and not imagination.

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@wraitii I was playing with rams today and found that acceleration for them is pretty slow. At one point the ram was pathfinding along the corners of a diagonal row of houses, and for whatever reason it was having to zig zag around them. This meant that the ram was re-accelerating at each 90 degree turn. 

Acceleration for rams is frustrating because rams already have to make bigger turns around objects. I think we should try removing acceleration for them in the community mod.

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