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Alpha 27 release is temporarily halted


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I support this decision.

As for balancing, there is not a whole lot changed, so it shouldn't be too hard. Some things to consider:

  • Check how the ele nerf turned out.
  • consider removing elephant friendly fire.
  • catapults overnerfed? if so, consider adding a small splash radius of 1 or 2 meters.

depending on timing, maybe it would be worthwhile to consider @borg-'s updated sparta patch for a27?

Edited by real_tabasco_sauce
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39 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

I support this decision.

As for balancing, there is not a whole lot changed, so it shouldn't be too hard. Some things to consider:

  • Check how the ele nerf turned out.
  • consider removing elephant friendly fire.
  • catapults overnerfed? if so, consider adding a small splash radius of 1 or 2 meters.

depending on timing, maybe it would be worthwhile to consider @borg-'s updated sparta patch for a27?

shouldn't balancing rather go on with the community mod? A lot of development can be made trough that project. 

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17 minutes ago, alre said:

shouldn't balancing rather go on with the community mod? A lot of development can be made trough that project. 

Releases should still be well balanced. We don't want to divide the community as it is with the current community mod.

balancing stuff can be done in the community mod, why not, but it is more helpful and impactful to try more experimental things in the mod. Basically we can try stuff that will really shake up the meta (and possibly balance) without risking a release being poorly balanced.

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39 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

Releases should still be well balanced. We don't want to divide the community as it is with the current community mod.

balancing stuff can be done in the community mod, why not, but it is more helpful and impactful to try more experimental things in the mod. Basically we can try stuff that will really shake up the meta (and possibly balance) without risking a release being poorly balanced.

you can use different ad-hoc mods for those tests, like valirhant did with territory mod.

and then merge the feature into community mod. 

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1 hour ago, alre said:

you can use different ad-hoc mods for those tests, like valirhant did with territory mod.

and then merge the feature into community mod. 

I can only test things so much by myself. Gameplay impacts of changes take multiple games to assess, so it makes a lot of sense to maintain them in one mod. Just like a community test environment which used to be common in many games.

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So, I've player a27 and it seemed pretty balanced. I'm still new, so...

However, I have three questions. Number one: Should I just hold course and wait for the next community mod to try my new upgrade balancing try.  Second Question: Should the history encyclopedia wait until a28 or should we start merging after we finish Sparta.

Final question. Is there anything else I can do to help?

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1 minute ago, Gurken Khan said:

@ShadowOfHassen I think you should continue with the encyclopedia; a27 will come eventually. I believe.

For your final question: look at the tickets and solve some. ;)

Thanks! I don't know C++ or javascript, but I might look at some tickets after the encyclopedia gets done/ closer to being done.

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If there is time for other balancing related things, would people consider it worthwhile to do a melee/ranged rebalance?

I have a pretty good version already in gitlab: https://gitlab.com/real_tabasco_sauce/0-a-d-community-mod-unit-specific-upgrades/-/compare/main...melee_buff?from_project_id=36954588&straight=false It has been play-tested some, but its hard to conclude much.

I think it would be refreshing to bring the ranged meta to a close.

The only downside would be that we need plenty of willing playtesters, which has been very difficult to get organized on the release candidate.

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Hi folks,

I am only an occasional player on (Arch) Linux;

I was looking for the new release but I run into this topic;

I can't help you with above-mentioned tasks but I can show my support with a donation;

Here are my 5$!

:flex: Long live to 0 A.D. :flex:

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12 hours ago, Mattia said:

I can't help you with above-mentioned tasks

I don't know how any one person can. How to rebalance each unit has to be decided by multiple people, afaik. I'm not really sure of the procedure, anymore, tbh. I think it's done with the Community mod now, but I don't know where the discussion takes place, or how its decided what gets merged and what doesn't. I don't see a link to its GitLab repo on the mod.io page.

Edited by andy5995
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@wraitiiis busy atm, but I have two merges for the community mod ready for a potential 5th community mod. One is a bunch of gameplay commits from a27, designed to make balance testing of the RC easier. The other is my melee/ranged rebalance.

I’d say most balancing stuff is directly in Phabricator along with some discussion here or in PM. These are typically less ambitious changes since it is hard to get much agreement for more ambitious changes. My thoughts are that these more ambitious ideas can be implemented through the community mod for good play testing. I have a few other cool ideas ready for when a27 drops.

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